
Manston Airport

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Showing 901 to 925 of 2052 representations, newest first.

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  • Thomas Norton

    I am totally against the application to build a freight hub at Manston. I live on the Nethercourt Estate in Ramsgate. The plans, if implemented, would be an environmental disaster for me and... Read more

  • Virginie Pernot

    I have been living at this address for the last 17 years and during these years, I have experienced cargo planes and commercial planes coming to Manston airport. The noise level and gasoline pollution... Read more

  • Alan Micheal dray

    I want manston open as a airport. When we leave the Eu we will need manston even more. Most of cargo is landing with in the Eu Co we short of runway space. ..

  • Alison Bates

    • Existing infrastructure facility • Best option for the future of the area • Huge investment envisaged for infrastructure • Private rather than public investment • Regeneration of the... Read more

  • Andrew Joynes

    I am writing to place on record my objection to the plans to re-open Manston Airport as a cargo hub, and to support the substantial number of Ramsgate and Thanet residents who oppose this retrograde... Read more

  • Andrew William Flett

    Concerned by increased noise - Day & night, and consequent risk to health Impact on my families quality of life - Noise/polution and damage to environment Believe focus should be on housing,... Read more

  • Anita Rothermel

    This is the biggest opportunity we have locally to regenerate our once thriving area. The airport is already in situ, airspace around the country's main airports are reaching saturation point. The... Read more

  • Cherry Walker

    I support RSP's DCO Application for the re-opening of Manston Airport for cargo/freight and some passenger services. 1) The location of Manston Airport is in a strategic position on Kent's gateway... Read more

  • Cheryl Nichol

    I am concerned that a cargo hub on the Manston Airport site will produce noise and pollution throughout the day and night. I know that cargo planes are large and often not as young as they could... Read more

  • Daphne Joynes

    * I AM AGAINST the re-opening of Manston Airport as a "24/7 Cargo Hub". * I AM GREATLY CONCERNED about the extremely negative effect it would have on Ramsgate itself, as well as the surrounding... Read more

  • David Curtis

    Potential for job creation within the area and beyond Advantage to local people and the wider Kent population in terms of travel opportunities. Advantage to local authority in terms of increased... Read more

  • David Davidge

    I like to see Manston airport open this will bring new jobsite to our area which is a black spot for unemployment Manston can work everyone in Thanet knows this .opening Manston with give thanet it... Read more

  • David Wallin

    I, and most people I know, sincerely wish for Manston Airport to return. It is, to my mind, vital for the area as it will create jobs in a high-unemployment area. Initially, we are looking at a... Read more

  • Don Sanders

    It would take pressure off the London airports. The road and rail links already in place will enable swift efficient onward travel. It is a vital means of easy access to and from Europe for trade... Read more

  • Emma Lloyd

    1. The credibility of RSP as a company. 2. The enviromental impact on the local human and wildlife population of a cargo airport. 3. The huge increase in heavy goods vehicles on all roads leading to... Read more

  • Ian Munday

    as an area of low amount of jobs the airport would provide jobs for a lot of people in the area. we also have a transport system in place ie: mew roads rail lines to go in also fly out any goods to... Read more

  • Jacky Barton

    As I am 74 I would like to travel abroad twice a year as I did for many timesfrom Manston So i think cargo hub would be more beneficial to the area for jobs because it would revitalise... Read more

  • James Morris

    I support the development plan. The loss of Manston as an airport and its replacement by a housing development is not in the best interests of the County.

  • Jan Hewett

    The reopening of Manston Airport would be a much needed a asset providing permanent work for many. To build on it would be detrimental to the area, giving only temporary work as once the build is... Read more

  • Jeremy Gledhill

    1]..pollution. 40,000 deaths per year Noise Toxic products produced. Air and runoff.Transport of fuel,cargo, traffic congestion on inadequate roads causing more toxins.Carbon... Read more

  • John Bates

    • Once in a lifetime opportunity for the whole area which would never be possible in the future if other options were to be pursued with the site • Best utilisation of an existing infrastructure... Read more

  • John Miller

    I strongly look forward to the return of Manston as a fully operating airport . It will bring the opportunity of good jobs for a deprived areas of being prosperous if run correctly...houses... Read more

  • Keith Evans

    I want to see Manston open again as airport as it will bring much needed jobs to Thanet and surrounding areas young persons unemployment is the highest in Kent this could be a marvellous opportunity... Read more

  • Marlene Simpson

    • Existing infrastructure facility • Best option for the future of the area • Huge investment envisaged for infrastructure • Private rather than public investment • Regeneration of the... Read more

  • Mrs Linda Samme

    The Isle of Thanet is in serious need of employment, and keeping Manston as an airport would bring jobs to the area. The country needs Manston as an alternative airport and maybe Cargo Hub to meet... Read more