
London Luton Airport Expansion

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  • Jennifer Willis

    There is not enough consideration for the impact of traffic on the local community. There is unnecessary change proposed for the local green areas such as wigmore park which is already a valuable... Read more

  • Jeremy Jason Lane

    I am affected by the increased noise pollution from planes now circling closely overhead which is detrimental to [REDACTED] as I am located in a semi rural area which previously was calm and tranquil.

  • Jessica Edney

    I am deeply concerned about the expansion of Luton airport increasing carbon emissions and air pollution at a time when we face ecological collapse and climate breakdown. In the short term, this... Read more

  • Jessica Pike

    I am concerned that an airport expansion is being considered in a climate emergency. We can’t afford more emissions from aviation at this stage and this money would be better spent investing in more... Read more

  • Jill Robertson

    Air, land and noise pollution

  • Jill Toogood

    Main concerns, 1. Increased emissions 2. Increased noise, in particular with older aircraft types & engines currently used at LLA 3. Traffic & Transportation, in particular in the village of Slip End... Read more

  • Joanna Broughton

    We are impacted greatly by the increased airplane traffic that appear to be too low and consequently a substantial noise is created.

  • Joanne Butler

    The expansion of London Luton Airport will have a detrimental affect on the environment at a time when we should be reducing emissions not increasing them. The noise impact on communities both close... Read more

  • Joanne Lemon

    I have concerns about the airport expansion, in particular the noise pollution, air quality, additional traffic and inadequate infrastructure as l live near the flight path.

  • Jocelyn Poulton

    Inappropriate and lack of consultation over new route . Impact of noise. Visual impact and more recently smell of fuel in air

  • Jody Nason

    I strongly object to the expansion of Luton airport and the changed flight plans. We have noticed a significant increase in aircraft noise over our property in shefford which impacts our ability to... Read more

  • John Boyle

    I fully support this project. Due to the economic growth that it will bring to the town.

  • John Davies

    Planning for a massive increase in air travel is completely counter to the government's carbon reduction policies. There is no prospect of hydrogen or other non-carbon technologies being available for... Read more

  • John McAlister

    Concerns over continiuing disruptive noise, poor management and conflict if interests

  • John Ormiston

    I question the financially viablility of this expansion as Luton airport already has debts of over £500 million and its prevous auditors raised concerns over value-for-money (public money). It is also... Read more

  • John Tattersall

    With the implementation of the new Luton Airport stack there is already been a massive increase in noise pollution across swatches of countryside in Cambridgeshire, especially the villages between St... Read more

  • John Timoney

    Environmental damage caused by the increase in passenger numbers: Air pollution Noise pollution Traffic congestion Traffic pollution Destroying a community park

  • Jolanta Leszkowicz-Luks

    The proposed expansion of London Luton Airport is raising several concerns among local residents. I believe this expansion needs to be halted due to excessive noise, pollution and road traffic.

  • Jon Perry

    We live under the flight path and are concerned about both (a) the increase in flights overhead; and (b) the timing of such flights (potentially increase throughout the night). We are particularly... Read more

  • Judith Morris

    This goes against present thinking as with issues of climate change air travel should be reduced not increased.

  • Julia mooney

    I'm worried about the additional pollution , the traffic pollution that the areas around the airport will endure. My health condition will worsen along with other. Their are 3 primary school in the... Read more

  • Julie Mann

    The effect on Wigmore Park and the wildlife

  • Juliet Lyal

    I am very concerned about the increased pollution caused as the result of expanding Luton Airport. Luton is already one of the highest polluted towns of its size in the UK and this is not the way for... Read more

  • K Oogarah

    Noise pollution, environmental pollution, increased traffic around the north harpenden area

  • Karen Hakesley

    The proposed link road using Eaton Green Road is in breach of the adopted local plan. That this is a residential area and the local roads (including 3 schools) will be used for access to Terminal 2.... Read more