
A303 Stonehenge

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Showing 1376 to 1400 of 2370 representations, newest first.

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  • Susan Tovey

    I wish to object to any tunnel or similar structure being constructed near Stonehenge. The principle objections are interference with a World Heritage site and danger to rare species. I also think... Read more

  • Suzanne R. LaTulipe

    As someone who is highly concerned with historic preservation and plans to re-visit the Salisbury Plain, I find that the narrow perspective of protecting the Henge by tunneling under it while damaging... Read more

  • Sylvia Brathwaite

    I am against this proposal as I feel it would damage the World Heritage Site described by UNESCO as a "landscape without parallel. I am also against it as it would disturb the rare Stone Curlew... Read more

  • T Van Hagen

    The alteration in land scape around Stonehenge is against the World heritage guidelines. The alterations planned are irreversible and a Major archaeological site will be severely damaged! The sacred... Read more

  • Thais Leandrini Brand

    I would like to object to the construction of the A303 Expressway on the Stonehenge World Heritage Site. As someone that uses the A303 quite a lot I understand that there is a traffic problem in the... Read more

  • Thomas H. Small

    I believe that the A303 expressway should not be going through the Stonehenge national monument. The monument itself is thousands of years old & history should be preserved on that historical site.

  • Tony Maddison

    It's an insult to the concept of Heritage, and an insult to a place of Worship. You should be ashamed. Stop trying to ruin ours and our childrens Heritage.

  • Tony Wallace

    Amend or abandon the current proposed road scheme to avoid permanent damage to this world famous prehistoric site.

  • toon Bakker

    I am concerned about the damage being done to an ancient site.

  • Tracey Lane

    I have to wholeheartedly object to this planning application to the new roadway which will ruin the beauty of Stonehenge. I am appalled that the highways could even consider such a monstrosity. Surely... Read more

  • Tracey O

    I believe allowing the tunnel to go ahead will cause irreversible damage to the World Heritage sites and to the surrounding archaeology.

  • Valerie Deighton

    To much damage to archeological sites would occur and also damage to Stonehenge views.

  • Vatche Gulbekian

    I would like to see this plan redesigned to take into account the already stated objections below: Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape... Read more

  • Vaughan Baguley

    I am very concerned that the proposed widening of the a303 will do irreparable damage to the world heritage site of Stonehenge. This prehistoric monument and its surrounding environs which still... Read more

  • Victoria E Powell

    I'm objecting to this proposal for the irreparable damage it will do the environment and to this area of exceptional historical and archaeological significance.

  • Victoria L Diamond

    This major world heritage site must not be disturbed. Find another way to achieve your goals without destruction to this sacred site. Please leave it alone and as is. People around the world love... Read more

  • Victoria Sayell

    I object to the idea of any tunnel being used near or around Stonehenge. This is a unique and precious landscape that must be left intact for future generations in terms of cultural and historical and... Read more

  • Vitor Oliveira Jorge

    Stonehenge is not only a very important, worldwide famous, prehistoric monument. It is all the landscape around it that is the monument. That landscape is also full of traces of human past activity.... Read more

  • Vivien Gawn

    I disagree with the building of an express way on the A303 for the many reasons that I have expressed to you already, along with thousands of others who agree that the negative impact of this for the... Read more

  • Wendy Hall

    UNESCO’s international advisers are against the scheme as it stands. Stonehenge and the surrounding landscape is a unique archaeological World Heritage site and would be irreparably damaged if this... Read more

  • Wendy Mott

    The proposed tunnel risks damaging as yet undiscovered archaeology and does not stay far enough away from known sites like Blick Mead. The historic landscape is so much bigger than the visible stones.

  • Will Redfearn

    We need to stop the relentless destruction of the countryside. The road is just for the benefit of the motorist and not the tourist or visitor. There is so much history yet to be discovered.

  • Willem Derde

    Stonehenge is one of the top most valuable UNESCO WH sites in the world. International organisations such as UNESCO itself and its advisory body ICOMOS have strongly advised against the current... Read more

  • William Greenwood OBE

    There are some things in life which are worth preserving in as natural a state as is possible. The proposed road building project would completely alter/destroy the Stonehenge heritage.

  • Winterbourne Stoke Parish Council (Winterbourne Stoke Parish Council)

    In making my representation on the A303 Stonehenge Scheme as the Clerk of Winterbourne Stoke Parish Council I would wish to begin by stating the support for the scheme as a whole; an effective dual... Read more