
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 3001 to 3025 of 4813 representations, newest first.

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  • Joanna Wade

    The Hever area is very rural and tranquil. We are already clogged by aircraft noise. I strongly oppose Gatwick's plans for a new runway. It is bad for people, nature and the environment.

  • Joanne Smedley

    I do not want to see the expansion of Gatwick. We already live under the flight path and are affected by the noise. The roads around here are in a dreadful state and will be only made worse by... Read more

  • John Chenery

    Taking off planes fly regularly over my house on days when the wind is from the west, so most days. So I am concerned that there will be even more planes. For wider issues, I question the need for the... Read more

  • Johnny Denis

    I am concerned that an expansion of Gatwick airport will have negative consequences; For climate emissions beyond national targets from additional flights and road traffic increases, for air quality... Read more

  • Jonathan Clark

    I would like to oppose the additional runway at Gatwick Airport for the following reasons. 1. The Policy has been misinterpreted by the applicant as this is an applicant for a new runway which does... Read more

  • Jonathan Ferrer

    The planning application would allow a massive increase in the number of flights at Gatwick, increasing the noise levels and serious disturbance under the flight paths. Already we have early and late... Read more

  • Joshua Hopkins

    The main concern for myself and young family is the noise levels, traffic levels and any negative impact this could have on our property price. As a growing family and one who moved to the area at... Read more

  • Joy Sheila Ann Rawlings

    Main Concerns: Noise pollution Climate change Water run off Congestion around the airport The sheer size of this expansion and the infrastructure involved Impact on the environment I have listed... Read more

  • Julia Beck

    Additional road traffic, noise pollution and impact on the quality of life of local residents is a huge concern. I oppose this development

  • Julia Clayden

    I strongly object to this additional runway being pushed through as where we already live in a busy area for planes this would then make it intolerable for all residents and visitors alike and would... Read more

  • Julia Gibbs

    I wish to object to this proposal for environmental reasons and because of noise pollution.

  • Julian Henry

    The use of the Northern Runway at Gatwick will increase already overbearing aircraft noise over our community, a long way from the airport itself. The approaches to the airport are already un-evenly... Read more

  • Julie Helen Collier

    I wish to register my serious objections to the proposed Gatwick expansion. Gatwick is already a very large busy airport with flights throughout the night. In 2022 32.9 million passengers used the... Read more

  • Kamlesh Harry

    Post Covid there has been a significant increase in the number of flight over Lingfield, Dormansland and Dormans Park areas. The noise levels throughout the day including early morning and late... Read more

  • Kate Lindsay-Bayley

    I want to object there are already planes flying over at 4 am and after midnight and a second runway will only increase the number of flights outside current restricted flight time. With a push for... Read more

  • Kate Williams

    For the sake of the environment, just stop now.

  • Kath Frayling

    I feel this scheme is a way of doubling passenger numbers without the requirement to invest in the extremely overburdened services in the area. There is not sufficient road or rail capacity to... Read more

  • Katherine Medlock

    I am concerned about the environmental impact of increased flights, in particular noise especially from night flights and pollution. I am also concerned that the local transport infrastructure cannot... Read more

  • Katie White

    We need to put environment and nature first, failing to do so will have serious impacts on us all, but if we must think so selfishly, then we need to halt these plans because of the impact on air... Read more

  • Keith Adams

    I wish to register comments about the proposed new runway at Gatwick airport. Since we are located on the approach path the resulting extra flights will considerably diminish my quality of life. Prime... Read more

  • Kent County Council (Kent County Council)

    Following the Planning Inspectorate’s acceptance (3rd August 2023) of the application for a Development Consent Order (DCO) for the Gatwick Airport Northern Runway Project, Kent County Council (KCC)... Read more

  • Kylie Lewington

    This proposal will have a negative impact on: Air quality Noise On residents’ quality of life House prices Wildlife These disbenefits will impact tens of thousands of residents. The benefits will... Read more

  • Lesley Worrell

    We already have planes flying low overhead all through the day starting at 5am (exceptionally low and noisy) and ending at 11pm (also exceptionally low and noisy). We are very near to Biggin Hill... Read more

  • Leslie David Ribbens

    I can understand commercially why Gatwick would need a second runway. But the amount of air traffic noise this would occur is not sustainable to us living under the flight path. Why can the government... Read more

  • Linda Giblin

    At a time when our Wildlife and habitats are in crisis it is completely inappropriate to even consider destroying land in this huge scale . We are losing our wildlife at an alarming rate and much is... Read more