
Lower Thames Crossing

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 201 to 300 of 1148 representations, newest first.

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  • Michael Stanway

    I am interested on how on earth you can carry out a zero carbon construction of a major project of this size.

  • Mr Graham Grice

    I believe that the new crossing is in the wrong place and will only lead to further congestion, pollution and accidents. Moreover, I am confident in saying that the location has been chosen to make... Read more

  • Mr Shaun Barrell

    1. Traffic pollution, noise and light pollution when complete. 2. The destruction of millions of cubic meters of land and with it, the environment it sustains. 3. The disruption to the people of... Read more

  • Mrs Gill Stembridge

    I am very pleased that the Lower Thames Crossing has received Planning Permission. The recent increase in Traffic in the lanes of Kent makes it imperative that the Trunk roads are able to cope with... Read more

  • Mrs Veronica Washington

    The main points of my objection are: 1. The degradation of air quality, estimated 6.6million tonnes of carbon emissions 2. Biodiversity and woodland targets for the surrounding areas of East Tilbury... Read more

  • Peel Ports Ltd (Peel Ports Ltd)

    As the Port Authority closest to the Southern side of the project, we are very keen to make sure the Port of Sheerness is represented to support all aspects of the Lower Thames Crossing and the local... Read more

  • Road Haulage Association (RHA) Ltd (Road Haulage Association (RHA) Ltd)

    We support the Lower Thames Crossing project as a vital piece of infrastructure for road resilience and contingency planning when other routes are unable to be used. We believe it will have economical... Read more

  • Robert Oliver

    As a resident of Thurrock I object to this development on the grounds that it will lead to more traffic through my borough and thereby a degradation in air quality.

  • Steven Troy

    I think that option C would be a waste of money and would only elevate the traffic congestion at the Dartford crossing by 14% and that is because most of the traffic (86%)travels around London so I... Read more

  • Stantec (Stantec) on behalf of Thames Enterprise Park Limited (Thames Enterprise Park Limited)

    Please see attached.

  • Upminster & Cranham Residents' Association (Upminster & Cranham Residents' Association)

    We represent the residents of Upminster and Cranham. Our representation will highlight the potential downside effects for our residents of the new roads linking to the Lower Thames Crossing both in... Read more

  • William Jones

    I am concerned that a massive infrastructure and tunneling project like this Lower Thames Crossing does not include a rail tunnel. Linking the rail networks of the east of England with the south east... Read more

  • Absolute Action Ltd (Absolute Action Ltd)

    will be in relation to :- degree of potential disruption to existing road traffic movement in N Kent whether new roads & tunnels being planned are of sufficient capacity for future usage how long the... Read more

  • Andrew Thompson

    In the first instance, I am in favour of the project for a lower Thames crossing point. My main objection and fear, is that the project will run over time and over budget. I sincerely trust that the... Read more

  • Ashley Roger Hambridge

    I am an interested party because I live near the Dartford Tunnels and their various approach roads and am heartily fed up with the chaos caused to the surrounding area when there is a problem at the... Read more

  • Brian Lishak

    This project is essential for the future and I wish to participate in its development. I am an affected person and an interested party.

  • Colin Randall

    In my humble opinion I think that the proposed project is to close to the QE2 bridge and will create more problems than it will solve

  • ABDS Ltd (ABDS Ltd) on behalf of Cranham Golf Course Ltd (Cranham Golf Course Ltd )

    It is accepted that Annex B of document 4.1 (Statement of Reasons) includes Cranham Golf Course Ltd (No 210) and Cranham Solar Ltd (No 211) and that the document schedules negotiations that have taken... Read more

  • John Green

    The LTC is not fit for purpose. The pollution in this area is way too high. The junction where the LTC joins the M25 is to close to the junction of the A127 also very close to junction of the A12... Read more

  • Leslie Newell

    This is a vital development which will obviously have upsides and downsides. It seems that environmental issues are being taken into account but there will of course, be some things that upset people.... Read more

  • Melburg (Melburg)

    Melburg have various land holdings within the area and are interested to see how these may be impacted by the ongoing proposals

  • Michael Marlow

    Insufficient attention has been made to the environmental issues concerning this development

  • Smart Planning Ltd (Smart Planning Ltd) on behalf of Mr David Barron (Mr David Barron)

    My client is principally concerned about the impact on their residential amenity of noise emanating from the development and the impact that the development will have on the value of their property.

  • Mr Ian Black

    My principal objections to this project are the 1. the impact on the local community and the environment 2. the amount of greenbelt being taken 3. the Tilbury Viaduct section which has not been shown... Read more

  • Owen Berkeley-Hill

    I am concerned that there is no provision to link the crossing to the M20. I have said this in previous submissions. Only providing more crossing capacity is not enough if the traffic then pours onto... Read more

  • Carole Anne Watling

    My concerns are that: . The road will destroy a lot of natural habitat . This area was abused in the past by industry but over the last 50 years has been rehabilitated and I fear the new road will... Read more

  • Colin Cooper

    As a regular user of the current Thames crossing at Dartford I am interested in how the LTC can be of benefit to me. I am also interested in improved flow of Heavy Goods vehicles across the river.

  • David Baker

    The Dartford crosssing will still remain over capacity.The Lower Thames crossing will cause pollution have huge impacts on the environment thousands of acres ancient woodland, green belt and prime... Read more

  • Mark Easter

    The crossing is absolutely essential to relieve QE bridge and Blackwall tunnel to ease Kent being a giant car park that spoils an otherwise beautiful county.

  • MD Elliott

    I did not buy near a main road due to health issues. You now plan to put 8lanes of traffic right outside my home. Health will now suffer. Would not solve the problems suffered due to the Dartford... Read more

  • Michael Doyle

    Wish to be kept informed on the traffic impact on the roads I use on a daily basis. A13, A127

  • Mr Michael Durrant

    The crossing benefits the residents of Kent The surrounding infrastructure is considered within project and potential upgrades are reviewed in light of increased or different traffic flow.

  • Philip Healy

    My area of concern is the impact the proposed crossing will have on the increase in volume of traffic that we will experience in the Swale area, IE north & south of the M2 / A249 junction. Traffic... Read more

  • Raymond Krystofiak

    My concern is the loss of green land being replaced with concrete. Too much emphasis on roads at a time when we are trying to discourage the use of vehicles.

  • Valerie Baker

    The Lower Thames Crossing will not solve the problems at the Dartford Crossing. The Dartford Crossing will still be over capacity. The Lower Thames Crossing will have a devastating affect on the... Read more

  • Carol Rintoul

    The Lower Thames Crossing should not be built It is too expensive will create too much CO2 increase pollution in an area that is already over the limit will disrupt the whole area will cause traffic... Read more

  • Havering Cyclists (Havering Cyclists)

    We object to the project on the grounds that it will cause an increase in motor traffic and pollution both generally and on local roads feeding the new crossing and make it more difficult for the UK... Read more

  • John Goff

    Possible extra high traffic volumes in my area causing more congestion

  • Warren Rainforth

    My interest is an an occasional traveller using the Dartford Crossing and wish to continue a close interest in developments, and have the opportunity to contribute as appropriate.

  • Gary Fitzgerald

    500 words is woefully insufficient to cover in any detail my submissions opposing this project. However, I will be submitting detailed objections covering the Ecological, Environmental, Economic and... Read more

  • Karen Fitzgerald

    I will be opposing this proposed roadbuilding project on Ecological, Environmental, Economic and Financial grounds. I will also be challenging the actual Cost and associated lack of Project Viability... Read more

  • Tony Rice

    I am currently the borough ward councillor for Cobham and Luddesdown and helped to represent my community during the lengthy LTC consultation process. However I am also a resident of Cobham on the... Read more

  • Virginia Kirkham

    I am very concerned about Climate Change and the amount of Carbon this infrastructure scheme will generate during construction and ongoing. I am also very concerned about the cost of the scheme and... Read more

  • Essex Badger Protection Group (Essex Badger Protection Group)

    Badgers live in close knit communities, often referred to as "clans", with each clan having it's own territory and setts which are often defended against incursions by members of others clans. In our... Read more

  • Mr Chris Jones

    I wish as an individual resident of Dartford show my whole hearted support for this scheme, an opinion I think is little or never voiced. It's a vital piece of infrastructure for the region and needs... Read more

  • Russell Plumb

    As a local resident, I have views on the planned development, process and benefits proposed from this solution. It is clear that the costs of the project has increased significantly and that the... Read more

  • Thurrock Power Limited (Thurrock Power Limited)

    Thurrock Power Limited (“TPL”) has the benefit of a development consent order for a flexible generation plant, granted in February 2022 (“TPL DCO”). The TPL DCO consents a combination of reciprocating... Read more

  • Lance Paul

    As I live local I would like this project to go ahead as I know it would relieve heavy traffic on to and off the A2, M2, Dartford Crossing and surrounding roads through Gravesend.

  • Tessa Barnby

    This scheme will not solve the problems suffered due to the Dartford Crossing. Scheme does not take into account other possible developments in the local area, ie theme park proposal on the Northfleet... Read more

  • Gill Gilmour

    I object to this proposed development on the basis that it will cause irretrievable and lasting environmental damage in an age where there is more and more awareness of the lasting effects that... Read more

  • Lesley Goodwin

    My home in South Ockendon will look directly over the LTC road when it is built. Firstly, the tunnel is to close to the current Dartford Crossing to be a viable alternative it will just add to... Read more

  • Martin Bryant

    The project is too expensive, and is likely overrun and go over budget. The project will cause pollution and risk of ill health to those in the area. The project will not relieve traffic congestion,... Read more

  • Martin Carroll

    A new tunnel to the east of the existing bridge and tunnel would bring additional pollution to the east of Thurrock to an already high pollution area of south east Essex. Also this end of the borough... Read more

  • Michael Farman

    I am greatly concerned about the increase in traffic on the Manor way roundabout in Stanford le Hope with the building and operation of the Lower Thames Crossing. I live in the area and have expressed... Read more

  • Peter Thomas

    I wish to continue to stress that much of the slow running on the existing Dartford Crossing is caused by too many junctions each of which tends to slow traffic as it exits or enters the motorway.

  • Barry Goodwin

    Pollution concerns. Noise, Air and light. Loss of wild habitat. Developing green areas? Who will go there as the air will be filled vehicle fumes and noise. When the LTC is constructed and in use it... Read more

  • Jeanette Hogan

    Many reasons I object to this proposal. Far too many fumes will be placed in the air, especially around Stanford le hope where the road layout is atrocious!!!! All traffic going to London has to come... Read more

  • Miss Christine Ann Salter

    Thurrock already suffers from high pollution, this will only increase carbon emissions, noise & air pollution. Incidents / closures / traffic jams at the existing Dartford Crossing already cause... Read more

  • Pat Baker

    The lower Thames crossing is the most environmentally damaging most expensive route. Thousands of acres of ancient woodland prime agricultural land and green belt will put at risk with devastating... Read more

  • Ranjit Pattar

    No clear objections at this stage, just want to understand more about what the plans look like.

  • Robert Lane

    • National Highways has failed to properly examine alternative options as required under the environmental impact assessment. They failed to give proper consideration to a simple 4-lane bridge at... Read more

  • Alan Dolan

    my representation is my objection to the constant changes that affect the population of Thurrock residents' where you have changed roads that have an effect on the pollution being moved eastwards into... Read more

  • Anne Robinson

    I strongly object to the Lower Thames Crossing, which should be scrapped, for the following reasons. 1. A proper full and recent assessment of the problem has not been made. It has been 14 years since... Read more

  • Christopher Wright

    I believe that 1. The method used to evaluate the scheme is flawed: time savings per se are not effective indicators of the real costs and benefits. 2. Over the longer term, the tunnel will generate... Read more

  • Hills Leslie

    I am the borough councillor for Chalk. As Such, I believe the development will be an unacceptable disruption for years to the residents I represent. I do not believe a tunnel will solve the problem at... Read more

  • Margaret Haig

    This proposal will inflict so much damage to nearby rural villages and residents who chose to live in a rural community, not on the edge of a motorway and a commuter belt. The irreversible damage to... Read more

  • PETER TREVOR FOSTER on behalf of Mr John Anthony White (Mr John Anthony White)

    This representation refers to land known as Whittakers nursery Heath Road Orsett RM16 3AP registered at Land Registry EX944832 1. The requirement for the above land is to enable a diversion of... Read more

  • Richard Pool

    The problem of Congestion New roads don’t decrease congestion: It is clear and obvious simply by observation that building new roads does not reduce road use, in fact it appears to increase it. The... Read more

  • PETER TREVOR FOSTER on behalf of The residents of Hollycrest, Mill Lane (The residents of Hollycrest, Mill Lane)

    My clients property is severely affected by the scheme in that it is proposed to lay a high pressure gas main in very close proximity to the property and its outbuildings and likely to cause severe... Read more

  • PETER TREVOR FOSTER on behalf of The Residents of Mill House, Mill Lane (The Residents of Mill House, Mill Lane)

    My Clients property as stated above is severely affected by the scheme in the form of a new high pressure gas main passing across their property in close proximity to residential dwellings likely to... Read more

  • David Walland

    I am within Orsett , the original plans and representation by HE stated that this project passes to the West of Orsett , this is grossly untrue , not only does it cut through Orsett it affects the... Read more

  • Essex Developers Group (Essex Developers Group)

    On behalf of the Essex Developers Group (EDG) we would like to convey our support to the Lower Thames Crossing which would not only relieve pressure on the Dartford Crossing but provide an added boost... Read more

  • Linda Dolan

    I feel that there has been little thought or concerns for the health, wellbeing and safety for the residents of Thurrock and Basildon. The increase and disruption from traffic noise and rise in... Read more

  • Penny Ellmore

    The project is not value for money and will not solve the problems at the Dartford crossing as originally intended. It will destroy thousands of acres of rural farmland and increase traffic in an area... Read more

  • Alison Shepherd

    I'm concerned about damage to woodland and precious natural habitats for wildlife as well as the loss of valuable green space around Shorne park and the surrounding area. I'm also concerned about high... Read more

  • David Reynolds

    I wish to air my views about the proposed lower Thames crossing. I wish to enter objections to the pollution and extra traffic that this tunnel will bring to Thurrock This will be a environmental... Read more

  • Emma Tristram

    I object to the scheme for the following reasons. 1. The scheme would not relieve congestion at the Dartford Crossing. 2. The scheme would lead to a large (50%) increase in traffic at a time when,... Read more

  • John Elliott

    I do find some difficulty in conforming exactly with the National Policy Statement as it is clearly in conflict with more recent government policies (eg the carbon reduction strategy and the... Read more

  • Linda Holland

    The road will be in front of my bungalow. My concern is noise, pollution, disruption over a long period of time due to closure of the road I live. How will I access my property. Will the local bus... Read more

  • London Cycling Campaign (London Cycling Campaign)

    We will make a representation in the context of targets and aims contained in national policy statements on issues including but not necessarily limited to transport decarbonisation, mode shift,... Read more

  • Paul Howsam

    The traffic situation around GRavesend is already untenable due to all of the below 1. Bluewater 2. Ebbsfleet Valley 3. Proposed Theme Park. To add this additional crossing will crate even more... Read more

  • David Williams

    I do not believe this proposal is warranted given the current state of affairs we as both a country and planet, are facing. This will massively increase carbon emissions in the midst of the climate... Read more

  • Glyn Jarvis

    I am concerned that the land take in Thurrock is unnecessary and further investigation should be undertaken to examine a route which enters Essex from Kent at a point which is further east.

  • Inspire You Wellbeing Ltd (Inspire You Wellbeing Ltd) on behalf of Inspire You Wellbeing Ltd (Inspire You Wellbeing Ltd)

    -We are hoping to see more cycling infrastructure and are happy to see the inclusion of foot bridges. We hope that in the future there is more availability for people to use healthy modes of transport... Read more

  • Janice McAleavey

    The health and safety of Thurrock residents is a main concern of mine as we will be surrounded by air pollution and noise that will have a detrimental impact on the people of this area. This... Read more

  • Naomi Cooper

    Doesn’t meet the objectives it set out to achieve Not economical, no value for money at over £10 billion - other spending would be needed as a direct result of this flawed project Would not solve... Read more

  • Hobbs Parker Property Consultants LLP (Hobbs Parker Property Consultants LLP) on behalf of Owners of RK & D Shearer (Owners of RK & D Shearer)

    The representation will cover the following matters: 1. Extent and scale of Permanent Freehold Acquisition 2. Extent and scale of Temporary Acquisition 3. Severance of Farm 4. Impact on Access to Farm... Read more

  • Paul Parmenter

    Pollution and distraction of country life. The removal of access to current road and additional cost and mileage that I will increase my carbon footprint to travel locally The increase iin traffic on... Read more

  • Richard Hawker

    Lower Thames Crossing. Although I live a considerable distance from the proposed scheme, I am aware of its massive scale, and the disastrous effect it will have upon the area of the lower Thames, in... Read more

  • Stuart Dixon

    Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project comprising 14 miles of Trunk Road linking the A2 and M25 through a Tunnel under the River Thames at Gravesend (LTC). According to Government procurement... Read more

  • Tracey Payne

    I have concerns about the air quality in the area which is already high. The consultation process has been lacking with missed information sessions in affected areas, it wasn’t completely inclusive... Read more

  • Dover Harbour Board (Dover Harbour Board)

    The Port of Dover is responsible for facilitating £144bn of trade and 33% of the UK’s trade in goods with the EU, half of which is travelling to and from beyond London and the South East to support... Read more

  • Essex Bridleways Association (Essex Bridleways Association)

    Essex Bridleways Association has been in detailed discussions on this project from the outset. As such EBA wishes to ensure that agreements reached to date are not detrimentally altered and are... Read more

  • Peter Booth

    The scheme is unnecessary and unaffordable. The local disruption is unacceptable and will cause permanent damage to ever dwindling areas for nature and conservation.

  • Sandra Elliott

    My home is very close to the proposed route north of the river. I am concerned about the environmental impact of the destructions of large swathes of green space and ancient woodland on residents... Read more

  • Alan Turner

    I wish to object to part of the proposed route of the LTC. At the northern end, where it is to merge with the M25, your proposed route will carve a devastating path through the Thames Chase Community... Read more

  • Andrea Kay

    I believe that the proposed crossing will add to pollution, which is already over legal limits in Thurrock

  • Esso Petroleum Company, Limited (Esso Petroleum Company, Limited)

    We are a landowner affected by the scheme. We are in process of selling the relevant land (a former petrol station on the north side of the A2) on agreed terms to National Highways. The sale appears... Read more

  • Lesley Goodwin on behalf of Glen Platt (Glen Platt)

    My home in South Ockendon will look directly over the LTC road when it is built. Firstly, the tunnel is to close to the current Dartford Crossing to be a viable alternative it will just add to... Read more

  • Lesley Goodwin on behalf of Jaime Anderson (Jaime Anderson)

    My home will look directly over the LTC road when it is built. The tunnel is to close to the current Dartford Crossing to be a viable alternative it will just add to congestion in Thurrock which will... Read more