Chwiliwch yn ôl yr unigolyn neu'r grŵp sy'n gwneud y cyflwyniad neu gynnwys y cyflwyniad.
I live in Studham and live directly under the flight path. I have two very young children and I do not want the airport expansion to go ahead. We are already constantly disturbed day and night by the...
Darllen mwy
I object to the changes in the road infrastructure, the building in Wigmore Park and the proposed additional traffic and future flights in and out of Luton airport. - this will bring increase traffic...
Darllen mwy
We need to prioritise the enviroment and re-growth of a dying town centre in both Luton and Dunstable, not lining pockets. We do not need anymore foot fall in Luton. The hospital is at breaking point,...
Darllen mwy
This application needs to balance the economic and environmental needs of the region. By investing in the airport, it can ensure a sustainable growth plan which benefits everyone, while minimising...
Darllen mwy
It cannot happen as it will destroy numerous trees and vegetation when we as nation are combating the global warming crisis by planting trees in attempt to net carbon offset but we have established...
Darllen mwy
Datchworth Parish Council supports the position of LANACAN (Luton and District Association for the Control of Aircraft Noise) and other objecting organisations in resisting developments which would...
Darllen mwy
As a local resident for many years I would like to ensure that the Examination fully takes into account the effect that the proposed airport expansion would have on the area immediately surrounding...
Darllen mwy
Large airport is not needed. Park is in constant use and with ruin the lives of residents that live in the area if the airport goes ahead.
We are supporting Luton Rising application for expansion based on the positive impact, both in respect of economic and social impact the airport already has in our town. The expansion will also have...
Darllen mwy
Traffic on the Upper Tilehouse St/A602/Paynes Park junction and Pirton Road/A505/Upper Tilehouse St/Wratten Road junction in the West of Hitchin is already above capacity. The North Herts Local Plan...
Darllen mwy
Impact to health Congestion of roads
I think that the airport is big enough as it is. There will be a severe impact on the wildlife in the area. Alot of the community enjoy walking (and walking their dogs) in these beautiful open spaces....
Darllen mwy
Options available during consultations had already been rejected. Proposed breach of the Luton Local Plan adopted in 2017, that bans the use of Eaton Green Road to provide access to Century Park or...
Darllen mwy
Increase in parking problems which is already a major issue in roads near the airport. Noise which will be unbearable in summer months when the windows are open,increase in night time flights...
Darllen mwy
Expanding Luton airport is against all reasonable and sensible thought process. How can expanding an airport in any way, shape or form be the right thing to during a time of climate crisis. If there...
Darllen mwy
it is inappropriate and will cause great difficulty on roads and on the railway. There are better airports ready for expansion if it is needed.
We apparently are in the midst of a climate emergency. So this project has a negative impact in many ways on our town (& my family's & my life). The smell of jet fuel that wafts from the current...
Darllen mwy
The airport expansion will be great for Luton particularly as it will create more jobs for local people and neighbouring counties. Also money is invested from every person passing through the airport...
Darllen mwy
The roundabouts you wish to change to main roads leading to the airport. I live right by one of the roundabouts and have 2 small children who like to play outside. When I moved here i loved how open...
Darllen mwy
I live in Kensworth, directly under the flight path, more passengers means more planes. The planes fly over almost continuously during the day, prohibiting conversations/listening to radio or...
Darllen mwy
The main impact on this proposal would be the effect it has on health from the additional pollution from, cars, traffic, noise and planes. [REDACTED] as do many other people. The proposal will make it...
Darllen mwy
Excessive Air pollution Luton will never meet carbon neutral status with the doubling of passenger capacity. Excessive noise pollution the airport already exceeds on a regular basis the noise levels...
Darllen mwy
Thus is going to ruin the area.. fly tipping, cause pollution for fumes fron cars planes. Why should plans go ahead on the say so of people who do kit even luves in ares. God help us all. What will we...
Darllen mwy
The proposed plan does not take into consideration the effect it will have on the residents of Wigmore and surrounding area. The horrendous increase of congestion on the roads with the added effects...
Darllen mwy
I strongly object to an increase in maximum passenger numbers. Noise from aircraft departing from Luton airport already affects my quality of life detrimentally - a further massive increase in the...
Darllen mwy