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The number of potential flights from Gatwick due to this proposal is frightening. The potential expansion does NOT help the Uk meet its climate goals. The airport itself is situated in the wrong part...
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I am concerned the runways are too close together causing wake turbulence drift problems in windy conditions. Also the ils is dedicated to the main runway so in low visability conditions could cause...
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oppose expansion
We act on behalf of Sackville UK Property Select IV (GP) No.1 Limited, a subsidiary of Columbia Threadneedle Invest-ments, in respect of their freehold ownership of land and buildings at [Redacted]...
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Yes please we want new runway for jobs and appurtenances and good and easy for any on travelling a broad.
I feel that an additional runway and increased volume of air traffic at Gatwick will severely impact Sussex and Surrey, and particularly the Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The main...
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The main issues are increased noise and environmental damage to local residents. A lack of demand in shoulder periods of the day means Gatwick is not full, they only want to be able to sell expensive...
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Support the growth of gatwick
The proposed development is too close to the South Downs national park. The noise will damage quality of life in the area, be disruptive to wildlife and more air traffic will be damaging to the...
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As a regular user of Gatwick it is great to see our fantastic local airport thriving. Whilst I share concerns around the environmental impact of flying and welcome initiatives for more environmentally...
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I fully support the project
This project should not go ahead. I do not support it as a resident of Reigate as there is enough noise and air pollution above us, including flights from Heathrow and other UK & International...
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Airport expansion at a time when increasing carbon emissions are the biggest threat to mankind is absurd and should not be countenanced. We are supposed to be heading towards net zero and limiting...
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Expansion will be good for the area
We live around 25 miles from Gatwick. Aircraft taking off from Gatwick and landing at Gatwick fly over our home and this area at around 5,000-6,000 feet, sometimes below this. I often observe aircraft...
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Great opportunity to invest in the local infrastructure and diversify the local area
There is already too much noise pollution from the existing Gatwick airport traffic. Increasing the capacity more flights will exacerbate the issue. We live under the flight path. We have low flying...
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Perfect idea
Objecting for the following reasons: negative impact on climate control, the cost of clean up will be be staggeringly expensive and the tax payer will be asked to foot the bill. It will also result in...
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I currently work at Gatwick,it brings much needed employment to the area and has potential for so much more ,it would be a shame to miss out on an amazing opportunity and yes I do live on the flight...
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The main issues for me are loss of nature, biodiversity, green space and wildlife. Negatively, there will be gains in air pollution, noise pollution, traffic congestion - all this at a time of climate...
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I object to the second runway because of the impact to the environment with increased air and noise pollution. Also with the net zero target we should be reducing air travel not increasing it. I am...
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My main concern is there will be twice the amount of noise and pollution. We made a decision to remain in the area after the government said there wouldn't be a second runway. We were in the original...
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Gatwick Airports expansion is crucial to the local economy and I support it.
Climate change is an immediate and present danger. The value of this project will be wiped out and worse.