
A303 Stonehenge

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 2276 to 2300 of 2370 representations, newest first.

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  • Pete Glastonbury

    I have been visiting stonehenge since I was a teenager in the 1970's. I attended the festivals in the summer over the solstice period. I am worried that I will no longer be able to see the stones from... Read more

  • Peter Freeman

    1) The irreversible damage the tunnel entrance will cause to the sacred Blick Mead site. 2) Major concerns regarding the archaeological damage at Long Barrow tunnel exit. 3) The lowering of the... Read more

  • Peter Jackson

    These plans risk irreparable damage to an area of unique archaeological interest to the whole world. It is extremely short sighted to place such items at any risk.

  • Peter James

    Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’ UNESCO’s international advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present... Read more

  • Peter Munford

    I object to the project because of the terrible damage it will do to the world Heritage site and the land under and around it.

  • Peter Warren

    Damage to world heritage sites that can never be repaired and which should be preserved for future generations.

  • Peter Wright

    NO Coment do not do the road

  • Peter Wrighton

    Representation is to cover aspects of the Countess Roundabout flyover and the impact on residents of Countess Road during construction and subsequent operation. This includes the noise mitigation... Read more

  • Philip Whitehead

    I am deeply concerned that the planned scheme will cause irreparable damage to Stonehenge, a site of immense national and international historic and archaeological significance. I am also concerned... Read more

  • Pippa Sweet

    Many reasons to stop any changes building or road damage to the site Permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, includes protection of its archaeology and setting. UNESCO's advisers say the scheme... Read more

  • Professor Charles Foster

    In its present form, the proposed project would do irreparable damage to one of the most iconic monuments in the world - a monument that sheds crucial light on a formative time in human history. The... Read more

  • Rachael Sims

    Stonehenge is a priceless historical treasure for England and the entire world, and I am appalled at the notion that the archaeological integrity of this ancient and wondrous place, full of cultural... Read more

  • Rachel

    As a farmer and stakeholder in the Stonehenge World Heritage Site (WHS) I interpret my role as being a landowner guardian - a steward and curator for present and future generations. The farm includes... Read more

  • Rachel Holland

    World Heritage Site. Unique and the proposal will destroy thousands of years worth of history. A303 perfectly capable of working, bank holidays may be a problem but that will be the case on the... Read more

  • Rafe Robbins

    Concern for the destruction of my English heritage and a protected site of national and global importance. Concern for the destruction of history that will never be recoverable.

  • Rebecca Cave

    I object to the current proposed plans for a new road and changes to the landscape at Stone henge on the basis that the entire scheme is an assault on an ancient sacred area. The plans that I have... Read more

  • Rebecca Gelernter

    -Concern from archaeologists and UNESCO advisers about damage to the site -Potential disturbance of other nearby sites -Construction would disturb rare bird populations in the area - Great Bustards... Read more

  • Rebecca Rhind-Tutt

    Having reviewed the application documents on line I am unable to find any appropriate assessment under the Habitats Directive. Inote that appendix 8.25 to the ES is entitled ‘Habitats Regulations... Read more

  • Richard Bartosz

    1) I wish to submit a Representation in respect of Paragraph 201, and related Paragraphs 195 and 196, of Section 16 of the National Planning Policy Framework. The main points will relate i) to the... Read more

  • Richard Drew

    I believe the current plans will likely result in the destruction of ancient artefacts and by closing the existing road you will deprive people the opportunity to see the monument in the way that its... Read more

  • Richard Gaskin

    As a practicing Druid this is a sacred site and the proposal is like putting underfloor heating through the tombs of St Paul's. Not only that it I is a world heritage site that is being damaged... Read more

  • Richard Stead

    UNESCO have described this place -it's a world heritage site - as a "landscape without parallel". The pretty strong implication is that we should treat it with care and respect and not build all... Read more

  • Robert Goldspink

    The proposals have paid insufficient heed to the nature of the historic landscape, whose very age means that there is potentially more, and more significant, priceless global heritage lying beneath... Read more

  • Robin Carroll

    The proposed Stonehenge tunnel will damage a site of enormous historical, archaeological, and cultural value. The site is still not fully understood, and any damage would prevent future researchers... Read more

  • Ros Newnham

    I object to the proposed A303 Stonehenge Expressway and short tunnel for the following key reasons: 1. I believe these enormous earthworks will dwarf the Stonehenge WHS and pre-historic... Read more