
Manston Airport

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 251 to 275 of 2052 representations, newest first.

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  • Mr David Armstead

    Manston airport in my opinion, being up and running as freight and passenger airport would boost employment and boost the economy of Thanet. Gatwick and Heathrow need more space, Manston would surely... Read more

  • Mrs Jill Hallett Blake

    I am a resident of Plains of Waterloo, a street directly under the flight path to Manston Airport. Plains of Waterloo is a road of Georgian houses of architectural merit, it bisects Wellington... Read more

  • RAF Manston Spitfire & Hurricane Memorial Museum (RAF Manston Spitfire & Hurricane Memorial Museum)

    As the manager of the Spitfire & Hurricane Memorial Museum, I have been tasked by the Memorial trust to make representations concerning the Museum and the nature of the future relationship between the... Read more

  • Rani Bain

    -to have mansion airport will secure jobs in the area - the airport will make travel more accesssbke fir local people - the airport will bring more tourism to the area - the airport will bring... Read more

  • Roger Gale MP

    I write as the elected Member of Parliament for North Thanet, the seat that I have represented since 1983. At all elections at every level of Government since the announced closure of Manston... Read more

  • Stefan Smith

    I am wholly opposed to the re opening of Manston as a Cargo hub. The introduction of large cargo planes flying over the town of Ramsgate will have a detrimental effect on the whole community. The... Read more

  • Sylvia Sweeting

    I have always been surprised that Manston was closed down as an airport. We are always hearing and reading of the lack of runways and the need for expansion to existing airports. Manson has the... Read more

  • Tara Wood

    There is a lot to say about this continuing battle for Manston Airports revival. We are local residents who invested in shares in Wiggins as we wholeheartedly agreed with the promotion and execution... Read more

  • A.j.Whiting

    Thanet area already has a large population . It's infra structure is already reaching breaking point with insufficient schools , medical practitioners and a hospital and ambulance service that is... Read more

  • Alec Hall

    (i) Local worthwhile employment; there is a lack of local enterprises. (ii) Convenient travel; the larger airports are often congested. (iii) Emergency airport; Thanet enjoys good weather where... Read more

  • Andrew Kettle

    I write in support of the development of the Manston Airport site for future aviation use. I believe there is a role for this airport for freight cargo and its two main previous uses for pilot... Read more

  • Barbara Roe

    Every attempt to revitalise the airport in the past few years have failed due to lack of infrastructure/position of the airport in relation to the rest of the country. The present aim of the... Read more

  • Bert Gammon

    The UK needs more runway capacity in the south east and Manston can deliver without building elsewhere using vast swathes of Greenfield sites, and the reopening of Manston will create much needed... Read more

  • Brian Farrant

    If Manston Airport was to reopen with all the attributes proposed by RSP I opine it will bring a lot of much needed employment to Thanet and in turn prosperity to the island. I live almost under its’... Read more

  • Carol Weale

    The reinstatement of Manston Airport is vital to Thanet for several reasons: it would provide much needed flights rather than adding half a day's travel up to Heathrow or Gatwick; boost tourism into... Read more

  • Chris Shewry

    opening the airport would be good for the area for jobs etc takes the stress off london airports good railway network here we have got enough houses here with not enough schools hospitals etc the... Read more

  • David A Harcus

    I am for Manston Airport re-opening due to the have that as an airport it will help growth in Kent and produce employment which is very much needed in Thanet. Furthermore as an airport it will assist... Read more

  • David Mannering

    I am concerned about night flights. I understand their application includes night flights. I live at the west end of the runway at Smugglers Leap, a mobile home park. Having read their environmental... Read more

  • David Ward

    To put it simply, I feel that the reopening of this Airport is in the interest of the people of Thanet and the Country as a whole. I'm not an expert with facts and figures but surely it is common... Read more

  • Dayle Brain

    I have lived in Thanet for almost 50 years. I fully support the current plans to reopen as a fully functioning aviation business and airport. We are in desperate need of jobs in Thanet, and this... Read more

  • Dr Michael Jeffrey Hughes

    I believe that investment in the airport at Manston will bring much needed employment and hope to a relatively deprived area of the country where there is little in terms of industry and many people... Read more

  • Elaine Lodge-Pritchard

    I strongly support this Development Consent Application by RiverOak Strategic Partners Ltd. I am satisfied that this Project will positively impact upon the exceptionally high levels of deprivation... Read more

  • Enjoy Knight

    My views regarding the reopening for Manston are . Work opportunities for the people of this area with a good living wage our younger folk do not have the funds for the type of housing that people... Read more

  • Gina Taylor

    I live under the flight path and have loved hearing the planes fly over . Thanet needs Manston airport to be flying again , for the economy , brexit , for the locals sense of worth , we have been... Read more

  • Greg Ward

    I believe Thanet needs jobs not more housing I'm born and bread here I have seen a decline in jobs more housing then ever also I feel manston airport holds the key for the future with brexit and... Read more