
A303 Stonehenge

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 2226 to 2250 of 2370 representations, newest first.

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  • Michael Victor Bonett

    Dear Ms/Sir, I am writing to object to any extension of the A303 (or any other roads) around Stonehenge, as Stonehenge remains the most historic and well known of Britain s heritage sites.... Read more

  • Michael Wood

    The proposal by Highways England will involve irreparable damage to Britain's greatest historical landscape-including an interchange on the precise line of the midwinter solstice which we know now was... Read more

  • Michaela Phillips

    The current plan does not adequately protect, and indeed will irreparably damage, this ancient landscape. There must be alternatives that will conserve it whilst improving transport links. However, it... Read more

  • Mike Chappell

    I strongly believe as I use this road to visit our buy to let properties we have in the West Country well overdue , and the right decision, both environmentally and asthethically

  • Miranda Wilson

    The traffic around Stonehenge is infamous, and I agree that some road building would be beneficial. However, I am deeply concerned about the planned A303 expansion. I believe that the genuinely... Read more

  • Miriam Shellabear

    I believe that Stonehenge is incredibly important to understanding human English history, it has stood before modern roads existed and will stand for years after roads are discontinued. The land... Read more

  • Miss C Farley

    This plan risks serious damage to one of our most important heritage sites, and its surrounding fauna. Alternatives which would not damage the Henge have not been adequately explored and options... Read more

  • Office of Molly Scott Cato MEP (Office of Molly Scott Cato MEP) on behalf of Molly Scott Cato MEP (Molly Scott Cato MEP)

    I am responding on behalf of my constituents in South West England and many others who are deeply concerned about the A303 Stonehenge proposal and the Government’s general transport strategy which has... Read more

  • Mr D F Doherty

    I object to the construction and operation of this scheme and the resulting permanent detrimental effects on the World Heritage Site. The bypass should avoid the WHS completely if it is needed at all.... Read more

  • Mr John Morris

    I think the Western Portal is too close to the Burial mounds and the Eastern Portal & too close to the Blickmead site and that there are problems with light pollution to the west and water tables to... Read more

  • Mr L Freear

    I am concerned about the permanent damage to the Stonehenge World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting.

  • Howard Smith MRICS (Howard Smith MRICS) on behalf of Mr P J Sawkill

    This representation assumes that the Minutes of any meetings held with Highways England will be available to you specifically in relation to the difficulty the scheme as proposed presents in terms of... Read more

  • Mr Patrick Regan

    I do not feel this underground tunnel is appropriate measure to deal with trafffic, in the area of international historic interest of Stonehenge.

  • MR Richard V Spears

    • Permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting. • UNESCO's advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present form. • Concerns about damage to Blick Mead... Read more


    I own plots 12-01, 12-03, 12-04, 03-03, 03-07, 03-08 and 03-10 and have an interest in plot 03-20. With the exception of plot 03-20 all of the other plots are scheduled for compulsory acquisition.... Read more

  • Mr Terry Scales

    The plan would cause untold damage to this most important national monument and the surrounding area. UNESCO are opposed to the proposal as it stands. Blick Head could be irreparably damaged. There... Read more

  • Mr. Sam Clements

    I object to the new road-building project near the UNESCO World Heritage site of Stonehenge on the following grounds: Permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting. ... Read more

  • Mrs Joy Wagstaff

    The tunnel will be phenomenally expensive when all that is needed is a cutting The road would be removed from sight. The potential dangers of accidents within the tunnel with difficulties of access... Read more

  • Mrs Judith Beal

    This project is so dangerous. It threatens so much that is and should be recognised as being important to England. Respect and conserve our history. Surely it is so irreplaceable which will be... Read more

  • Mrs Kerry Gaskin

    As a pagan and a practicing Priestess, I object strenuously to the proposed changes that would endanger this sacred site. I consider any such proposals to tunnel anywhere this site to be desecration... Read more

  • Mrs Sheridan Dingle

    This project is flawed and will have a devastating impact on a unique World Heritage Site. It must not go ahead. [Redacted] [redacted]

  • Mrs. Stephanie Margaret Lodge

    Dear Sir or Madame, [Redacted]I absolutely object to this road scheme to drive the equivalent of a dual carriageway right underneath Stonehenge, a World Heritage Site, a designation which will be... Read more

  • N Tucker

    There is still so much for us to explore near Stonehenge, and a tunnel is wrong

  • Naomi Fountain

    I feel the Western Portal is too close to the Ancient burial Mounds and the Eastern too close to 'Blickmead' Archaeological site, and that there are issues with light pollution to the west and water... Read more

  • Naomi Todd

    Overwhelming concern re the following points: Permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting. UNESCO's advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present... Read more