
London Luton Airport Expansion

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Showing 1326 to 1350 of 1603 representations, newest first.

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  • Helen Halsey

    I am concerned about the impact on the local environment and infrastructure of the proposed expansion.

  • Helena Mary Catherine Cotter

    1. The potential expansion for me personally will affect the quality of life we all have around here - poor even at current levels. Air quality is worse than ever with the volume of traffic, the M1... Read more

  • Hertfordshire County Council (Hertfordshire County Council)

    Relevant Representation of the Hertfordshire Host Authorities 1. Pre-Submission The host authorities’ consultancy team 1.1 Pre-submission the Hertfordshire host authorities (Dacorum, Hertfordshire and... Read more

  • Hugh Francis Lawrence

    This expansion will cause adverse effects to those in the vicinity of the airport who are unfortunate enough to be under the flight path. These effects will include increased noise, pollution and a... Read more

  • Ian Alderman

    I object to the plans for Luton Airport to expand its passenger capacity to 32mppa for the following reasons:- 1. The expansion of Luton Airport will undeniably result in an increase in Green House... Read more

  • Ian Otter

    I believe the expansion of London Luton Airport is crucial to the economic development of the region and Luton in particular. It will deliver thousands of skilled jobs and have a direct benefit on the... Read more

  • Ian Stewart

    Destruction of well established green space. Unnecessary expansion as capacity in the SE is sufficient especially as demand will flattline In thefuture. Impact on local roads is all theoretical and... Read more

  • Ivinghoe Parish Council (Ivinghoe Parish Council)

    Ivinghoe PC has concerns about the proposed expansion of Luton Airport for the following reasons:- It will have a detrimental effect on the quality of life of our parishioners because :- a) An... Read more

  • J Christmas

    Pollution & air quality: 3 most relevant pollutants to human health - all pollutants to the whole environment should be considered, not just those 3 these deemed most relevant to human health. There... Read more

  • J Stephens

    The expansion is not needed and will cause a lot of environmental issues.

  • J Thompson

    I have lived in Caddington for over 20 years and was aware of the aircraft . The current amount to aircraft flying over my house has already increased over the 20 years and is already a noise... Read more

  • Jackie kenneford

    Unbearable and constant noise! Airplane pollution!

  • Jacqueline Clarke

    Noise from aircraft flying over my home, wakes me up from 6am. Air pollution. Increased traffic .

  • Jacqueline Rainbow

    I am concerned that the proposed development will impact detrimentally on the traffic flow and air pollution this caused in and around Luton

  • James Ashby

    The proposals seem balanced and reasonable. There is appropriate mitigation for the proposed loss of parkland to the East of the airport. Luton Airport is a major employer for the local area and... Read more

  • James Howard Borcherds

    I object to the expansion of Luton Airport. In order to make the UK more sustainable we need to reduce the number of flights and encourage travel by more sustainable methods. The UK should be looking... Read more

  • Home owner (Home owner) on behalf of James Sizer (James Sizer)

    The current Airport is quite noisy, last week it was revving up at 2am in the morning & woke us both up. It regularly operating late at night after midnight & disturbs our sleep. My wife is [REDACTED]... Read more

  • James Thompson Browne

    At its current size, Luton Airport is already a major disruptive and problem presence in the local area. A large number of aircraft take a flight path directly over Harpenden causing major noise and... Read more

  • Jane swain

    No to traffic lights and our lovely parks we need

  • Janet Frances Stevens

    I am concerned about the loss of Wigmore Valley Park which I use to walk my dog on a regular basis. There are no other parks of this size nearby which allow dog owners to let their dogs run off lead.... Read more

  • Janet Wheeler

    The airspace in my area is getting busier and busier. The AD6 change has been disastrous and allowing further capacity at Luton will ruin our rural area forever. It’s already bad. I wholeheartedly... Read more

  • JC Harryman

    Impact on local areas in terms of noise/traffic / environment

  • Jennie Payne

    There is a lack of science to show what the impact of this expansion will be on rural communities. The noise pollution created already by the ad6 flight path is unbearable at times and I am terrified... Read more

  • Jennifer Morrison

    Concerns about noise, particularly living under flight path with planes low over our property, engine thrust will be worse with the proposed increase in numbers. This will affect sleep and... Read more

  • Jennifer Summerbee

    The noise is intolerable and the airplanes go all through the night. They start at 6am and go one after another. I am concerned about the pollution from the planes as well.