
A303 Stonehenge

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  • Kerry Holmes

    I wish to represent to the planning inspectorate my objections to key aspects of the proposed A303 tunnel. In particular with regard to tunnel length negative impacts on exisiting key... Read more

  • Kevin Coombes

    I am gravely concerned that the A303 project will have a damaging impact on Stonehenge sand the surrounding historical landscape. The Stonehenge site is unique and precious, not only a national... Read more

  • Kim Mosey

    I strongly disagree that the current proposal will not damage this unique landscape much of which still remains unexcavated. Once its gone or damaged it cannot be replaced. Its gone forever. Thousands... Read more

  • L Paterson

    The proposed new road will damage the important archaeological heritage of this country and alter the unique landscape and wildlife of the area.

  • Lea Anderson

    This is a precious, unique landscape which will sustain damage of the most serious nature if these plans are carried out. It is a World heritage Site, which means it is the most precious to us, the... Read more

  • Lee Rose-Parsfield

    My points are as follows: 1, Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’. 2, UNESCO’s international advisers say the scheme... Read more

  • Leonard H W Van Sandick

    The site is unique. It is not just a matter of some stones that have been put up, probably to worship and therefore deserving our respect. The surrounding scenery and atmosphere are an intrinsic part... Read more

  • Linda Henderson

    I feel it is important not to implement any change in the A303 in the vicinity of Stonehenge. Certainly not flyovers or underpasses both will have substantial impact on this ancient world heritage... Read more

  • Linda Holmes

    This site is irreplaceable and unique in the world. Irreparable damage could so easily be done to parts of it that we may not even know about yet if the work goes ahead as planned. Other routes should... Read more

  • Linda Matthews

    The proposed works will be damaging to a site of huge international historical importance.

  • Lisabeth Lee Ryder

    This site has impotance/significance to the entire world. The damage done by this project is harmful to the interests of the entire world. Not enough has been done to get the input of everyone... Read more

  • Liz Dore

    I am objecting to the plans to change the road next to Stonehenge for the following reasons: 1) Lack of consideration of alternatives 2) Potential damage to Stonehenge due to additional speed and... Read more

  • Lord Kennet

    As Lord Kennet, I am privileged to be a long standing supporter of the Stonehenge Alliance, it´s positions and it´s policies regarding the Stonehenge and Avebury World Heritage Site. My family are... Read more

  • Lorren Boniface

    I am deeply concerned about the plans for Stonehenge and its surroundings, which seem to me to be a wanton act of vandalism. This is quite possibly the most important archaeological site not just... Read more

  • Lotus moran

    This is. Sacrilege.undermining an ainchient monument.not in my name.

  • Louisa Young

    I am very concerned that the people currently doing works at Stonehenge seem to be incompetent. There should not be any engineering near/in a Word heritage Site anyway. No generation has the right to... Read more

  • Louise Burton

    My primary objection is about the Irreparable damage to the whole World Heritage Site both the archeology as well as setting - UNESCO are against this road scheme in its current form. My second key... Read more

  • Louise Cotulla

    I was able to visit Stonehenge in the the late 1960s when the site was relatively untouched. It saddens me that this wonderful experience can never be shared again. Stonehenge is more than just the... Read more

  • Lynda Raine

    There will be irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’ UNESCO’s international advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in... Read more

  • Lynn Carter

    I feel that this endeavour will seriously damage what is an absolute national treasure, and a site of global importance and interest. The planners must look to other alternative solutions to the... Read more

  • Lynn Macaskill

    Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’. UNESCO’s international advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present... Read more

  • Madelaine Watkins

    Concern about the damage and destruction of a world heritage site. A site of significant historical and cultural importance. A site that belongs tothe people of the UK and that i feel that there has... Read more

  • Marc Thorne

    I am concerned about the damage the proposed road scheme will do to a world heritage site (WHS). UNESCO has described it as a landscape without parallel and it's advisers say the scheme should not go... Read more

  • Margaret Millgate

    Stonehenge is an extremely important part of our English heritage. I believe, as does UNESCO, that this scheme would cause irreparable damage to an irreplaceable site. I also feel that other schemes... Read more

  • Maria Koval

    Very concerned that Stonehenge and surrounds are in danger, and am unclear what steps are being taken to protect this international treasure.