
London Luton Airport Expansion

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 776 to 800 of 1603 representations, newest first.

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  • Linda Scurry

    Increased noise levels throughout the day . Increased flights and noise levels during the night

  • Linda styles

    Extra Flights will cause more noise over the village and our homes especially extra noise with more flights at night. Night flights should be curbed as other airports are. Road infrastructure for... Read more

  • Link Community Centre (Link Community Centre)

    The importance of expanding the airport and the benefits it can bring to the local and national economy, tourism industry, and overall transportation infrastructure is huge. First and foremost, it... Read more

  • Louise Stubbs

    I already experience significant disruption to my home life as a result of aircraft noise - the level of expansion envisaged by this project will make life unbearable and massively diminish the value... Read more

  • Lynne McGechie

    1. Given global warming and the impact of air travel on pollution and its effects on climate I think we should be discouraging air travel, not increasing capacity with an enlarged airport at Luton. 2.... Read more

  • Margaret Helen Gathard

    This proposed expansion will have a significant effect on noise, traffic and air quality pollution to all the surrounding areas and in particular, Slip End as we are under the flight path. We need... Read more

  • Mary Seacole Housing Association (Mary Seacole Housing Association)

    From the Association's perspective, the airport's growth and expansion will support our organisation to continue and, most importantly, increase the difference it makes in people's lives. Added to... Read more

  • Michael John Mercer-Deadman

    - Growth of Luton Airport over the years has seen significant impact on the surrounding country in terms of increased surface traffic and congestion, aircraft noise. - The noise proposals do not meet... Read more

  • Julia Partridge on behalf of Mrs Agnes Helen Philpot (Mrs Agnes Helen Philpot)

    Pollution air and road Noise Infrastructure Effect on wildlife Village life Traffic pollution

  • Mrs Linda Brookes

    I strongly object to the proposed massive increase in passenger numbers and flights at Luton Airport. 1. Noise pollution - when the wind is from the east, departure flights fly directly above... Read more

  • Muhammad Ali khan

    I believe it’s great to expand Luton airport. It will be great for town and visitors. Great economy and will bring more jobs for the community. It will bring Luton more on a Centre point to the whole... Read more

  • Natural England (Natural England)

    Our Relevant Representations will be sent separately by email

  • Neil Gaskell

    More frequent loud noise- spoiling indoor and outdoor living. Already becoming unbearable. Poorer Air quality / pollution (REDACTED) Light Pollution. Increased traffic wear and tear on roads. More... Read more

  • Neil Walker

    As a sometime user of Luton Airport, I consider it a valuable part of our national infrastructure. However, expanding air travel at this time is incompatible with the UK's Paris 2015 commitments to... Read more

  • Nicola Clark

    This proposed project is wholly inappropriate at this time of rapidly increasing climate and biodiversity breakdown and cannot under any circumstances sit within the plans for a zero carbon future. On... Read more

  • Nigel Oxley

    Here is a list of bullet points I would like to discuss: - Ownership of the airport and a conflict of interest - Shortcomings of previous Planning decisions - Failure to bring in noise mitigation... Read more

  • Paula Yapp

    I am against the expansion due to the adverse impact on the surrounding area. This includes noise, pollution, increased road congestion, impact on countryside and wildlife, decreased quality of life... Read more

  • R. Ifat

    Airport Luton should be expanded

  • Rev. Dr. James Michael Cassidy

    Luton airport growth will help support the economy of the area.

  • Richard John Langeveld

    I wish to object to any further expansion

  • Robert Upton

    1. Target for increased passenger numbers is too high and not compatible with the climate emergency. 2. Control of development impacts is too loose (for example, if planes are too noisy there should... Read more

  • Rosemary Rowe

    The main issues are the affects of the expansion on the quality of life over the three counties. The impact of the increase in aircraft will impact; wildlife, sleep of local residents, destruction of... Read more

  • Ruth Poole

    I’m 100% against this proposed project

  • Ruth Quine

    I think this expansion is a positive thing for Luton because of: * the big difference that Luton Rising's annual contribution to front line services and charities has and does make to supporting the... Read more

  • Saad Miah

    I want clarity and evidence that the following will not be an issue after airport expansion. 1. Noise 2. Pollution 3. Increased traffic 4. Parking 5. That job creation for local people at the airport... Read more