
A303 Stonehenge

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  • Christine MacLeod

    The present proposal for the A303 road scheme at Stonehenge fails to take into account the objections from archaeologists who are concerned that it will destroy the evidence of yet undiscovered sites... Read more

  • Christopher Green

    This will do irreversible damage to a World Heritage Site. I am appalled it is being considered, and future generations for millennia will lament the idiocy and shortsightedness. There must be other... Read more

  • Christopher Guyver

    Please listen to UNESCO. Otherwise this will be vandalism of the first order.

  • Christopher Stone

    I object to the proposed tunnel in the environs of Stonehenge World Heritage site as I feel that the Western portal is dangerously close to the ancient burial mounds and might cause damage, and that... Read more

  • Claire Gregory

    I disagree that the vibration of traffic should be sent under our most sacred site. I believe the stones should be left alone because their purpose one day will be used for the future of man. Man does... Read more

  • Claire Heron

    The western tunnel entrance is too close to the tumuli and the eastern entrance too close to Blickmead. Frequently the true extent of an archaeological site is underestimated and only discovered years... Read more

  • Clare E. Smith

    Wiltshire born and bred, living in the county all my life, I oppose this attempt to remove my region’s most globally recognized monument from casual view. Wiltshire is famous for many things including... Read more

  • Clare Shepherd

    I am concerned about the findings of the UNESCO World Heritage Site committee; that the current design of the tunnel would adversely affect the integrity of the site & impact on its Outstanding... Read more

  • Conor Niall O'Luby

    I would like to stress that the expected damage caused to the World Heritage Site and wildlife and their habitats is not acceptable. The proposal represents yet again how the country is stuck in... Read more

  • Corinne Fox

    Stonehenge should remain free to view

  • Corrine Edwards

    Stonehenge and its great area of cultural heritage must NOT be destroyed. UNESCO describes it as a ‘landscape without parallel’ and who's advisors stare that this must not go ahead in its present... Read more

  • Craig penfield

    Defacing and destruction of my ancient church

  • Danielle Kifah

    I am primarily concerned with the irreparable damage this project could cause to both the World Heritage site and its surrounding landscape. Stonehenge is more than a single ancient site, rather it... Read more

  • dave

    civil rights

  • David Bailey

    I strongly objection to the proposed scheme. I believe it will destroy an internationally important archaeological landscape. I believe other better options which would not destroy the landscape have... Read more

  • David Brunt

    tone Henge is unique. Damaging it would be an act of vandalism that could never be repaired. It would also massively impact on the economy of the area at a time of financial uncertainty. Please... Read more

  • David Butcher

    The proposed road project would damage an archaeologically vital landscape at huge cost in order to cut car journey times. That seems short sighted.

  • David Charles Rowan

    Sirs, I am a private tour guide of the Avebury and Stonehenge landscape, teaching of the beauty of our Heritage landscape since 1993. I am appalled at the vandalistic approach of this particular... Read more

  • David Collard

    Among many reasons for my objecting to this proposal are: Irreparable damage to this World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without... Read more

  • David Corney

    The area surrounding Stonehenge is full of archaeological sites, many unlike any other sites. Any major development in the area, such as building a tunnel, will cause irreversible damage. I drive... Read more

  • David Field

    David Field PhD, FSA I am a retired field archaeologist formerly employed by English Heritage and before that by the Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England. For many years I worked... Read more

  • David Mitchell

    We feel the Western portal is too close to the ancient burial mounds and the Eastern too close to 'Blickmead' Archaeological site, and that there are issues with light pollution to the west and water... Read more

  • David Ryan

    Stonehenge is not just a part of English heritage but part of our world heritage. This proposed tunnel will cause untold damage to the landscape. Why exactly is it needed and what alternatives are... Read more

  • David Scott

    This proposal, to which UNESCO themselves object, will cause irreversible damage to the archeology and landscape of a world heritage site. I am particularly concerned about the damage to the Blick... Read more

  • David Seilly

    I wish to object to this road scheme to upgrade the A303. Essentially because it consists of a 2.9 km tunnel only part of the 5.4km Stonehenge World Heritage Site archaeological landscape. This... Read more