
Byers Gill Solar

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Showing 426 to 450 of 553 representations, newest first.

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  • julie mann

    I object 100% to the Byers Gill solar development and urge the planning inspectorate to reject this planning application. The proposal for the Byers Gill Solar farm is excessive and a total... Read more

  • Richard Lewis Mann

    I object and totally oppose the Byers Gill solar farm planning application. It's imperative that planning policy be clarified to prevent companies like RWE proposing such destructive projects in rural... Read more

  • Stacey Gowing

    I feel there will be too many solar power generation schemes in a small area. I live in Bishopton village, which is in a conservation area, and if the proposed scheme goes ahead the village will be... Read more

  • Basil Crompton

    My first reaction to the Byres Gill solar farm is why destroy valuable good quality farm land for a project which has not proven to be a viable proposition. All the facts prove it is not as productive... Read more

  • Bishopton Parish Council (Bishopton Parish Council)

    Bishopton Parish Council formally supports the Action Group which opposes the plans to construct the Solar Farm at Byers Gill. It is the considered opinion of Bishopton Parish Council that the scale... Read more

  • Bryan Ford

    This is prime farmland it shouldn’t be used for solar panels it will spoil the landscape

  • Douglas McMann

    The cumulative effect of all the local solar farms amounting to approximately 2620 acres and specifically Byers Gill is 1356 acres of that total. The combined visual effect will without doubt vastly... Read more

  • Jennifer Ford

    As a farmer myself I think to waste valuable high grade farm land on a solar project is unacceptable to all farmers . Solar panels should be a part of all new builds which are already taking away some... Read more

  • Jill Taylor

    I firmly oppose the proposed Byers Gill Solar development, as it poses a significant threat to the daily lives and well-being of residents in Bishopton, Carlton, Redmarshall, Whitton, Stillington,... Read more

  • Leslie Henry Ford

    The use of so much land on the planned project is an outrage .Farmland is slowly being eroded by property companies for their own profits and not for the benefit of the country . Any solar projects... Read more

  • lynda ford

    I think this will be detrimental to the landscape and believe wind farming is less problematic and intrusive, the solar panels decimate areas and don’t produce in winter I believe it’s a way of... Read more

  • Paul Richard Harding

    I strongly object to the proposed development on the basis summarised below: The project will remove valuable arable farming land that is vital to the UK's independence for food supplies Brownfield... Read more

  • Linda Guest on behalf of Rachel Guest (Rachel Guest)

    I strongly object to the Byers Gill Solar Farm Development for the following reasons. 1] To have a cumulative total of 2600 acres of solar panels is far too many in a small rural area. Byers Gill... Read more

  • Rhodri John Lane

    I have a personal interest in a home in a neighborhood effected for proposed development and am concerned with the integrity of the surrounding area. My concerns are: 1. The proposed site lies within... Read more

  • Sarah Louise Lane

    I currently am a beneficiary of a house in the area impacted by these proposals and I have huge concerns about this project. I have listed them below but serious consideration needs to be given to... Read more

  • Tees Valley Combined Authority (Tees Valley Combined Authority)

    Funding has been allocated by the Tees Valley Combined Authority, from the indicative City Regional Sustainable Transport Strategy 2, for the delivery of a Darlington Northern Link Road. The project... Read more

  • Bill Merry

    I register my objection to the proposed Byers Gill Solar development, which threatens to detrimentally affect the daily lives and well-being of residents in Bishopton, Carlton, Redmarshall, Whitton,... Read more

  • BYER-GDPR001

    [REDACTED] . I live nearby and [REDACTED] in the area of Brafferton and walk my dog in some of the fields that will be solar. I am sad to think about animals losing their home and I think the fields... Read more

  • Carly Egglestone

    We do not wish to have our lovely landscape ruined

  • Carol Tunney

    I am really concerned about the size of this development. It is going to be monsterous surrounding our small village which is in a conservation area. It is far to close to the houses and the tiny... Read more

  • Charlie Campbell

    They look horrible, eyesore on a beautiful scenic area of the county

  • Christine Wall

    Understand that progress needs to take place but 11areas is far to excessive in one area. Visual surroundings will be affected How will the land recover after construction How will it effect future... Read more

  • Christopher Jonathan Wells

    I object to this development. The development will destruct the character of the area. There will be a significant loss of valuable agricultural land, wildlife habitats, woods and water ponds. The... Read more

  • David McDonald

    I totally am against this project because we all have an image of England with lush green fields and small villages. But if we allow these developments to go ahead, we're saying goodbye to that... Read more

  • David Mitchell

    There are a number of fundamental issues with this project which the developer has not addressed in their application and cause serious concern to local residents, including myself and my family.... Read more