
Manston Airport

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 926 to 950 of 2052 representations, newest first.

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  • Mrs Susan Jordan

    I think the opening of the airport will be of benefit for jobs, training and tourism. As we are in an area of high deprivation and high unemployment this level of investment will be a boost to the... Read more

  • Mrs. Susan Firmin

    The airport is vital to the local economy It has historic significance More beneficial than housing,which will put more pressure on already overstretched local services

  • Nicholas Selmes

    In the past, when planes flew over our house during the day, the noise would prevent me from carrying on a conversation in person or on the telephone; neither could I hear my radio or television. ... Read more

  • Nigel Taylor

    I believe a fully operational Manston airport will be of major benefit, not only to the local people of Thanet but to the county of Kent as a whole. The jobs which will be created are critcal to... Read more

  • Owen Twine

    I have in recent years become virtually housebound because of illness and disability. Currently my environment is what I need- peaceful and quiet. Any change in this will inevitably lead to a decline... Read more

  • Philip Knowles

    I believe that Manston should be reopened as an airport rather than having houses built upon it. There is already not enough doctors, dentists and schools in the area. Its a more sensible option to... Read more

  • Rebecca woodland

    I think the LA-d at Manstan would benefit the community so much more as thriving airport whether it be cargo passenger or anything the area needs a boost and managed as an airport will provide just... Read more

  • Robert Durrant

    My objection to the opening of Manston is based on the disruption incurred to residents of Thanet regards noise day and night. Pollution not just from the aircraft movements but the road freight... Read more

  • Robert Muir

    Please see attached

  • Sandra Ing

    With all the many assets we have in Thanet, why on earth would we want to be risking it all with a cargo airport and a 24/7 one at that!! Who in their right mind would want to visit let alone live... Read more

  • Shirley Gibbens

    I live directly in line of the flight path. I am very concerned with the disturbance and pollution that will be inflicted on my family and myself. The noise and pollution will make life intolerable... Read more

  • Sue Bailey

    I am in favour of the return of an airport on the Manston site for the following reasons: 1. It will ease the freight pressure on London airports and could obviate the need for another runway at... Read more

  • Susanne Kidd

    I want to see Manston re opened as an airport because the prosperity it would bring to East Kent in all sorts of ways would be enormous not only the airport but the " knock on effect"

  • T.N.Samme

    There has been an airfield at Manston for many years, and if is lost to housing it will never be an airfielld again. It has been used in the past as a place to land planes in an emergency and is... Read more

  • Thomas Saunders

    As a local resident I wish to stress the importance to the local area of Manston airport being given the opportunity to operate as an airport.This is a deprived area of the South East having low wages... Read more

  • Trevor Fermor

    The government recognizes a growing demand for airport capacity, especially as we leave the EU. Adding capacity at Heathrow/Gatwick has proved immensely problematical. A new airport in the Thames... Read more

  • Zoe Bates

    • Once in a lifetime opportunity for the whole area which would never be possible in the future if other options were to be pursued with the site • Best utilisation of an existing infrastructure... Read more

  • Andrew Hollins

    As residents of Ramsgate & interested parties we wish to express our very grave concern over the proposed DCO of the former airport site at Manston. There is no independent evidence to support the... Read more

  • Angela Self

    As my home may be immediately over the flight path of any activity taking place at Manston Airport, I believe I and other residents in my suburb are entitled to voice an opinion as to the restrictions... Read more

  • Anthony Bellamy

    The impact on Beltinge & Herne Bay from noise and pollution from aircraft. The effect this will have on the businesses in respect of tourism such as hotels and caravan parks. the effect on small... Read more

  • Anthony White

    My name is Anthony White and I am representing myself. I am a resident of Herne Bay and shall be affected by the proposals that Manston Airport re-open as a cargo airport. I understand that as a cargo... Read more

  • Anthony Young

    Manston should be reopened to provided an aviation asset in Kent. This will provide much needed jobs and boist the local econony. Why not use Manston instead of extending Heathrow? This would a little... Read more

  • Barry James Honeycombe

    I live in Walmer and travel by air regularly and the trip to Heathrow, Gatwick, Luton or even City significantly increases my costs and travel time. A local Kent airport with even limited connections... Read more

  • Bethany Chater

    I have lived happily in Ramsgate all my life with my family, I am now approaching my 30's and I remember when I was younger the horrific noise, pollution and damage to properties (roof tiles flying... Read more

  • Charmaine Le Blond

    Please see attached