
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

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Showing 801 to 825 of 4813 representations, newest first.

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  • Mr James Palmer

    Please see attached.

  • New Economics Foundation (New Economics Foundation)

    This representation was prepared by Dr Alex Chapman on behalf of the New Economics Foundation (NEF). NEF is a charitable think tank with a mission to create an economy that works for people and the... Read more

  • Nicholas John Metcalf

    I oppose this Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway for may reasons including but not limited to its a new runway and not a development of an existing runway; and Policy has been... Read more

  • Ninel Joann Wiseman

    The impact of aircraft noise is already unacceptably high and impairs the quality of life of many people. Another full-time runway would mean that the current level of noise will go from being... Read more

  • Paul Hinton

    This runway is not needed and will negatively impact this area in many ways. Local residents voices are being ignored. Gatwick management are also abusing the planning process as this is a new runway.

  • Penshurst Place Estate (Penshurst Place Estate)

    Concern over a potential 70% increase in runway use; increased overhead concentration of flights; increase in noise pollution; increase in night flights; lack of regulation or government oversight.

  • Sue Rose

    We are already concerned by noise from the current flight paths and would wish to be reassured that any airport expansion DOES NOT increase this noise nuisance and make it unliveable in our home.

  • Thomas Barrett

    Environmental Impact: With no clear realistic path for a more sustainable aviation fuel knowingly adding tonnes more CO2 from 100,000 more flights a year seems crazy. Noise Impact: In Leigh, Surrey we... Read more

  • Trevor Martin

    I oppose this Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway because it is a new runway not a development of an existing runway Policy has been misinterpreted by the applicant as this is an... Read more

  • Victor Porter

    The greatly increased number and frequency of low-flying flights arriving over Billingshurst into Gatwick directly overhead of the homes of a dense and rapidly increasing population already impacts... Read more

  • William Kirkham

    Aircraft on approach to London Gatwick landing Easterley very noisy. In summer continuous traffic all day and night. Very hard to sleep at night due to aircraft noise at night and early hours of the... Read more

  • Adiel Mambara

    I am interested in how the Gatwick Airport Northern Runaway will unlock capacity in the UK especially given the constraints at most UK airports. Particular interest is in: - How will connectivity be... Read more

  • Antonia James

    Existing air traffic noise causes a huge disturbance, particularly at night. I am woken by air traffic noise even with my windows closed. Existing air traffic disturbance is affecting my sleep and... Read more

  • Breda Bubear

    Poor infrastructure The local towns are already at breaking point Loss of natural habitat for wildlife We have low unemployment Gatwick is an outbound airport- Brits leaving the UK. Tourism benefit... Read more

  • David A Fenwick

    The expansion should not go ahead. I strongly argue against Gatwick having a second runway and also argue strongly for a ban on night-flights. People living under Gatwick’s flight path have been... Read more

  • Debbie Shaw

    I strongly object to the expansion of Gatwick Airport-we have enough noise pollution currently and having the aircraft scheduled to arrive all through the night this will greatly affect my and my... Read more

  • Derek Gerald Francis Cooper

    I wish to register our opposition to the plans to operate a second runway from Gatwick Airport. We already have a plane per minute flying over our house at busy times. It has ruined the use of our... Read more

  • Elaine Smith

    I live directly under flight path. It impacts on my quality of life in a very negative way, by aviation laws being broken 24/7, low flights, flights throughout the night. A 2nd runway can only make... Read more

  • Enna Kenny

    I have suffered for a longtime from Gatwick noise pollution. I wake up every night or often at 3am because of the noise and can’t go back to sleep. I can’t open windows in the summer in hot weather... Read more

  • Eugene Gardner

    I object any expansion. Partly as the noise of low flying aircraft directly overhead my house is already intrusive. Partly as the pollutants caused by flying is ruining the environment and the health... Read more

  • Frances Jane Hill

    I object to the expansion of Gatwick and the development of the Northern Runway. The proposal goes against all efforts to contain the amount of air travel that happens. We are aiming for less air... Read more

  • Ginette Nye

    I am not in favour of any expansion of Gatwick Airport. In order to achieve our climate control targets we need to cut flights, not increase them. Our road system will not support an increase in... Read more

  • Ian Calori

    I am concerned about the increase in the number of flights that will be created by the new runway.


    We broadly welcome the addition of cost effective new airport infrastructure to deliver future capacity and resilience needs, although it does not directly address the lack of runway capacity at the... Read more

  • James Charles Morse

    I oppose this Gatwick Airport application for an additional runway because it is new and not a development of an existing runway. This does not comply with the Government’s Aviation Strategy. The... Read more