
A303 Stonehenge

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  • AC

    This is a WORLD heritage site, something for the whole world to marvel at, older than us and with much more to teach us, this should not be jeopardised for the car

  • Adrian Burrows

    This intended plan has the potential to cause irreparable damage to a site of great historical significance and value.

  • Al Dalgarno

    No bypass

  • Alban Brindle

    I am registering as I am very concerned for the damage that the proposed development will do to the UNESCO world heritage site of Stonehenge and its surroundings. I am concerned about the... Read more

  • Alison Smith

    I feel not enough thought and planning has gone into this and the potential for harm to the site has been greatly enhanced.

  • Amritam Mills

    I am very concerned that the planning for this road, tunnel and roundabouts has not taken into consideration the advise front the world heritage. Any damage to this vulnerable ancient site and the... Read more

  • Andrea Cathers

    My primary concern would be for the irreparable damage to Stonehenge a WHS described by UNESCO's advisor's as a landscape without parallel. There would also be damage to Blick Mead Mesolithic... Read more

  • Andrea Wordsworth

    Stonehenge was given to the nation. The tunnel will prevent the people from seeing Stonehenge unless they pay English Heritage £20. I feel EH have hijacked our national monument for monetary gain.... Read more

  • Andrew Gibson

    I'm very concerned about the current plans disturbing this world famous UNESCO site and one of the most famous mesolithic sites in the world. The fact that all expert opinion seems to be being ignored... Read more

  • Andrew McIntyre

    I object to this new road way as it will affect the integrity of this World Heritage Site and i understand if this proposed goes ahead then Stonehenge will lose its WHS status.I am also concerned... Read more

  • Andrew Nicolson

    Much of the traffic congestion on the A303 is provably caused by traffic slowing so that vehicle occupants can see the monument, and not by the volume of traffic exceeding the capacity of the road or... Read more

  • Andrew Purbrick

    I am concerned about the impact that the A303 Stonehenge Expressway will have on this most sensitive World Heritage Site.

  • Andrew Whitehurst

    I am very concerned that the proposed road scheme will cause irreparable damage to one of the most important World Heritage sites and destroy the archeological record in the area.

  • Angela Blaydon

    Your proposals will damage irreparably a World Heritage Site, described by UNESCO as a 'landscape without parallel'. It will seriously affect the continuing excavations at the very important Blick... Read more

  • Angela Miles

    i totally disagree with this road work proposal i wisited stonehenge this summer and found it to vbe a most beautiful peaceful place .... this would be totally ruined by new roads ... noise pollution... Read more

  • Anjali Kaur

    I am devastated to read of the proposed plans for a tunnel near to Stonehenge. This site is one of the most magnificent sacred sites in the world and it feels a sacrilege that anything be done that... Read more

  • Ann Mee

    Ireparable damage to world heritage site , and surrounding sites . Our history lost forever . The fantastic cost , the money could be spent much more wisely

  • Anna Sandfield

    This world heritage site needs far, far more protection than the current proposal supports. I fear that permanent damage will be caused to such a precious and unique World Heritage Site and feel... Read more

  • Anne Mackay

    I object due to the potential damage of the archaeology and setting, concerns re Blick Mead Mesolithic setting, the loss of view from road as well as the cost to view the Stones. There will be... Read more

  • Anne Turner

    This is a disastrous proposal, in that no other plans for traffic easement are on the table. The plans don't address increased traffic noise, nor do they adequately protect serious matters such as... Read more

  • Anne Wareing

    The proposal which has now been accepted, does not (a) protect the World Heritage Site, its archaeology or settings (b) take into account the objections of the UNESO advisers (c) consider the... Read more

  • Anthony Lewis

    I strongly disagree with the new road scheme proceeding when organisations like UNESCO have clearly said it poses a threat to this unique World Heritage Site. Stonehenge has stood for millennia and it... Read more

  • Anthony Roberts

    Since Stonehenge is designated as a World Heritage Site, it is my view that it should remain as such, and not be violated by the proposed plans for its development.

  • Arthur Marchant

    that this planning application is wholly unexeptable with in a world heritage site.

  • B C B Lynn

    I object to the planned works on several grounds. I believe that they will do irreparable damage to a World Heritage Site and that irreplaceable potential for achaeological examination and... Read more