
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

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Showing 251 to 275 of 4813 representations, newest first.

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  • Peter Nicholas Perdue

    I run a Speedwatch group in the village. The problems with traffic are already major. I dread to think of the impact on the village if the passenger numbers for Gatwick are doubled.

  • Richard Salmon

    My main concern regarding impacts is on the increased passenger numbers, and increased reliance on public transport (particularly rail) to enable the expected journeys to and from the airport. It is... Read more

  • Steve Margett

    We should not be expanding airports. Climate change is changing the weather patterns quickly and permanently and this will just contribute to that. So why are we choosing wealth over survival of the... Read more

  • Storm12 Ltd (Storm12 Ltd)

    I feel the expansion plan with provide additional jobs abd possible increased revenue for the local supply chain. This will also benefit passengers in terms on increased routes and provide more... Read more

  • Tony Baker

    Gatwick expansion is entirely at odds with reducing fossil fuel use which is the cause of catastrophic climate change. Expansion would also cause an increase in PM2.5 pollution and other pollutants... Read more

  • William Anthony Harrison

    I am extremely concerned that the already severe noise impact in my area will increased.

  • Adrian Galt

    Several governments since I was a kid have not approved a new runway for London. Heathrow needs 2 more Gatwick needs 2 more, Stansted 1. We need to prepare for the future, we are the laughing stock of... Read more

  • Alba Loprieno


  • Allen Smith

    Increased aeroplane traffic over surrounding areas. Increased pollution over the surrounding areas. Local road infrastructure will be unable to cope. Local water companies will not be able to supply... Read more

  • Amelia Ward

    As a resident of Horley I am against Gatwick airports expansion. I do not think increasing the number of flights from the airport is aligned with the governments agreement to cut greenhouse gas... Read more

  • Andrew Richard Banks

    The need to reduce pollution from planes and the associated infrastructure that supports passenger movements to/ from the airport. Increased vehicles is not the answer whilst rail infrastructure helps... Read more

  • Barbara Needham

    I am deeply shocked that this proposal is being given serious consideration in the light of the devastation to the planet already caused by global warning. How can such a project possibly align with... Read more

  • Boban Zarkovski

    I am strongly against any increase in air traffic in the area

  • Charlotte Ward

    I am concerned about the increased noise levels and the frequency at which we will be disturbed by noise

  • Christine Pharo-Tomlin

    Noise and air pollution since. November 2012 when flight path changed and aeroplanes flying directly over our house. They did not do this before. Increased road traffic on very badly maintained roads.

  • Conan McGlinchey

    This project is vital and long overdue. Having operated into and out of LGW as a commercial pilot, I can see that the airport is hamstrung by only having 1 operational runway at a time. The delays are... Read more

  • David Anthony John Brett

    I oppose the proposed expansion of Gatwick Airport. This plan will put ever increasing pressure on what are basically rural roads and the nearby villages with little, if any, local infrastructure... Read more

  • David Blair

    I am a local resident and having reviewed the "One step closer to a brighter future - for everyone" leaflet, object to the stated bases for the proposal. The following aspects of the proposal are... Read more

  • David Jeffery

    The amount of extra noise and the detrimental effect on climate change of adding thousands of tons of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.

  • Edward Mack

    they need to offer free parking as to many are using HORLEY as a free car park

  • Elekta Limited (Elekta Limited)

    Impact to local area including: Noise, Environment, Road Works, Employment Elekta Ltd agree with the comments raised within the Manor Royal Business District response dated 26 Novemeber 2021. Key... Read more

  • Felipe Mazzeo Martinez

    Good news! Hope the expansion goes ahead I support the second runway

  • John Bingham

    I live under the one of the flight paths and use the airport regularly. I am not employed by the airport or any of their suppliers, however many of those in my village are. The economic benefit to the... Read more

  • Jonathan Faulkner

    The proposed changes to flight numbers will unfortunately have a negative impact on the upbringing of my children who live under the flight path. Along with myself and my wife. Noise and pollution... Read more

  • Kenneth Charles Farnes

    I am concerned about a few things regarding the proposed expansion of Gatwick airport. 1) Increased pollution. There are some days when you can smell fumes. I don't know what is the cause of this but... Read more