
A303 Stonehenge

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  • Yasmin Jensen

    I think you need to take into consideration the following in the decision making process for the number of reasons included below; * Ireparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting,... Read more

  • Adam Koronka

    Proposed tunnel too short. MODhave to give up land to create much wider ring road to restore the whole processional landscape around the henge.

  • Adrian Lee

    I feel that the work will put this, the most important World Heritage Site in the UK in utmost danger, as well as neighbouring sites, and also it will devastate the buzzard and curlew population in... Read more

  • Adrienne Nash

    I'm very concerned that the route and structure has not been assessed enough to ensure that there isn't any damage to the historical landscape! The main area I'm aware of is Blick's Mead. This is our... Read more

  • Agneis Quinn

    Stonehenge is a World Heritage site, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’. UNESCO also find the scheme to be unsuited to such a landscape. They should not be ignored. Highways... Read more

  • Alan Hughes

    This planning inspectorate must study the long term effects of any short tunnel as it will damage prime unevaluated land and prehistoric sites.

  • Alexander Noble

    Having visited the site on several occasions I cannot see why the proposed dual carriageway cannot be moved much further from the site, as it not just Stonehenge but tumuli that are part of the... Read more

  • Amanda Leon

    1.As a UNESCO World Heritage Site (WHS), Stonehenge is one of the world’s most important prehistoric sites. It is situated in the UK but the UK’s responsibilities lie well beyond the UK, which must... Read more

  • Amy Cowie

    A tunnel and dual carriageway across Stonehenge World Heritage Site would cause untold damage to a unique and ancient landmark of our history. Stonehenge is not even fully understood, if we further... Read more

  • Anthony Moore-Bastos

    It is a huge mistake to disrespect the land of our ancestors in such a way. I'm sure there are ways around it. The site and its surroundings must be prioritised and not a motorway. We will become our... Read more

  • Anthony Spencer

    This is a UNESCO World Heritage site that will be irreparably damaged, along with other important sites, not all of which have been fully excavated. It hampers views from some of the stones, the... Read more

  • Armelle Le Corre

    Our roots and history must be preserved at all costs. It is a scandal to risk damaging a world patrimony for the immediate satisfaction of one spoilt generation - a scandal, and also a big... Read more

  • AS Archaeology & Heritage Services (AS Archaeology & Heritage Services)

    The landscape and setting of the World Heritage site Stonehenge is unique. The proposed development of the A303 would irreparably damage the visual setting of not only Stonehenge but also other... Read more

  • Ashley Brown

    Stonehenge is precious to the UK. We can't afford to lose or damage this ancient structure. Do not build a dual carriage way or tunnels near this site.

  • Austin Kinsley

    I am opposed to the loss of a precious cultural asset, the classic view of the stones, at the hands of the very bodies entrusted with its protection.

  • B Mair

    This is a World Heritage site. There does not appear to be alternatives that do not impact on the site. As it has been there for millenia, there is a whole ecosystem which would be threatened,... Read more

  • Belinda Twiggs

    I am writing to register my objection to the A303 Expressway on the Stonehenge World Heritage Site, my reasons are many fold and varied, but in the main contain a sense of responsibility for something... Read more

  • Beryl Randall

    I am concerned about the irreperable damage the plans will cause to a Workd Heritage Site. I am a regular user of the A303 and love being able to see the stones as I pass - I do not believe that... Read more

  • Bill Caswell

    Stonehenge is prehistoric monument, a world heritage site and a special, sacred landscape with thousands of years of history,secrets and mystery. It is unique and there is still much archaeological... Read more

  • Candy Balfour

    Loss of view to a WHS and Unesco "landscape without parallel" which links all who pass by to their humanity. Damage to an incredible archaeological site, with so much more to discover.

  • Chris knowles

    This is a world heritage site and an iconic British landmark. This road will more than likely lead to an increase in traffic which will further erode iit and also threaten wildlife .

  • Chris Meachen

    The current plan effectively removes this most important monument entirely from public view, except for those that have the time & money to use the visitor centre. Having already removed one road from... Read more

  • Christopher Hartnoll

    The proposed tunnel and dual carriageway are positioned partly within the World Heritage Site. This is unsatisfactory. The tunnel should enter from the East as near to the Amesbury roundabout as... Read more

  • Christopher Stephens

    I strongly object to this development because it will cause irreparable damage to an internationally important archeological site.

  • Ciaran Donnelly

    The irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’ would destroy this unique piece of British history for current and future... Read more