
Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange

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Showing 726 to 750 of 1424 representations, newest first.

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  • Mark Taft

    I feel that this project is not required in this part of the country. There are other existing freight interchange terminals and warehousing within a 50 mile radius, why is there a need for more. The... Read more

  • Michael Walton

    it will decimate the wildlife, and the road and rail infrastructure here isn't good enough to support all of the extra trains and lorries. What about the huge environmental impact it will have on the... Read more

  • Mike Broadhurst

    The impact of this is the amount of heavy goods traffic and cars on the surrounding areas of Hinckley, Elmesthorpe, Stoney Stanton and Sapcote. Also the amount of environmental damage it will do the... Read more

  • Monty John Cooper

    Destruction of land near Burbage common. Total blockage of road at Narborough level crossing with increased rail freight. Increased HGV activity through local villages that are already at capacity.

  • Natalie Squires

    Increased rail traffic causing noise pollution Increased road traffic causing congestion

  • Norma Ann Gudger

    I object to the proposed Hinckley National Freight interchange. It will destroy a large park of beautiful common land, which will result in a loss of wildlife. The increased traffic and noise will... Read more

  • Rachel Small

    This would devastate the area, the noise and light pollution, devastating wildlife habitats and the road infrastructure in the surrounding villages cannot cope with the additional traffic this... Read more

  • Richard Wade

    Impact on the local population, regarding the additional strain on the areas road network and the devistating affect on the wildlife and eco system, which is part of the "green lung" for the Hinckley... Read more

  • Ricki Moore

    This will have a detrimental affect on the roads in the area which are congested and struggling to cope with the current level of traffic created by other large warehousing recently built in the area.

  • Rodney Leigh

    I am strongly against the proposal of the HNRFI. For me and my family it would personally cause us terrible problems to our 'every day life'. We retired and purchased our farm to tend for our animals... Read more

  • Save Burbage Common (Save Burbage Common)

    1. The area in which this development is proposed is already served by a large number of existing or agreed distribution centres, including rail freight interchanges. This includes: • Northampton... Read more

  • Sean Ashton

    Wildlife, pollution, traffic issues in an area that already comes to a daily standstill, noise created

  • Sharnford Parish Council (Sharnford Parish Council)

    Sharnford is a small village around 3 miles away from the HNRFI project. The village already experiences heavy traffic, due to its proximity to the A5, Magna Park at Lutterworth and the new DPD... Read more

  • Shaun Hutchinson

    The negative impact this project will have on the environment and community has not been properly considered. The community is already suffering from the miles of warehouses, increase in heavy... Read more

  • Tim Hancock Associates (Tim Hancock Associates) on behalf of Shell U.K. Limited (Shell U.K. Limited)

    Dear Sirs We are instructed on behalf of Shell U.K. Limited which owns and operates Sutton Elms Service Station, a high-quality roadside facility serving all categories of road traffic, located on the... Read more

  • Stephen Cooper

    Dear Sir / Madam I would like to formally object to the proposed HNRFI and together its status of being considered as a NSIP. My objections fall into 3 main categories: 1/ the need for such a... Read more

  • Susa Dutton

    I live near the corner of Ashby Road which will be greatly affected if this development goes ahead by noise, vibration and extreme pollution 24/7 Will Tritax be responsible for any damage to the... Read more

  • Tracey Baldwin

    Environmental issues such as light pollution, noise. Location of warehouses near to villages, and spoiling Burbage common & woods, affecting wildlife. Traffic noise from increase traffic. air quality

  • Alexander Roper

    I strongly contest that this is nothing more than a ‘trojan horse’ to install warehouses in green rural countryside, and the rail freight element is a front to bypass local planning procedures. This... Read more

  • Anthony John Smith

    1) No Requirement for HNRFI 1.1) Government policy is that “It is important that SRFIs are located “near the business markets they will serve (NPS paragraph 2.56)” andwith the existing nine... Read more

  • Ashley Barratt

    I do not believe this planning has been given enough consideration when looking at the broader environmental impact and water run off to villages in the corresponding areas. In addition to this... Read more

  • Barbara Jean York (as trustee of the York family trust)

    1.Noise and Vibration My property is [Redacted] and proposed site and I am concerned that noise and vibration during and after construction together with increased numbers of huge freight train... Read more

  • Becky Wassell

    The habitat loss will be detrimental, in a time during climate change where we need to work with nature not against it. Our local nature reserve is a sanctuary for so many, the loss of this could... Read more

  • Bernard Yeomans

    I object to the proposed HNRFI. It is a mistake to site such a facility so close to a town which already suffers from traffic congestion and is a junction of north/south and east/west local commuters... Read more

  • C Burns

    I'm genuinely concerned about the issues this will cause for our local wildlife and natural environment. Not enough is being done to protect nature across the UK, as one of the most nature depleted... Read more