
The Sizewell C Project

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 876 to 900 of 1290 representations, newest first.

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  • New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) (New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP))

    New Anglia LEP would like to highlight our support for Sizewell C and the opportunity it offers to tackle the climate emergency and progress to ‘Net Zero’ while boosting the economy in Suffolk and... Read more

  • NHS Norfolk & Waveney CCG (NHS Norfolk & Waveney CCG)

    Our neighbouring STP including the NHS North East Essex Clinical Commissioning Group, NHS Ipswich & East Suffolk Clinical Commissioning Group & NHS West Suffolk Clinical Commissioning Group have... Read more

  • Nick Cook

    This plan in conjunction with many others, substations, larger wind farms all along the Suffolk coastal area will cause irreparable damage to the environment and local communities that is unthinkable... Read more

  • Ashtons Legal (Ashtons Legal) on behalf of Noble Representation (Noble Representation)

    1. We are Mike and Julie Noble and live at [Redacted] Along with our immediate neighbours’, our garden is probably old park land for the ancient [Redacted]. We wish to be registered as an interested... Read more

  • Olivia Trapp

    I believe this project is going to be an expensive environmental catastrophe in an already precarious area of outstanding natural beauty. Over the last 25 years I have visited and spent time living in... Read more

  • Orford & Gedgrave Parish Council (Orford & Gedgrave Parish Council)

    A majority of the Councillors wished for Orford & Gedgrave Parish Council to register an interest. Orford & Gedgrave are small outlaying villages wishing to understand what is going on with the... Read more

  • Pat Devereaux

    Nuclear power is too expensive Use wind and solar power instead Nuclear power causes waste Nuclear power is dangerous to the environment Nuclear power is not safe

  • Patrick John Donnelly

    1, Nuclear power is becoming more un-necessary due to wind wave and alternatives. 2, Proposal will overload local services including GP Surgeries and hospitals. 3, Proposal will damage Suffolk economy... Read more

  • Paul Collins

    I wish to raise the following concerns about EDF’s Sizewell C DCO Application; 1. The site is too small for a dual nuclear reactor installation and is well below the expectations of EN-6 2. Site size... Read more

  • Paul Jordan

    Sizewell C planning objection As a resident of East Suffolk I want to raise the following issues: The site is just wrong. An AONB. Next to reserves important for wildlife and tourism An area suitable... Read more

  • Paul Pengelly

    I believe it is the wrong project in the wrong place • Site at risk from climate change, rising sea levels and flooding; and construction could have impact on coastal processes • Site could become an... Read more

  • Paul Templeton

    I have lived close to the village of Sizewell for the past 22 years: 13 years in Aldeburgh (5 miles away), and now in Sweffling, less than 10 miles from the site of the proposed new nuclear power... Read more

  • Penelope Donnelly

    1. Nuclear power is no longer needed. Wind waves and other alternatives are available and safer. 2. The proposal will put enormous pressure on hospitals GP surgeries and all local services. 3. The... Read more

  • Peter Chadwick

    The application to build Sizewell C and D should be rejected. The negative impact of its building would greatly outweigh any benefits. EDF is hugely in debt and desperate to sell its new... Read more

  • Peter Ewart

    There are fundamental issues and problems developing Sizewell C which are complex and must be considered to future proof any type of build. 1.Site at risk from climate change, sea level rise and... Read more

  • Peter John Richard Watson

    I urge the National Planning Inspectorate (PINS) to recommend against the construction of Sizewell C and I list a series of objections to the proposal submitted by the DCO as follow: Despite the plans... Read more

  • Pro Corda Trust / Leiston Abbey (Pro Corda Trust / Leiston Abbey)

    Pro Corda Trust's representation focuses its concern as the charitable trust and business responsible for the running of Leiston Abbey, the acknowledged closest publicly accessible site to the... Read more

  • Professor Mike Cowling

    In my opinion EDF has failed to make the case for the Sizewell C (SC) across a broad front, in particular, in connection with the following issues: 1. Location • The Suffolk coastline is... Read more

  • R T Rainger

    The EDF SZC construction and subsequent operation will have a significant impact on the immediate locality and region as a whole. The DCO process only explores the impact of construction of the... Read more

  • Railfuture Ltd (Railfuture Ltd)

    Rectifying the Missing Legacy - submission to the Planning Inspectorate by Railfuture EDF Planning application reference: Book 6.10 Volume 9 Chapters 1-12 Summary of submission Railfuture is not... Read more

  • Rendham Parish Council (Rendham Parish Council)

    Relevant Representation for Rendham Parish Council on Sizewell C DCO 1. Rendham is a village on the B1119 between Saxmundham and Framlingham approximately 2 miles west of the A12 and 11 miles west of... Read more

  • Richard Alan Newnham

    Relevant Representation: 1. Traffic- increase of traffic using A12 and B1125 (through Westleton). Parking problems. 2 Pollution- increase in risk to residents and visitors 3 Maritime- lack of proper... Read more

  • Richard Bacon

    Dear Sir Sizewell C I wish to express my views / concerns on the Sizewell C project as follows : The noise, air quality and vibration issues of the additional HGV movements on the A12 The considerable... Read more

  • Richard Pirkis

    I would like to make the following comments regarding several issues with the proposals for Sizewell C Nuclear Power Stations The project will seriously affect an Internationally recognised site of... Read more

  • Rod Annandale

    Sizewell C is being built because of asserted benefits and inevitably there will be disbenefits - some short to medium term and some measured in decades and maybe centuries. A main benefit is supposed... Read more