Navitus Bay Wind Park

Section 51 advice

The list below includes a record of advice we have provided for this project.

There is a statutory duty, under section 51 of the Planning Act 2008, around an application or potential application. This includes recording the name of the person who requested advice and the advice given. This information has to be made publicly available.

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Showing 101 to 187 of 187 documents, newest first.

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  • View advice to John Lambon

    Query regarding developer's consultation

  • View advice to John Riddington

    Query relating to where to view the application documents

  • View advice to Peter Fenning

    Query relating to adequacy of consultation

  • View advice to Challenge Navitus

    Submission regarding adequacy of consultation

  • View advice to Tracy Sheldon

    Ms. Sheldon requested to register with the Planning Inspectorate as an interested party.

  • View advice to Steve Brine

    Correspondence relating to acceptance

  • View advice to Poole Borough Council

    Query regarding local authority status and adequacy of consultation submissions by a party other than the local authority.

  • View advice to Somerset County Council

    Query regarding receipt of letter by local authority

  • View advice to Chichester District Council

    Query regarding receipt of letter by local authority

  • View advice to Poole & Christchurch Bays Assoc

    Questions regarding the Planning Process and Adequacy of Consultation queries

  • View advice to Hampshire County Council

    Query regarding PINS guidance advising members of the public to make their concerns known about the Adequacy of consultation to local authorities

  • View meeting with Local Authorities

    Please see attached meeting note

  • View advice to Roy Pointer

    Query regardimng adequacy of consultation.

  • View advice to Worth Matravers Parish Council

    Concerns about the Inspectorate's future consideration of the Visual Impact information provided to date by developers for the Navitus Bay Wind Park development

  • View meeting with Navitus Bay Development Limited

    Project Update draft documents feedback meeting. Please see attached meeting note.

  • View advice to Alan Rayner

    1) Are you able to confirm that the "host" authorities for the purpose of s43 of the 2008 Act are:     a) Dorset county council as the upper tier authority.     b) East Dorset DC as the lower tier... Read more

  • View advice to Bill Hoodless

    There is a particular problem with how the consultation has been conducted by the company. Much information has been delayed, some of it is very relevant but even now unavailable and many company... Read more

  • View advice to David Gerry

    FAO Sophie Moeng. I refer to your e-mail sent to xxxx and dated 02.2013 and sent at 3.08pm. I note that a full set of documents(for the above application) will be available for the public to read... Read more

  • View advice to Navitus Bay Development Limited

    For the landscape and visual assessment, can consented projects that have not yet been constructed be included in the baseline or can they be included in the cumulative assessment?

  • View advice to Navitus Bay Development Limited

    Requested comments on draft Habitats Regulations Assessment documents

  • View advice to Cherrill Rance

    Ms. Rance requested to register with the Planning Inspectorate as an interested party.

  • View advice to Cllr. Tony Woodcock

    Cllr. Woodcock requested to register with the Planning Inspectorate as an interested party.

  • View advice to L A Bird

    L A Bird requested to register with the Planning Inspectorate as an interested party.

  • View advice to Bournemuth Borough Council

    Mr. Davies queried the status under the Planning Act 2008 of Bournemouth Borough Council in relation to the emerging application for the Navitus Bay Wind Park.

  • View advice to Bill Hoodless

    Could you advise please concerning the statutory consultees for this national infrastructure scheme? I am aware that there is Schedule One in S.I. 2009/2264 at... Read more

  • View advice to Mr. and Mrs. Holloway

    Mr and Mrs Holloway wrote to David Cameron the Prime Minister at his Whitney Constituency office with an accompanying e-mail to Christopher Chope MP regarding the proposed application for the Navitus... Read more

  • View advice to Patricia Charman

    Ms. Charman wrote to the Rt. Hon. Eric Pickles MP, Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, regarding the proposed application for the Navitus Bay Wind Park. The Planning Inspectorate... Read more

  • View advice to Bill Hoodless

    Is it acceptable for objectors to a wind farm to refer to their negative view of policy matters within their objections please? If not, would the Inspector strike out the entire objection as tainted... Read more

  • View advice to Poole & Christchurch Bays' Ass.

    Mr. Hoodless wrote on behalf of the Poole & Christchurch Bays' Association to the Department for Communities and Local Government (CLG) regarding the proposed application for the Navitus Bay Wind... Read more

  • View advice to Ann & Nigel Griffiths

    The Planning Inspectorate received an email comprising comments objecting of the proposed Navitus Bay Wind Park

  • View advice to Nigel Griffiths

    The Planning Inspectorate received an email comprising comments objecting the proposed Navitus Bay Wind Park.

  • View advice to Annetta Chennell

    The interested party made a phone request for information regarding how to make her views known regarding the proposed scheme.

  • View advice to Chris Goldthorpe

    I write to express my concerns about this proposed wind farm. My first concern is that this wind farm will destroy the landscape and one for the best view in England not just for now but forever.... Read more

  • View advice to Mr and Mrs A. Rogers

    An enquiry via post voicing concerns regarding the proposed scheme.

  • View advice to Ian White

    Whilst I have read the information on your website I am not totally clear on when, as an interested member of the public, I should register to express my objection to this proposed development. If I... Read more

  • View advice to Anita Chennell

    Dear Sir/Madam I want to know if your organisation has granted them planning permission yet to erect their proposed meteorological mast in Poole Bay. As Navitus Bay have in the past promised to... Read more

  • View advice to Roy Pointer

    Poole and Christchurch Bays' Association have serious concerns that the imaging used by Navitus Bay Development Ltd currently fails to provide valid pictoral descriptions and fails to pick up adequate... Read more

  • View advice to Mark Harris

    To our Councillors. I live in Tuckton and am now aware of the wind farm in ?Navitas bay? which will be right on our door step. I absolutely support 90% of the renewable strategies being laid... Read more

  • View advice to Roy Pointer

    Dangers to health from Wind Turbine Noise ? need for new Regulations The attention of the Poole and Christchurch Bays? Association (PCBA) has been drawn to potentially serious health dangers due to... Read more

  • View advice to Steve Davies

    The query in the correspondence relates to Local Impact Reports (LIR) and in particular: ~ the role, if any, of a LIR in representing the views of the wider community; ~ in setting out whether... Read more

  • View advice to and Mrs Seedall

    Dear Sir, We write to you as we understand you are consultees in the planning process for Navitus Bay Wind farm We would like to lodge our strong objection to the planned giant wind turbine farm... Read more

  • View meeting with Navitus Bay Development Limited

    Project Up-date between Navitus Bay Development Limited and the Planning inspectorate

  • View advice to Bryan Smith

    1) Is the applicant required to publish the results of consultation before submitting an application? 2) Is the applicant required to release data for the EIA before submitting an application?

  • View advice to John Whiffen

    Please see attachment

  • View advice to Alok Sharma

    Letter dated 3rd April from Mr. Alok Sharma MP to Ed Davey MP dated 03 April 2013 received by email by the Planning Inspectorate on 12 April 2013. Mr. Sharma's letter raised concerns on behalf of a... Read more

  • View advice to Margaret Perrins

    "I am writing to you regarding the siting of the Navitus Bay Wind Farm just 8 miles off the beautiful Purbeck coastline. The siting of this, world's largest, wind farm within sight of a large... Read more

  • View advice to M Perrins

    Mrs. Perrins addressed correspondence to Mr. David Cameron, MP. The correspondence was passed on to the Planning Inspectorate to deal with. Mrs. Perrins concerns related to the proposed Navitus Bay... Read more

  • View advice to A.I. Stonehouse

    A.I. Stonehouse raised concerns regarding the proposed Navitus Bay off-shore wind farm. In summary, the main concerns raised were: 1. In Holland no wind turbines have been erected less than 25 miles... Read more

  • View advice to Arthur and Shirley Rogers

    Mr. and Mrs A and R Rogers raised a number of objections in their correspondence. The following is a summary of the main concerns raised: 1. The proposed turbines will (i) stand 200 metres tall at... Read more

  • View advice to Ruth Neary

    Mrs. Ruth Neary raised a number of objections to the proposed Navitus Park wind park. A summary of the main concerns raised are as follows: 1. The cost of the windpark will be £3 billion+ and will... Read more

  • View advice to Alan and Shirley Frost

    I am writing to OBJECT STRONGLY to your (Navitus Bay Development Ltd) proposed development of a WINDFARM off the south coast of ENGLANDin CHRISTCHURCH BAY, DORSET. REASONS FOR OBJECTING ARE; 1.... Read more

  • View advice to Craig Giles

    I would like to record my objections to the proposed Navitus Bay wind farm off the coast of Swanage. It will ruin an area of outstanding natural beauty and have a dramatic effect on the local economy.... Read more

  • View advice to Crispin Read Wilson

    I am writing to express my opposition to the Navitus Bay Wind Farm proposal on a number of grounds. 1. I am not against offshore wind energy. However, I object to I the proposed siting of this... Read more

  • View advice to Ian Giles

    * Having seen your revised plans for the Navitus Bay windfarm my view is that it is an act of vandalism perpetrated upon one of the most attractive seascapes in the country. Any government allowing it... Read more

  • View advice to Ian Mackenzie

    I would like to make my objections to the windfarm development, I am involved in the fishing industry And have had a meeting with representatives from the windfarm development, Nothing from that... Read more

  • View advice to Kenneth Potter

    I am writing to express my and my family`s very deep concern about the proposed Navitus Bay Offshore Wind Farm. This will be a huge, multi point industrial structure in sight of one of the finest... Read more

  • View advice to Philip Dewhurst

    am writing to express my very strong opposition to the proposal to build a huge industrial wind turbine generation plant within sight of the UK's heritage site on Dorset's Jurassic Coast. ... Read more

  • View advice to R and Mrs T M Smith

    We wish to strongly object to the proposed Navitus Bay Windfarm, the vast off-shore windfarm planned for the Dorset coast, for the reasons outlined below: What is currently planned is much bigger... Read more

  • View advice to Robin Potts

    I am very strongly AGAINST this project in this area for the following reasons (NOT in any particular order): # Whatever Navitus Bay Development Ltd (NBDL) claim to the contrary, the strong... Read more

  • View advice to Roger Teugels

    I would like to register my concern about the proposed Navitus Bay wind farm project near the Isle of Wight. I am not opposed to wind farms in general, nor to the need for renewable energy resources.... Read more

  • View advice to Gordon Ineson

    Attention: Planning Directorate. I wish to lodge my strong objections to this proposed development, and request that you both record my views and place them on record. I base my objection on the... Read more

  • View advice to Janet Rule

    Dear Sir/Madam Re the Navitus Bay Wind Farm proposal - objection I am writing to strongly object to this development. We are recreational sailors, who enjoy cruising this area, and enjoy our... Read more

  • View advice to Peter Cameron

    Sir, As it is now accepted that the Earth has cooled over the last 15 to 20 years, why is there still an obsession with encircling our shores with huge turbines. This mis-guided policy is... Read more

  • View advice to Bill Hoodless

    Query relates to whether the Planning Portal Navitus Website can publish the minutes of a Hengistbury Residents' Association meeting of 21st September 2012.

  • View meeting with Navitus Bay Development Limited

    Project update and draft Development Consent Order (DCO) meeting.

  • View meeting with Local Authority Elected Members

    Planning Inspectorate outreach meeting with Elected Members to provide an overview of the application process, including advice on how to effectively engage and participate.

  • View meeting with Navitus Bay Development Limited

    Please see attachment

  • View advice to Mark Smith

    Clarification requested on the IPC scoping opinion process and how to have your say in the pre-application stage.

  • View advice to Mr & Mrs Smith

    To voice strong opposition to the proposed windfarm on the Dorset coastline

  • View meeting with Local Authorities Elected Members

    IPC outreach meeting with Elected Members re: process

  • View advice to Gilly Duff

    Please let me know how and to whom I should make this point in order for it to be taken into account in your proceedings - I think it is not sensible to site an offshore wind farm in an area with an... Read more

  • View advice to Eneco

    Clarification of indicative timeline for IPC part of process

  • View advice to Purbeck District Council

    Query relates to the status and description of local authorities under the Planning Act 2008.

  • View meeting with Local Authorities

    Inception meeting to discuss IPC process and role of the Local Authorities.

  • View advice to deputy leader of Christchurch BC

    Advice requested in regards to the consultation on the Statement of Community Consultation and the timeline for feedback. It was also queried who gets consulted on the scoping report and when the... Read more

  • View advice to Osana Price

    Is it possible for non-statutory consultees to participate in the IPC Scoping Opinion consultation?

  • View advice to Eneco

    Request information on relevant guidance for Statements of Community Consultation (SoCC)

  • View advice to Hampshire & IoW Wildlife Trust

    We note on your website that a scoping report has been submitted to yourselves in relation to the Navitus Bay Wind Park. We also note in the advice given you mention a deadline of the 21st October... Read more

  • View advice to Dorset Fire & Rescue

    Is it possible to extend the deadline for comments that form part of IPC's scoping opinon?

  • View advice to Andrew Langley

    Eneco have submitted their scoping report to the IPC under the Infrastructure Planning (Environment Impact Assessment) Regulations 2009 Regulation 8. Under the provisions of those Regulations, the... Read more

  • View advice to Borough of Poole

    A suggested amendment to the deadline for comments on the Navitus Bay Scoping Opinion by Borough of Poole as part of the revelant local authority grouping.

  • View advice to Bournemouth Borough Council

    Role of the local authority in discussing a draft Statement of Community Consultation. Seeking clarity in respect of the integration of IPC with the Planning Inspectorate. Seeking clarity about the... Read more

  • View advice to Anthony Vickery

    Correspondent contacted IPC asking for advice as to how to object to Navitus Bay Wind Park.

  • View meeting with Eneco

    Update meeting with Eneco to discuss progress and IPC process.

  • View advice to Kay Wright

    This large proposed wind farm has been reported in today's Southampton Daily Echo. It says a meeting is to be held in Lymington and refers to the windfarm affecting only the New Forest, however on... Read more

  • View meeting with Helen Cassini

    Meeting to discuss the proposed Isle of Wight Offshore Wind Farm project

  • View meeting with Helen Cassini

    Initial meeting to discuss the proposed Isle of Wight Offshore Wind Farm