
Lower Thames Crossing

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 326 to 350 of 1148 representations, newest first.

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  • Strutt & Parker (Strutt & Parker) on behalf of The landowners of the land as referenced on the Land Registry as BGL106153 – being Yue Keung Stephen Lee and Lai Yu Cheung (The landowners of the land as referenced on the Land Registry as BGL106153 – being Yue Keung Stephen Lee and Lai Yu Cheung)

    We are instructed by Yue Keung Stephen Lee and Lai Yu Cheung (our clients) care of Strutt & Parker, Coval Hall, Rainsford Road, Chelmsford, CM1 2QF and of Flat C, 12/F., Wah Yu Court, 8 Hong Ping... Read more

  • Tim Matthews

    Against the construction of this project

  • Bonnie Hinz

    The proposed crossing plans are flawed , will cause problems for surrounding roads and are not fit for purpose

  • Giles Dadd

    As a frequent user of the M25 Dartford Crossing I am keen for this project to go trough to relieve the pressure on the Crossing and the delays entailed. I am also an agricultural consultant on soils... Read more

  • Karen Moore

    I am against the construction of LTC. I believe that the initial consultation was severely flawed and that the views of the local residents were not truly represented I am concerned over the loss of... Read more

  • Monica Saunders

    The application counters evidence of induced demand i.e. that the more road space provided the greater the volumes of traffic The scheme will increase Carbon Emissions, both in building and use at a... Read more

  • Mrs. Jacqueline Thacker

    This is an outline of the principal submissions I intend to make in relation to the application. I reserve the right to raise further points at a later date if necessary. National Highways are running... Read more

  • Rick Pedler

    A now out of date construction, Does not help dartford, to much damage to the environment, pollution levels not met . A2 will struggle, too expensive in a cost of living crisis. Proposed to be built... Read more

  • Sandy Scotting

    The route looks very good to me and is essential to relieve the pressure on the extreme traffic problems around the Dartford crossing.

  • Sharon larsen

    I am worried about the amount of cars going through our village due to air pollution and carbon emission. This worries me due to my health. I am concerned about the farm land to be used in the area... Read more

  • Simon Pirani

    What I consider to be the main issues about the Lower Thames Crossing 1. Construction of the Lower Thames Crossing runs counter to the government’s Net Zero Strategy, which requires reductions in... Read more

  • Susan King

    Causing additional pollution including noise, light and air pollution in the area where the M25 is already heavily congested when the current bridge and tunnel are disrupted.

  • WELCOM Forum (WELCOM Forum)

    As im the WELCOM Forum Secretary i will relay issues that may arise from the presentation of the Design Consent Order onwards on behalf of the residents of East Tilbury, West Tilbury and Linford who... Read more

  • Antony Starns

    The proposed lower Thames crossing is not fit for purpose. Your own studies show that it will not reduce the congestion on the QE11 bridge as advertised, it will exceed targeted carbon output, and... Read more

  • Brian Smith

    I object to the proposed LTC based on the following. As a resident living within 500 metres of the proposed road and within a mile of the a13/a1089 junction I have severe concerns about the impact of... Read more

  • British Horse Society (on behalf of Kent) (British Horse Society (on behalf of Kent))

    The British Horse Society London & South East is the UK’s largest equestrian charity with over 118,000 members representing the country’s 3 million horse riders. BHS staff and volunteers from Kent and... Read more

  • Bulphan Village Community Forum (Bulphan Village Community Forum)

    The proposed Lower Thames Crossing will not relieve congestion as much as other proposed routes would; the proposals do not comply with carbon emission reduction targets; other original proposals... Read more

  • Graham Horsler

    I feel the proposals for the crossing will cause severe damage to the environment on what is existing green belt land and add to traffic congestion in the area of Thurrock

  • Thomas J Foster

    Dear Sir/Madam, In the first instant I wrote to the They have replied and given me yhis information and told me that I should be contacting you with my... Read more

  • Anna Louise Sparrow

    My main concern about this road is that, despite the huge cost in both taxpayers' money and environmental destruction, it will still fail in its primary purpose and traffic demands on the existing... Read more

  • C Stubbings

    to propose that the development proceeds a soon as possible giving due regard to the local environment but giving prime importance to the benefits to the whole country in improving transport... Read more

  • Joshua Maurel

    This is an outline of the principal submissions I, as an interested party, intend to make regarding this application. I make this representation as this is my main residence and someone who has a... Read more

  • Trevor James Sparrow

    My representation is based on the points made in my consultation responses: - traffic levels at the existing crossing will still exceed operating capacity - there is no strategy for managing the... Read more

  • Dickens' Country Protection Society (Dickens' Country Protection Society)

    The Society was formed in 1972. The Society has submitted representations during the route selection process and in response to each consultation. The congestion at the Dartford Crossing is primarily... Read more

  • George Moffat

    The redesigning of junction 29 on the M25 and the A127, how can this cope woth increased capacity.