
A303 Stonehenge

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1501 to 1600 of 2370 representations, newest first.

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  • Phyllis Baker

    Firstly, any work near the site of Stonehenge would seriously interfere with the ambiance of this world heritage site that millions of people come from across the world to visit. Secondly work with... Read more

  • Project Allenby Connaught (Project Allenby Connaught)

    Project Allenby Connaught (PAC) is an MOD PFI with Aspire for the Garrisons on Salisbury Plain (Tidworth, Larkhill, Bulford). The Garrisons electricity supply is taken from the National Grid at... Read more

  • Rebecca Kersten

    Stonehenge is one of the wonders of the world and it is in our country. Do not spoil this amazing architectural wonder, leave it for furture generations to view and experience in all its glory.

  • Rescue, The British Archaeological Trust (Rescue, The British Archaeological Trust)

    Rescue is a non-political organisation dedicated to supporting archaeology. We receive no state support and are entirely dependent on the contributions of our members to support our work. We have been... Read more

  • Rhodri Evans

    Damage has already occurred to Blick Mead site during an exploratory examination. It's only likely that more damage will happen in furthering this tunneling. Surely a dual carriageway alongside the... Read more

  • Richard Hobbs

    Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’

  • Richard Mosley

    I am concerned that this site of national importance is being threatened

  • Richard Sebborn

    A massive flyover yards from my property will devalue it and my quality of life greatly. Also damage to Blick Mead is totally unacceptable.

  • Richard Stainer

    I am extremely concerned about the irreparable harm that will be caused to a unique site, recognised by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. This site, which includes the whole of the surrounding area,... Read more

  • Robert Smith

    I believe the proposed development will irreversibly spoil the sacred nature of Stone Henge. I also believe the UK is at a population and infrastructure saturation point and our relatively small... Read more

  • Rosemary Norton

    The proposals will cause irremediable damage to the archaeological landscape of the Stonehenge WHS and its setting. This landscape has been described by UNESCO as a 'landscape without parallel'. ... Read more

  • Samantha Hamer

    This plan is vexatious as it damages part of a national heritage site and puts our sacred landscape at risk.

  • Sara Brough

    Stonehenge is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and should be protected from the dual carriageway that has been proposed to be built around it. HIGHWAYS ENGLAND SHOULD SCRAP THIS IDEA NOW AND RESPECT OUR... Read more

  • Saskia Kent

    I strongly object to the proposal for the tunnel. I believe it will cause irrepairable harm to this extremely important world heritage site, indeed it has already damaged important archeology with... Read more

  • Simon Appleyard

    Stonehenge is the whole area and it's landscape and environs. Wanton destruction of this should be a criminal act

  • Simon Brough

    Fao Highways England re project A303 STONEHENGE Cancel this scheme immediately and preserve a UNESCO World Heritage Site from traffic pollution and noise. OUR ANCIENT HERITAGE IS AT STAKE

  • Simon Middlecote

    Unacceptable intervention in a world heritage site at odds with advice given by UNESCO

  • Simon Pemberton

    2 public consultations have overwhelmingly rejected the plans for the Stone Henge Highway yet you are pushing it through. At best this is undemocratic with going into any environmental & historical... Read more

  • Steph Windsor

    Damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’ UNESCO’s international advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present form and if it... Read more

  • Stephen Plant

    Not only is the site important for Britain, it is a UNESCO world heritage site and as such should remain as is, the setting is as important as the stones themselves. It is also an important site for... Read more

  • Steve Gore

    I object to the current plans for the tunnel by Stonehenge. There has been inadequate protection given for the site with major archeological loss with the proposal as it stands. Any tunnel must be of... Read more

  • Steve Howe

    As the proposal is so potentially damaging and that damage will be irreversible my main concern is that there is no alternative. Until there is an Alternative to consider which does not endanger rare... Read more

  • Stormie Mills

    I u derstand that this new proposed tunnel will mean that the stones cannot be seen from the road, that “Tunner’s View” sketch of them, part of the UK’s cultural history & mystery will be gone... Read more

  • Stuart Riches

    I've been to sunrise at the henge near summer solstice. It's in our bones. Please do not trash it.

  • Terry Jennings

    The cost is exhorbetent for the return at times of austerity we should not be financing cosmetic projects there will also be detrimental effects on the adjacent areas due to the digging etc and... Read more

  • Tim Beckmann

    This road should not be built around this world heritage site and I am in opposition to it.

  • Tim Finch

    I object to the destructive impact of this road on a site of such historic importance. It will ruin this unique place forever by altering its appearance, driving away rare species of animals and... Read more

  • Tom Watson

    The ‘Stonehenge Tunnel’ project would cause irreparable damage to a World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’. UNESCO’s international... Read more

  • Valerie Taylor

    The proposed plan will cause irreparable damage to this WHS, and therefore UNESCO has stated that it should not be implemented in its present form. The RSPB is concerned about the elimination of the... Read more

  • Vera Proudlove

    I believe this road will cause damage to this amazing world heritage site. We are very lucky to have it and it should be protected for future generations The site will no longer be able to be seen... Read more

  • Victoria Goodison-Barak

    It is fact that the damage caused to ancient monuments by airborn chemicals is at an all time high. We have a duty to conserve this monument. Other options must be found. There is only one Stonehenge... Read more

  • Walter Stephen Macnally

    I have been and continue to be a regular traveller on the A 303. I believe the short tunnel option as covered in the application is not the best solution to the A303 traffic bottle neck. I believe... Read more

  • Wendy Foulger

    I am very concerned that the proposals will adversely affect the archaeology of the World Heritage Site and the surrounding landscape. Likewise I am concerned that the proposals will result in damage... Read more

  • Wesley Jackson

    I think it’s an absolute travesty you plan to destroy such a view with a tunnel that will wreck havoc on what is below the surrounding area it has not been taken into cionsideration. We the people... Read more

  • Alice Chenery

    I object to the damage to the setting, the flora and fauna and the archaeology that will be incurred to the World Heritage Site around Stonehenge by the work on this proposed new road. I object to... Read more

  • Merrett and Co (Merrett and Co) on behalf of Amesbury Abbey Group

    1.IMPACT ON HERITAGE ASSETS Amesbury Abbey is a Grade I listed building, a heritage asset of the highest significance which will be permanently adversely affected by this development. The development... Read more

  • PFA Consulting (PFA Consulting) on behalf of Amesbury Property Company Limited & ClassMaxi Limted (Amesbury Property Company Limited & ClassMaxi Limted)

    This representation is made on behalf of The Amesbury Property Company Limited (APC) and Classmaxi Limited (CML) being owners of land which is to be acquired, or rights over which are to be acquired,... Read more

  • Andrew Latten

    I believe this site is of such significant international importance that the planned "improvements" will cause tragic, irreparable damage.

  • Andrew Varney

    As a regular visitor to Stonehenge, I’m very concerned by the road proposals. It will cause lasting damage to the world heritage site and the archaeology. I note that UNESCO’s international advisers... Read more

  • Anne Telebak

    I believe the plans to build this road will irreparably damage this unique ancient monument stop this madness now.

  • Arthur Jeffes

    I studied Archaeology and Anthropology for my undergraduate degree and specifically the Wiltshire Neolithic with particular focus on Avebury and Stonehenge WHSs. The plans as they stand appear to me... Read more

  • Countryside Solutions (Countryside Solutions) on behalf of Beacon Hill Land Limited (Beacon Hill Land Limited)

    This registration as an interested party is made by Archie Read MRICS, a qualified chartered surveyor, acting for and on behalf of Beacon Hill Land Limited, a Tier One landowner that has received a... Read more

  • Belinda Cox

    I feel the tunnel would destroy valuable archaeology in the direct and surrounding area and would also cost far too much.

  • C A Mould

    I use the 303 to travel to London from my home in devon fairly regularly. I have travelled widely here and abroad . I have worked in construction . The idea of building a tunnel is preposterous . It... Read more

  • Chavela Mora

    Damage to world heritage site Damage and loss to wildlife Money could be spent better making roads we already have better, safer, cleaner..

  • Chitterne Parish Council (Chitterne Parish Council)

    1. Local traffic management must be in place during the construction phase of the A303 upgrade in order to minimise the impact of increased traffic through Chitterne on the B390. 2. Chitterne PC... Read more

  • Claudia Chapman

    Stonehenge is a World Heritage Site of such importance to the British Isles, it would be unforgivable to damage it in any way. People come from all over the world to see it. Please reconsider any... Read more

  • Dan Lobb

    Stonehenge's iconic status must be safeguarded for future generations to enjoy. The proposed short tunnel route impinges within the world heritage site and will cause significant damage to the... Read more

  • Dr Diane McLaren

    I write to express my indignation and astonishment that plans are afoot to put at risk such an iconic and precious UK heritage site as Stonehenge. It is known and revered world wide and regularly... Read more

  • Elaine Adams

    Please heed the will of history and the people who entreat you to save this historic site. We've not even begun to understand the significance of it's existence, and to bend to whims of money and... Read more

  • Eve Price

    Once something has been destroyed it can never be recovered. The environment of Stone Henge is so unique it deserves to be protected. Means of travelling may change as years pass, and the roads and... Read more

  • Fran

    Stonehenge is a world heritage sight. A sacred sight for our ancient indigenous culture. I strongly object to building a road close to the sight. For generations and thousands of years Stonehenge has... Read more

  • Francesca Raphaely Ingold

    Stonehenge is a world heritage site without parallel which is unique in how it has survived the millenia. It would be an appalling legacy for future generations for us to compromise the unique... Read more

  • Gabrielle Watts

    I believe Stonehenge is an incredibly important heritage site and should not be disturbed by a larger road bringing increased traffic, noise and pollution.

  • Grant McAuliffe

    Please do not undermine, or damage Stonehenge!

  • Hannah Reeves

    I grew up Wiltshire and believe Stonehenge that has stood for thousands of years should not be sacrificed for short term solutions to traffic problems on the A303 and the Planning Application rejected... Read more

  • Hazel Constantine

    This would cause a huge disturbance of two rare bird species, the Stone Curlew and the Great Bustard. It also is a huge waste of money destroying ancient burial mounds for a little less traffic... Read more

  • Helen Torrance

    Because it will irreparably damage the archaeology of this World Heritage Site.

  • Honouring the Ancient Dead (Honouring the Ancient Dead)

    Honouring the Ancient Dead (HAD) is a British initiative that advocates respect for what are commonly called ‘human remains’ and their related funereal artefacts. HAD’s particular focus is the... Read more

  • Hugh Newman

    Permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’ UNESCO’s international advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in... Read more

  • Ian Summers

    It is important for us, the current population of England, to make decisions that do not wipe out any important legacy about previous generations. Just because it is convenient or expedient to do such... Read more

  • Jain Haste

    I am extremely concerned that this iconic, UNESCO world heritage site is going to be ruined by such an ill-thought out scheme. Blick Mead has already been irreparably damaged. There will be serious... Read more

  • James Falshaw-Skelly

    Once you've ruined it, you'll never have it back and your names will be tarnished and remembered as the people who destroyed a word heritage site for ever.

  • Jim Mitchell

    Loss of the view from the A303 enjoyed by millions. Damage to Blick Mead. Massive damage to elsewhere in the WHS. Loss of WHS status. Long tunnel is preferable.

  • joanne fone

    i am concerned that the proposed developments around the historic site of stonehenge(arguably, our most important cultural site), will have devastating impact upon the site itself and to the natural... Read more

  • John Derby

    I believe the planned infrastructure changes represent an unacceptable risk of irreparable damage to one of the most important World Heritage Sites. The Site has already seen enough damage in time,... Read more

  • Kate Fielden

    As an archaeologist, I have been in involved in planning and the historic environment on a voluntary basis for CPRE Wiltshire Branch, and in relation to the Stonehenge, Avebury and Associated Sites... Read more

  • Kate Williams

    My main points are: •Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel. •UNESCO’s international advisers say the scheme should not... Read more

  • Kevin Pettitt

    This road scheme will do irreparable damage to the sacred landscape surrounding one of the most ancient structures that remains on the surface of our planet. There is still an enormous amount of... Read more

  • Lee Berwick

    Stonehenge is a unique world heritage site that has survived for thousands of years - It is important to the whole world and scientists still debate about what the place is and what it was used for.... Read more

  • Linda Duffy

    I oppose this , this is our heritage our ancestors sacred grounds !

  • Marc Joseph Custer

    We must stop the destruction of our World Heritage sites. No modern construction is worth it. There is too much wanton disregard for our Ancestors legacy. I used to work as an archaeologist back... Read more

  • Margaret Hollinghurst

    The proposed new road will have a serious detrimental effect on the world heritage site which is Stonehenge.

  • Margaret Randall

    This is a world heritage site, with major significance on our history, much of which hasn't been recorded - this site must not be ruined, our heirs will want to view the area as our ancestors did in... Read more

  • Marie Ahlin

    Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’. UNESCO’s international advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present... Read more

  • Marion Woods

    It is beyond belief that anyone could think to drive a road through what is a unique and irreplaceable site. Furthermore, new discoveries are still being made about the extent of the archaeological... Read more

  • Mark Blackburn

    The Government and interested Heritage organisations should be helping to protect this unique WHO Site not destruct it with tunnels for traffic. The Stonehenge site, an archeological treasure will be... Read more

  • Mark King

    I am concerned about damage to the World Heritage Site and the impact to the views and access to the setting. I am also most concerned about the rare birds within the area. I am a RSPB member and see... Read more

  • Mary McGilloway

    Please re-consider this plan, and if at all possible stop it altogether. Stonehenge is of enormous importance not only to the UK, but to the world - a global treasure as testified by UNESCO. Placing... Read more

  • Michael

    Let it be, its a sacred area that we as a useless species are just forgetting about! Leave it alone I don't see egypt building roads hrough the pyramids!

  • Ministry of Defence (Ministry of Defence)

    Abnormal load access from A303 to Boscombe Down MOD establishment. Access is currently via Allington Track which is due to close under current proposal. Assurance of new road scheme access for... Read more

  • Mke Digby

    For the benefit of all humankind, this is a heritage site and should not be infringed upon for a highway to benefit so few.

  • Countryside Solutions (Countryside Solutions) on behalf of Morrison and King Limited (Morrison and King Limited)

    This registration as an interested party is made by Archie Read MRICS, a qualified chartered surveyor, acting for and on behalf of Morrison & King Limited, a Tier One landowner that has received a... Read more

  • Howard Smith MRICS (Howard Smith MRICS) on behalf of Mr C A Rowland (Mr C A Rowland)

    I am a Partner in PJ Rowland & Sons tenants of Ratfyn Farm, Amesbury who have made their own representation, but I also personally own Watergate Farm, Amesbury which adjoins Ratfyn Farm to the west... Read more

  • Mr Steven Taylor

    I’m against the proposed development on grounds of spoilt view, impact on archeological heritage, impact on rare bird species. Also the potential increase in traffic in future years, when our children... Read more

  • Countryside Solutions (Countryside Solutions) on behalf of Mrs Kathleen Edna Crook (Mrs Kathleen Edna Crook)

    This registration as an interested party is made by Archie Read MRICS, a qualified chartered surveyor, acting for and on behalf of Mrs Kathleen Edna Crook, a Tier One landowner who has received a s.56... Read more

  • Mrs Lynne Crabb

    The ancient landscape and archeology around stonehenge will be damaged if this plan goes ahead. Also it is important for me and many people to retain the view of the stones from the A303.

  • Howard Smith Mrics (Howard Smith Mrics) on behalf of Mrs P M Sandell (Mrs P M Sandell)

    I own Park Farm, West Amesbury which currently is situated to the north and south of the A303. I also own Stockport Farm, Amesbury which is run as a combined unit with Park Farm. I trade in... Read more

  • Neil Bedford

    Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’ UNESCO’s international advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present... Read more

  • Nick Ballard

    To endanger the site of the Stonehenge in anyway is an act of desecration and a crime against history.

  • nigel drane

    Blick's Mead is a unique site in so much as it provides a constant source of water at about 10* C all year round from subterranium sources. This must have been vital to the support of the work-force... Read more

  • NPGEH. Kniese

    Dear Madam, Sir, I am shocked to hear about the plannning for a road through Stonehenge. It will be severely damaged by it. I would not be able to enter it, there will be a lot of noise aand the... Read more

  • Orla Jackson

    Points of interest: 1 - Stonehenge is the most architecturally sophisticated and only surviving lintelled stone circle in the world. You have a responsibility not only to the locals but the entire... Read more


    Plot 7 – 19 The proposal put forward by Highways England is to close this bridleway so that access from the A303 is stopped however, currently this bridleway provides access to the two fields that... Read more

  • Paul C. Chaney

    If English Heritage exalt Stonehenge as “ of the wonders of the world and the best known prehistoric monument in Europe.” Then why would Highways England go against highly respected... Read more

  • Paul Raithby

    UNESCO advisers do not accept the proposed tunnel scheme Blick Mead Mesolithic site is too important to be destroyed Loss of wildlife habitat Lack of proposed alternatives

  • Penny Fletcher

    Why would you want to even remotely risk potential damage to a World Renowned, First Class Heritage Site ? Surely this will risk not only freedom of access to people from across the world but also... Read more

  • Peter Daw

    1. The road and tunnel scheme would severely damage the most precious archaeological remains 2. The road and tunnel scheme would compromise the WHS and probably result in loss of WHS status 3. The... Read more

  • Phaedra elson

    I am very passionate about preserving our ancestry, our landscape and our history. Stonehenge is a World Heritage Site and needs preserving for future generations. Haven't we decimated enough of our... Read more

  • Philip Polley

    This is an irreplaceable landscape. Advances in science produce continuing new insights & information from excavation both physical & electronic. Driving a tunnel through it will cause irreparable... Read more