Chwiliwch yn ôl yr unigolyn neu'r grŵp sy'n gwneud y cyflwyniad neu gynnwys y cyflwyniad.
Pollution: Noise Air Light Increase in carbon emissions from the flights, adding to Climate Change Reduction in Air Quality all around the airfield due to ultrafine particulates Loss of valuable...
Darllen mwy
The expansion plans do not take into account the increased environmental damage that will be caused to the local area, nor the wider damage caused by increased air traffic.
1. Why significant earthmoving takes place in phase 1, in 2025, when not needed until phase 2a, which is not due to start until 2033 2. How will the proposed Environmental Scrutiny Group have...
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The village of Sandridge already suffers from being overflown at low level by Luton, this project will increase the noise pollution levels by more than 70%. 14 million extra journeys to/from the...
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I oppose the expansion of the airport ,due to additional planes noise and pollution in the sky above Kensworth
Main issues is the amount of traffic added to a already busy spot especially during school.drop of amd pick.up times i have atbschool bit a noghtmare around those times as it os
I object to the expansion because of the additional noise and pollution will adversely affect my quality of life more that it does at present.
We are fully behind the expansion of the Airport. The Airport is already an essential employer and generates jobs and opportunities for suppliers like us in the local community. As a business over 90%...
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Air Quality - Luton already has very poor air quality, increase in traffic to and from the airport and plane activity will only make this worse. Noise - the noise from the planes is very loud...
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I believe that due to unique contribution made by Luton Rising already to the breadth of front-line services in Luton that together this has totalled nearly £500m since 1998 will increase. It should...
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1. Agreements between LBC and Luton Airport unclear. The proposed expansion plans for Luton Rising should address the agreement with the Airport consortium and the impact of contract renewals,...
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As my property will be affected by the London Luton expansion how will we be compensated for additional noise and air pollution and what controls are in place for the additional exposure?
I oppose the expansion of the airport due to increase of car journeys , planes noise and pollution .This would increase the carbon footprint when it is not needed.
There is no justification given the climate crisis we face to consider airport expansion, governments ought to be focused on flight reductions/ mileage allocations etc if we are to meet our climate...
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Noise Pollution giving no peace to our daily life Air Pollution Greenhouse emissions Huge impact on climate change
Not happy about making the roundabout connecting crawley green road and wigmore lane any busier than it already is. I live with my partner and two young children on pinford dell where we are the...
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luton airport development positive movement and involvement of Uno in local transport
I represent the views of more than 400 households in Wheathampstead, who are members of our society. Our lives are already blighted by the noise from Luton Airport (although we accept not as badly as...
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The expansion of the airport would impact us alot as a town, as a organization as we would bring in more jobs for the locals and even people who live nearby. This would also bring alot more business...
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Bedfordshire Chamber of Commerce is writing to express our support for Luton Rising’s application for development consent at London Luton Airport. We believe it is vitally important that London Luton...
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Given the current climate crisis, enlarging the airport and cutting down trees and building on green land along with encouraging more people to fly is an environmental disaster.
Representation on behalf of Bloor Homes to the London Luton Airport Expansion Development Consent Order (the “DCO”) Bloor Homes has an interest (by way of a an option agreement]) in Land to the East...
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The Sunday morning services at Breachwood Green Baptist Church are already interrupted by flights from Luton airport. It becomes impossible to hear what is being said so it is necessary to pause what...
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I oppose the expansion of Luton Airport from its current permitted cap of 18 million passengers per annum to 32 million passengers per annum on noise disturbance grounds. Depending on which flight...
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The proposed airport expansion will have a disastrous and detrimental effect on the residents of Wigmore from an increase of noise, travel congestion and pollution, in a time when we should all be...
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