
London Luton Airport Expansion

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Showing 751 to 775 of 1603 representations, newest first.

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  • George Bevan

    In a world where climate change is an ever-present threat with overwhelming evidence, vastly increasing the number of flights from any airport should be near impossible. I would urge the government to... Read more

  • Georgina Coombes

    The expansion on London Luton (or any other) Airport is completely inappropriate and unjustifiable, given current circumstances. Our priority at this time should be to discourage people from flying... Read more

  • Geraldine Galvin

    Increased pollution, detrimental impact on air quality, inadequate transport links for increased traffic, reduction in green spaces, unaccepable increase in noise. Detrimental impact on local areas... Read more

  • Gil Yaron

    The main issue of concern for me is the environmental impact of the proposed project.

  • Gillian Mary Chegwyn

    I object to this application. I regard the main issues to be; 1 the negative carbon emissions impact of this infrastructure in terms of its manufacture and usage on global warming and biodiversity.... Read more

  • Harriot Pleydell-Bouverie

    The proposed landscaping and access plot 6-06 is situated on my land ownership. This access route could be accommodated on the adjacent existing right of way, which is situated on plots 6-07 and 6-05.... Read more

  • Heather Whyte

    We live within sight of the control tower and frequently experience noise pollution and air pollution particularly in the form of the smell of aviation fuel which can cause us to close windows. The... Read more

  • Hindu Mandir and Community Centre Luton. And LCOF. (Hindu Mandir and Community Centre Luton. And LCOF.)

    I am in full support of Luton Airport development. However besides jobs and economics growth residential safety and services should be fulfilled satisfactorily. At present services of rail links not... Read more

  • Ian Brian Roper

    I have great concern over the noise and frequency of descending aircraft approaching Luton airport using the AD6 route. I have lived in Rushden, North Hertfordshire for over 20 years. This is a rural... Read more

  • Jacquline Sliney

    I live close to the airport, I am unable to have windows open during the night as planes reving up. They take off every few minutes during the day they disrupt the tv it would be even worse with an... Read more

  • Jan Evans

    1. There would be a huge increase in noise and air pollution in the highly populated area around Luton Airport and its flight paths. 2. Air pollution in particular would contribute to higher premature... Read more

  • Jennie White

    I am in agreement with the project

  • John Hale

    Over the last ten years Luton airport has doubled in size. When that expansion was approved there was an expectation that there would be no further expansion and that the airport would take robust... Read more

  • John Harrison

    Staking Luton's income on an unsustainable and highly polluting industry artificially propped up by massive government airline industry subsidies doesn't provide our town with any future security. IF... Read more

  • John Hogan

    If we are to reach net zero in the near future, we should be encouraging less flights not more. The levels of air and noise pollution are a problem now and will only be exacerbated if this expansion... Read more

  • Jon Stephen House

    The noise from the aircraft already keeps me awake & I can regularly smell the fuel. The park will be mostly destroyed to accommodate this, losing a huge chunk of a county wildlife site, with the... Read more

  • Jonathan P Andrews

    Lack of public consultation and representation of public views. Removal of trees in Airport Way to Amended Flight paths which increase noise levels. Increased air pollution levels making LUTON a more... Read more

  • Karen Bewick

    The pressure on the local environment and local population from the never ending expansion plans of Luton Airport is too much. Luton is one of the most deprived places in the UK but the Council make... Read more

  • karen Clack

    I am concerned about noise pollution, air pollution, the natural environment of Wigmore Park and the extra traffic that will inevitably use Ashcroft Road and surrounding areas

  • Katharina Klamt

    Nothing about this expansion is well thought out or actually beneficial to the area. The roads, as they are now, or with another lane added, can't support the traffic we'd get with an additional... Read more

  • Katherine Khan

    I am writing to voice my strong objection to the proposed Luton airport extension. While I understand the potential economic benefits, the negative impact on the environment and our daily lives simply... Read more

  • Katrina Mairi Doubleday

    This area is already very congested with traffic, not only traffic travelling to the airport but traffic in general. I do not see the need to expand the capacity of the airport in such a restricted... Read more

  • Kings Walden Parish Council (Kings Walden Parish Council)

    Kings Walden Parish Council objects to the plans to increase annual passenger numbers from 18m to 32m. If approved they will have a significant effect on the quality of life in the parish: - 70% more... Read more

  • Lee Jonathan Hazell

    - What impact will this have on local parking ? - What impact will this have on polution ? - Where will the money made go ?

  • Linda Joyce Davies

    Luton Airport Expansion Introduction The world has changed since the proposal originally started several years ago. The pandemic led us to realise that we can stay in touch and hold meetings online,... Read more