Chwiliwch yn ôl yr unigolyn neu'r grŵp sy'n gwneud y cyflwyniad neu gynnwys y cyflwyniad.
I am mainly concerned about the environmental impact of the proposed airport expansion, in particular on the local residents and wildlife/green space in the area. However, I am also concerned about...
Darllen mwy
I oppose the plans, it will cause more noise pollution as well as general pollution to our local environment.
-Very high levels of noise. We are already struggling to sleep due to flights in the middle of the night. When outside the noise is unbearable and conversation virtually impossible. -Pollution...
Darllen mwy
This expansion should not proceed on the grounds that we should be trying to reduce pollution and not add to it.
This part of town cannot cope with the massive increase in passengers. The plans to put in multiple sets of traffic lights and to dual carriage way parts of Wigmore Lane will cause massive issues to...
Darllen mwy
Very concerned about massive increase in traffic around wigmore and loss of wigmore park
I am fundamentally opposed to expanding Luton Airport in any way, shape or form. There are two main reasons for this. Once expansion has been completed there will be more flights. For those that live...
Darllen mwy
I believe this airport expansion will have a very negative impact on the Health conditions of local residents As i have lived in the local area for more than 35 years i have encountered many days of...
Darllen mwy
I am very concerned about the amount of air pollution that an increase in flights will bring. I live close to the airport and have a son [REDACTED] who would be negatively affected by any increase in...
Darllen mwy
The expansion will have a negative effect on surrounding villages and wildlife
I have concerns over the flight noise we hear over our property every few minutes already and with the proposed expansion this would only increase. This is very disturbing as I do night shifts and I...
Darllen mwy
I am fully in support of the proposal to expand London Luton Airport. The thousands of jobs it will create will support the Luton 2040 vision of a town where no-one has to live in poverty. Millions...
Darllen mwy
The proposal is completely at odds with the need to cut greenhouse gases. It will increase noise pollution (which is already significant where I live) and further increase traffic density.
We live directly on a path of plane landing at the airport, it can get very noisy in the daytime also nighttime as it is. With expansion I can assume it’s going to get noisier and also polluted in the...
Darllen mwy
I support the application because of the enormous, and vital, positive social impact provided by the airport owner into Luton's communities. I commend the applicant's approach to go far beyond normal...
Darllen mwy
I am fully in support of the application by Luton Rising.
The proposed expansion of London Luton Airport to 32 million passengers per year will cause excessive strain on local transport networks, including rural roads in Hitchin & Harpenden. They will also...
Darllen mwy
At the moment the current capacity of Luton Airport creates a terrible smell. I can only assume its kerosene. I wish this gone. The proposal shall increase this smell At the moment the current...
Darllen mwy
Deep concerns about loss of community green space, established habitats and mature trees lost in an area which has already suffered major mature tree loss. Also concerns over changes to roads leading...
Darllen mwy
The East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust (EEAST) consider that the Project (London Luton Airport) is likely to have a significant impact on its operations, service capacity and resources...
Darllen mwy
Impact on the ability of airport tenants to use and enjoy the assets they lease from the airport concession holder/Luton Rising.
I'm very concerned about the increase in noise and traffic that will result from increasing passenger numbers by such a huge amount.
I object as this expansion will have a profoundly negative impact on myself, my partner and my future children’s lives. The added pollution, the road expansion plans directly next to our house, the...
Darllen mwy
Living near to the airport will adversely affect me. The noise and increased traffic will cause me a problem
As a resident that can see the runway from my house im utterly opposed to the expansion of London Luton Airport. The fumes from the aircraft are a health hazard. The noise from the aircraft flying...
Darllen mwy