
London Luton Airport Expansion

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1301 to 1325 of 1603 representations, newest first.

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  • Elisabeth Helen Bird

    I am concerned about the infrastructure surrounding the expansion and how this will impact both the countryside and the traffic and the ability to travel within the local area. The roads from the... Read more

  • Elisabeth Helen Bird

    I am concerned about the infrastructure surrounding the expansion and how this will impact both the countryside and the traffic and ability to travel within the local area. How will the expansion... Read more

  • Elisabeth Helen Bird

    I am concerned about the infrastructure surrounding the expansion and how this will impact both the countryside and the traffic and ability to travel within the local area. The roads from the villages... Read more

  • Elisabeth Helen Bird

    I am concerned about the infrastructure surrounding the expansion and how this will impact both the countryside, the traffic and ability to travel within the local area. The roads surrounding the... Read more

  • Elisabeth Helen Bird

    I am concerned about the infrastructure surrounding the expansion and how this will impact both the countryside and the traffic and ability to travel within the local area. The roads to and from the... Read more

  • Elizabeth Jane Hughes

    As a resident living less than 10 minutes drive from the airport I am aware that there will be an impact on the local roads - but I am sure that this will be addressed at the planning stage and in... Read more

  • Elizabeth Widdowson

    I am objecting to the extent of the expansion, almost doubling the number of passengers and therefore the flights is not consistent with the country's efforts to combat climate change. Already there... Read more

  • Emma Atkinson

    Extremely concerned about expansion of Luton. There will untild impact and damage to Cambridgeshire due to the stack and additional air traffic. Additional pollution and environmental damage without... Read more

  • England's Economic Heartland (England's Economic Heartland)

    England’s Economic Heartland (EEH) would like to register as an interested party to the Development Consent Order for the expansion of Luton Airport. EEH is the sub-national transport body (STB) for... Read more

  • Environment Agency (Environment Agency)

    Summary These Relevant Representations contain an overview of the project issues which fall within our remit. They are given without prejudice to any future detailed representations that we may make... Read more

  • Faiza Malik

    Luton cannot cope with mega projects and this expansion project will mean worse living standards for locals as it will not increase sustainable jobs substantially. The pollution from the airport will... Read more


    I am writing to express my strong objection to the proposed expansion of London Luton Airport, as outlined in the application for the development consent order. As a resident of Breachwood Green, a... Read more

  • Frances Bowes Lyon

    what is the evidence for demand for this increase in numbers? At a time of global climate crisis, we should not be increasing airport capacity and encouraging more flying. A better investment would be... Read more

  • Frances Burton

    Increased noise nuisance. Increased parking in village by those using airport thereby avoiding parking fees

  • Francesca Turner

    *The proposal is not online with the local plan of 2017. *The local roads with become very busy as they will provide links to terminal 2. This will have an impact on my ability to commute to work and... Read more

  • Gary Starling

    I strongly object to the airport expansion on the grounds of increased: 1. noise 2. pollution - air quality [REDACTED] 3. road congestion 4. More night flights - planes leaving at 4.30AM is currently... Read more

  • Gavin Stevens

    My main issues with this expansion are Increased air pollution. Increased noise levels causing personal harm to my health by disrupting sleep with excessive noise. Increased air braking causing... Read more

  • GDPR-002

    I have two main reasons for opposing the Council’s plan to expand the airport.The first is about climate change and the second is the impact the expanded airport will have on the lives of the people... Read more

  • GDPR-003

    - I Object to the proposed project of the expansion of the airport - The proposed plans will result in hugely increased levels of many different types of pollution, namely light pollution, noise and... Read more

  • Gerri Meredith

    Luton is the most air-polluted town of its size in England.

  • Gillian Mourant

    I strongly object to the proposed increase in passenger numbers and associated building works for the following reasons: 1. Any increase in aviation runs counter to the government’s stated aim and... Read more

  • Graham A Hoad

    Proposed extension of airport will result in further noise nuisance for those of us living under the paths taken by all aircraft. The increased use of fossil fuel burning aircraft goes against... Read more

  • Helen Beavis

    I am worried about number of planes early morning. I don't want more roads and big dual carriageways in luton or the surrounding areas. I would like less planes not more and less building, road works... Read more

  • Helen Evans

    I strongly object to the proposed expansion of Luton Airport as set out in the application for the development consent order. It will have a significant negative effect on the environment and on the... Read more

  • Helen Farr

    Noise levels will be unbearable. Traffic levels through the surrounding villages will be unbearable. We will not be able to use our garden. Our village will be destroyed. The project will be an... Read more