
Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1026 to 1050 of 1424 representations, newest first.

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  • Tracey Young

    More information required as to route and benefits to the community

  • Vijay Ponnapalli

    It will impact the traffic on the road I live and makes mine and my family's life hell

  • Wendy Birt

    This new development will seriously impact on the enjoyment of using Burbage Common both from noise and increased volume of traffic as well as pollution. There will be more trains also contributing to... Read more

  • Wendy Elizabeth Welch

    We are Sapcote residents and would like the following comments to be taken into consideration regarding the HNRFI planning application by Tritax. First of all, both local MPs – Alberto Costa and Dr... Read more

  • Adam Claridge

    I don't see a compelling case for this development. The development would remove a significant area used by the public for leisure. In addition, for those already utilising this facility, the same... Read more

  • adam james kyle

    terrible idea, destroying a massive area of natural beauty. especially burbage common and many walking areas. company admitted that jobs would be imported. hinckley already has terrible road traffic... Read more

  • Adrian Baker

    My main concerns are: Damage to wildlife and the countryside in general. Some farmland bird species, such as Grey Partridge, Yellow Wagtail, Linnet, Yellowhammer, Reed Bunting seem to cling on here... Read more

  • Alan Cantes

    I want to voice my objection to the proposed Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange as a local resident with deep concernes about the extra road traffic/noise and negative impact on the local... Read more

  • Albert Jeffrey Spencer

    Choice of location ; Air pollution ; traffic congestion ;Loss of open green space ; Cost of the project .

  • Alison Clark

    I am concerned about the local infastructure as I do not believe it will cope with the additional down time of the barrier at Narborough train station. We already have problems now with stacking... Read more

  • Allison Bentley

    I am interested in any development that affects the area that I live in, in particular any changes that will affect the road network.

  • Amanda Fisher

    I wanted to express my feelings towards the proposed plans for the Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange. Burbage Common has always been a special place for me, I have very fond memories of... Read more

  • Amy Margaret Smith

    This project is completely ill planned and situated in entirely the wrong location. This project is enormous and no amount of natural screening, light reduction, traffic measures or 'camouflage' will... Read more

  • Andrew Bools

    Having listened to some of the local engagement sessions, there seems to be a complete over statement of the benefits this will bring as a large percentage of the jobs ‘created’ will actually be jobs... Read more

  • Andrew Hilton

    I strongly object to this proposed project as a local resident. Within the vicinity there are already appropriately distanced freight exchanged that can service the required area despite the target... Read more

  • Anna Burgess

    The proposed Hinckley National Freight Terminal will destroy the natural Leicestershire countryside whilst affecting thousands of homes and the surrounding area. This development will massively... Read more

  • Anne Clarke

    Hugely concerned about the environmental impact this will have on the Burbage common nature reserve, in addition to the impact on the air quality, road traffic and general disturbance and pollution.... Read more

  • Antony Gordon Sales

    Is there a railway station, or halt, to service this facility?

  • B Pollard

    I have been following this proposal since its inception, and I am venomously opposed to it on all levels. Having engaged with Tritax personally at one of their local consultations, am I bewildered as... Read more

  • Vernon Francis Bailey on behalf of Bailey (Bailey)

    No demonstrable need for this development - simply a means to make money by unscrupulous business people who disregard the local information and try to over ride democratic council conclusions and... Read more

  • Ben Pearson

    Ruin the common. Increase traffic in and out. Most jobs outside the are. Heavy co2 when trucks will become hydrogen. Won't take lorries off the road. Shorter journeys yes, but can't see people picking... Read more

  • Bernice Walker

    Increased noise pollution 24 hours a day. Increased traffic problems on local roads, M69, M1 and A5. Possible Increased environmental pollution with lorries coming and going from the rail hub. Burbage... Read more

  • Blaby District Council (Blaby District Council)

    This Relevant Representation (”this Representation”) is made by Blaby District Council (”the Council”) in respect of the application made by Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited (“the Applicant”) for a... Read more

  • Brian John Cooley

    Concern about the overall development in the Burbage and Hinckley area generally. The 'proposed' railway hub will lead to a much increased traffic problem on the local roads and impinge on the... Read more

  • Briony Dowling

    10 existing/planned warehouse facilities within close proximity. Low unemployment in proposed area - this should be built in high unemployment area. Construction data very scant. Local roads will be... Read more