
A303 Stonehenge

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  • Denise Long

    That the proposed scheme will cause severe, irreparable damage to the environs of Stonehenge to the detriment of its World Heritage status and future generations. It is not just about the henge... Read more

  • Dennis Price

    Dear Sir This is the most important archeological site in Britain. It needs to be treated as such not by having a tunnel that will damage the area during its construction but when built. Whilst not... Read more

  • Derek Flockton

    Stonehenge is unique; hence its UNESCO World Heritage status. There can be no justification in damaging any part of the site just as we would not allow damage to Hyde Park or York Minster. The... Read more

  • Derek Harris

    I find it detrimental to the history of the historic monument that is Sonehenge to interfere with the surrounding area and to build more roads and an underpass. This will destroy one of our oldest... Read more

  • Dilys Guildford

    The area of the A303 Stonehenge, is a World Heritage site, I strongly object to the new duel carriage highway intrusion. It should not go ahead in its present form. There has not been an alternative... Read more

  • Dr Caroline Hawkyard

    Concerns over the following: increased noise and air pollution due to elevation of the road in relation to our property, as well as increased volume and flow of traffic. Effect on the views from our... Read more

  • Dr Dave Buxton

    I believe that the new expressway planned will cause permanent damage to the World Heritage site, a view shared with UNESCO itself.

  • Dr Ian Magrath

    The massive nature of the excavations and the roadworks themselves will dwarf the historic site, while at the same time the tunnel portals will be too close to the stones: a longer tunnel (though... Read more

  • Dr John Collier

    The proposed changes to the A303 are totally unsuitable.

  • Dr Michele Wollstonecroft

    • Irreparable damage to this unique, emblematic and vulnerable site, both the archaeology and setting, which is described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’ • UNESCO likewise recommends... Read more

  • Dr Tim Marshall

    There are more than sufficient strong reasons for the Inpectorate to recommend refusal of this project. This should be refusal of the whole scheme. If the Examining Inspectors find reasons to... Read more

  • Dr. Lauren McIntyre

    The plans for the Stonehenge Tunnel as they currently stand have serious negative implications for the landscape, archaeology and surrounding environment,as follows : · Irreparable damage to... Read more

  • Duncan Burwood

    1) At a time when greenhouse gas driven climate change is an imminent world crisis, we should not be building more roads which increase the capacity of the road system. 2) Any major roadworks risks... Read more

  • Duncan Cameron McGill

    This site is a World Heritage site and should be preserved as such for future generations and not be endangered by highway expansion. Increased traffic volumes will increase atmospheric pollution and... Read more

  • Edmond Deighton

    The Stonehenge landscape is unique, not only to England but around the world, and should be protected in perpetuity. The proposed works will cause irreparable damage to the surrounding area and are... Read more

  • Elaine Bailey

    I think this scheme desecrates an ancient sacred landscape, the tunnel will further damage important archeological artefacts and the iconic view of Stonehenge from the road will be forever lost.... Read more

  • Eleanor Chandler

    This scheme would cause permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting, and no alternative non-damaging options have been offered. UNESCO's advisers say the scheme should... Read more

  • Elisabeth Edwards

    The proposed scheme will cause devastating and permanent destruction to a unique and irreplaceable landscape, of world importance for its archaeological contents. UNESCO has advised against the... Read more

  • Elizabeth Hankins

    Stonehenge is one of Britains most important sites, a jewel in our crown and of world importance archeologically. Its natural beauty will be destroyed. It is described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape... Read more

  • Elizabeth Lodh

    I am concerned that this road will cause damage to the world heritage site. Why are there no alternatives in the plan, which would not damage or spoil the Stonehenge site? Why has the UNESCO advice... Read more

  • Elton Barker

    The extent and scale of the potential damage to the archaeology and setting of this unique World Heritage Site are poorly understood. We *do* need to listen to experts.

  • Emma Hodgson

    I am familiar with Salisbury Plain, Stonehenge and the A303. I have lived in the area for 12 years. I object to the length of the proposed tunnel being too short and damaging the landscape. I... Read more

  • Emma Summers

    My view is that Stone Henge is Internationally famous. If we build a busy road too close to it there is absolutely no way to guarantee that the famous historical site will not suffer irreparable... Read more

  • Emma Tilbury

    Stonehenge is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and Should be Preserved and the area around it by whatever means, Any work around & underneath it could Permanent damage this World Heritage Site, its... Read more

  • Freeths LLP (Freeths LLP) on behalf of English Heritage

    Application by Highways England for an Order Granting Development Consent for the A303 Amesbury to Berwick Down English Heritage relevant representation to Planning Inspectorate 10th January... Read more