
A303 Stonehenge

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  • Andrew wright

    I'm very concerned about the lack of public walking routes there will be once tunnel is dug. On the current plans it looks like I won't be able to walk,run from larkhill,or along kings barrows area.... Read more

  • Belle Doyle

    The possibility that there might be any damage to this World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’ is one of the most distructive plans to... Read more

  • Butterfly Conservation (Butterfly Conservation)

    Butterfly Conservation wishes to be an Interested Party at the forthcoming examination for the following reasons: 1. We wish to ensure that effects on chalk grassland and hedgerow habitats that... Read more

  • Caroline Sheldon

    Stonehenge is an iconic piece of British heritage. I am appalled at the negative effect the proposal will have on this ancient landscape and the lands surrounding it which are of massive and unique... Read more

  • David Bruce

    The proposed scheme risks irreversible damage to the wider ceremonial landscape in which the henge is set. Already damage has been done to Blick Mead, with Auroch traces being disturbed. The site is... Read more

  • Gabriela Wright

    Very bad plan because damage to surroundings and wildlife plus too much traffic noises.

  • Helen Milne

    The Government proposes to widen the A303 trunk road to the south west. This road crosses the iconic Stonehenge World Heritage Site (WHS), which has been called “the most archaeologically significant... Read more

  • Ian West

    The new proposed road across the River Till valley in Winterbourne Stoke is to high and will be extremely noisy for the village and will be environmentally damaging, on the previous plan that was... Read more

  • Jan McKernan

    I am a resident of Shrewton and a very keen horse rider and carriage driver and am therefore very interested in the impacts on the local rights of way. I hope that the project will improve the access... Read more

  • Jill Malenoir

    I register my interest in the proposed tunnel at Stonehenge. Damage has already been done to the World Heritage site at Blick Mead, it would be tragic and irresponsible to compound it with this... Read more

  • Margaret Willmot

    It must be questioned whether this scheme represents a good use of Government money for transport, noting that the initial BCR (0.23 or 0.21 depending on funding options) would make the scheme... Read more

  • Mark Richard Willett

    As a World important site I feel that Stonehenge must be protected for future generations, and that we must show that we are serious about conservation, being an example to other countries.Thus the... Read more

  • Matthew Sleigh

    The route of the A303 passes through, and near, terrain containing priceless historical and prehistoric remains that will be irrevocably changed, or totally destroyed by the proposed work. Even if the... Read more


    I believe the majority of previous representations have been a combination of those against and "don't knows". The tunnel is clearly being railroaded through as part of the project in spite of this... Read more

  • Saffron Chapman

    I do not agree with the tunnel ,as it destroying archaeological sites. If you don't want people slowing down to look at Stonehenge,plant some trees.. and out up signs for people to park on the byway... Read more

  • Sarah Smith

    The proposed scheme would cause significant and irreparable damage to an already threatened and compromised landscape and World Heritage monument and to the wildlife of the area

  • Angela Thompson

    I feel the excavation will make irreparable damage to a site of national and international importance. The area has not been fully explored and we have made new discoveries about the area in the last... Read more

  • Christine Bottomley

    I am concerned about the irreparable damage to the World Heritage Site landscape. Emphasis on heritage, it is a sacred landscape.

  • Clare Moody MEP

    In my view the proposed tunnel is too short and cuts into the World Heritage site, I agree with the concerns raised by UNESCO

  • David Bircumshaw

    I regard the proposal as destructive to the World Heritage Site. I object to the loss of the view of Stonehenge from the road. The ecolological damage is already clear and insupportable. The actions... Read more

  • Elizabeth Turner

    I wish to object to the plans to build a tunnel along the A303 to move the road from the environs of Stonehenge which would further damage this archealogically rich area. I also feel that the... Read more

  • Felicity Tanous

    My deep concerns about the application are as follows : 1. Irreparable damage to the World Heritage Site of Stonehenge, its archaeology and surroundings, eg Blick Mead Mesolithic site; it is... Read more

  • Fiona Worrell

    I find it abhorrent that such a proposal is being muted.It flies in the face of all of our work to reduce carbon emissions by reducing vehicle use.This is a heritage site and is outstandingly... Read more

  • Graeme Wistow

    I am convinced this is a serious threat to one of the most archaeologically important landscapes in the world. I also think the loss of the view of Stonehenge from the existing road would reduce... Read more

  • Julie Davenport

    I think that this tunnel will seriously damage the sensitive and still undiscovered archaeology of the area. Interfere with the surrounding environment. All the groundwork & digging of a tunnel could... Read more