Chwiliwch yn ôl yr unigolyn neu'r grŵp sy'n gwneud y cyflwyniad neu gynnwys y cyflwyniad.
East Suffolk has been my home all my life. I have seen, supported and benefitted from change but proportionate and generally improving the life and facilities of the area. This proposed sub-station is...
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In simple terms the impact of the wind farm and sub station development at Friston is too much for this small rural community. It seems extraordinary that the sub station cannot be located at Sizewell...
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I wish to object to the ScottishPower renewables planning application for the following reasons, The destruction and damage of the local area, including an AOBN. This covers a substantial area of...
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I support all the concerns raised and representations made by SASES and Friston Parish Council in respect of Scottish Power’s EA2 Project.
I am a firm supporter of th eneed to shift our energy policy toward renewables - but this proposal is not suitable for the area, on a number of grounds. Most importantly, the site imposes an...
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Response from the Alde and Ore Association (Registered Charity number 1154583) The Alde and Ore Association exists to protect for the public benefit the Alde, Ore and Butley rivers and their banks...
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Dear Examining Authority, RE: EAST ANGLIA TWO I wish to object to this ScottishPower Renewables planning application, for the following reasons: - Use of unspoilt countryside at Friston for substation...
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Dear Examining Authority I am appalled at the proposals for both East Anglia North One (10077) and EA North Two (10078) for the following reasons: - The Thorpeness cliffs are incredibly fragile, soft...
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This area of the Suffolk Coast and Heaths is an AONB and a unique area of the UK, attracting visitors from all over the country and from abroad. The proposed work involved will ruin, literally ruin, a...
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I am a Suffolk resident, and live and work in Sudbourne, near the coast of East Suffolk. I have been closely involved in planning matters in East Suffolk as a Parish Councillor, but wish to register...
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Thank for you the opportunity to comment on the East Anglia Two Offshore Windfarm project. Anglian Water is considered to be a statutory consultee for nationally significant infrastructure projects as...
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Whilst I support the development of renewable energy, I cannot support these plans. The development will irreparably damage the town of Aldeburgh, where we own a property we plan to retire to in a few...
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I do not understand why separate trenching is needed. Why cannot all companies be forced by legislation to CO-ORDINATE their actions and use the same trenching? I do not understand why off-shore hubs...
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The plan is obviously flawed. It will destroy a large are of pristine and unspoilt Suffolk countryside and blight the village of Friston and nearby properties. The electricity should be connected at...
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I wish to object to this scottish power renewables planning application for the following reasons The cumulative impact on local communitiies of up to 7 energy projects occurring consecutively over 12...
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The current plans for onshore infrastructure has a detrimental impact on the local wildlife, in particular, severing the Suffolk Coast and Heaths AONB and causing problems to migrating species and...
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Beach View Holiday Park is a tourism business located north of Thorpeness and south of Sizewell. The onshore development requirements of energy proposals along the Suffolk Coast demands serious...
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I have said similar on the other form... But the exact same points stand. I cannot believe that with all of the warnings and exposure of the importance of planting tress and conserving the natural...
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As a resident of the Suffolk Coast & Heaths AONB and part of a family that has worked for decades to conserve the rare Sandlings heaths, I question how it can be a suitable place to build...
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I live locally and play golf at Thorpeness. This development will have a big impact on my day to day life. Having read the non-technical summary I am very concerned. It seems to me the application has...
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I support the representation made by SASES and Friston Parish Council I object to the plans to build huge electricity substations near the beautiful village of Friston The substations are too big and...
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Campsea Ashe Parish Council support the representations made by SASES and Friston Parish Council. The cumulative impact of up to seven energy projects in East Suffolk will have a detrimental human...
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unsuitability and fragility of Thorpeness Cliffs use of unspoilt countryside at Friston Substations to dominate an area liable to flooding Destruction of ancient woodlands Light pollution Suffolk is...
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Re Planning Application for EA Two I wish to object to this planning application on the following grounds: -The deleterious impact of building the infrastructure necessary for this project over a...
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I object to the plans to build huge electricity substations near the good village of Friston. The substations are too big and too close to a small rural village, the development will swamp and kill...
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1 Damage to aquifers in Aldringham 2 Damage to aquatic environment in Aldringham 3 Lack of serious survey of rare insect populations in Aldringham, including glow worms and stag beetles in the...
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Dear Examining Authority, RE: EAST ANGLIA NORTH TWO I wish to object to this ScottishPower Renewables planning application, for the following reasons: - Cumulative impact on local communities of up to...
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Dear Examining Authority I am appalled at the proposals for both East Anglia North One (10077) and EA North Two (10078) for the following reasons: - The Thorpeness cliffs are incredibly fragile, soft...
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I spend part of my year living in Aldeburgh and Friston and I, along with thousands of others do not wish to have my lifestyle affected by blatant laziness and heavy-handedness of a huge energy...
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This proposal rides roughshod over Suffolk Coast and Heaths AONB with scant regard for the time, money and effort that has been spent creating one of the country's most important wildlife habitats....
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Totally unsuitable location on in ANOB except very close to Sizewell Power Station. Friston site for substation vastly impinges on village and community - noise and light pollution. Serious...
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i object because of; 1 Adverse impact on visual amenities of the area. 2 Massive impact of intensification of traffic on local roads. 3.Adverse impact of pollution, noise,traffic and loss of habitat...
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I am fully supportive of the offshore windfarm. However, I am totally opposed to the scheme as proposed as it will do irreperable damage to a beautiful, tranquil part of the country. Preservation of...
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I’m aware of the need for more energy in the future, but I can’t support the proposed plan Scottish Power Renewables has been submitted. I have been to the local public consultation exhibition in...
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I am 100% in favour of off-shore wind farms but I think that like most, did not expect that such large substations were required. In this case, the proposed locations are in a defined area of...
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- Cumulative impact on local communities of up to 7 energy projects - Unsuitability of Thorpeness Cliffs as site for landing cables - Use of unspoilt countryside at Friston for substation complexes...
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As a regular visitor to the region for many years, and with family connections going back to the 1950s I wish to object to these proposals , particularly on these grounds: * The damage to migrating...
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I find these proposals totally unacceptable due to the long lasting negative impact that it will have on an area of outstanding national beauty, the impact in the local residents in terms of the value...
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Great concern with regards the damage to a Nationally Protected Landscape
I don’t want to see our wonderful coastline carved up to make way for this, total eyesore and devastation of countryside and it’s wildlife.
I fully support the representation being made by SASES and Friston Parish Council. I have concerns relating to the following; * Onshore Ecology - loss of 30 acres of wild life habitat, loss of nesting...
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I object to the proposals in Scottish Power Renewables' application for a DCO for East Anglia Two, and agree with representations made by Snape Parish Council, Friston Parish Council, 31 other local...
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RE: East Anglia North Two I wish to object to the Scottish Power Renewables planning application for the following reasons: 1. The appalling impact on local communities of up to 7 energy projects over...
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Please see the letter provided with my views.
I do not object to offshore wind farms. I object to the onshoring of such capacity which causes despoliation to the countryside. SPR will construct one of the largest substations in Europe in the...
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I am writing to object to the Scottish Power Renewables planning application in the strongest possible terms. Although I fully support renewable energy, it seems to me that to desecrate a huge...
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Tourism is almost our only industry in this Suffolk Coastal rural area. This project with both its disruption to the area for the coming years and the damage to the countryside during building and...
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I am writing to you to object to the proposed Scottish Power substation in Friston. Although I support renewable energy, the decision making process so far regarding this project is seriously flawed....
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EA2 offshore windfarm – EIFCA relevant representation The role of Eastern IFCA is to “lead, champion and manage a sustainable marine environment and inshore fisheries” in our district, which extends...
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Dear Sirs DEVELOPMENT CONSENT ORDER (DCO), SIZEWELL East Anglia Two (EA2) and East Anglia One North (EA1N) Proposals Thank you very much for the opportunity to comment on the DCO for the East Anglia...
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Thank you very much for the opportunity to comment on the DCO for the East Anglia Two (EA2) and East Anglia One North (EA1 North) projects. EDF Energy Nuclear Generation Limited (NGL) has an interest...
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As a local resident and member of the local community I would like to register that I am completely against Scottish Power’s “onshore “ development proposals for EA1N and EA2 wind farm projects. These...
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I support the representation made by SASES and Friston Parish Council I object to the plans to build huge electricity substations near the beautiful village of Friston. The substations are too big and...
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Scottish Power Renewables – EA1N & EA2 I wish to object to this Scottish Power Renewables planning application, for the following reasons: 1. The destruction of homes and small Communities, to...
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Dear Examining Authority I am appalled at the proposals for both East Anglia North One (10077) and EA North Two (10078) for the following reasons: - The Thorpeness cliffs are incredibly fragile, soft...
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· The Landowners own land at Bulls Hall, lying to the west of Snape Road, Friston, Saxmundham. · The consequence of each DCO is that SPR is seeking to take some of their land at Bulls Hall to...
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I do not object to offshore wind farms. However I object to the onshoring of such capacity which causes despoliation to the countryside. SPR will construct one of the largest substations in Europe in...
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· The Landowners own land at Bulls Hall, lying to the west of Snape Road, Friston, Saxmundham. · The consequence of each DCO is that SPR is seeking to take some of their land at Bulls Hall to...
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This is an AONB and an intrusive development that will have a visual impact and also a significant impact on tourism which is a major employer and generator of money into the local economy....
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With regard to allowing landfall at Thorpeness and siting Substations for EA1N and EA2 so many miles inland from the coast, these are great concerns for us on two levels. 1. The devastating impacts on...
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I am a regular visitor to the Suffolk Heritage coast staying with friends who live near Friston. I do not object to offshore wind farms however I do object to onshore installations which will cause...
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I wish request that you re-consider the implementation of this project. Why not consider a ring main or brownfield site? Why ruin a further patch of our beautiful East Suffolk countryside? Is it not...
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As per my previous registration Destruction of environment Tourism Employment Wildlife Historic walks and hedges Archaeological digs on carried out at the significant places Noise Traffic
Dear Sir/Madam I would like to register as an interested party in the Examination of the East Anglia ONE North and East Anglia TWO offshore wind farm applications on behalf of Galloper Extension...
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I support the development of renewable energy resources and accept the role that offshore wind plays. But I object to Scottish Power Renewables' (SPR's) proposed onshore infrastructure associated with...
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I support the representations being made by SASES and Friston Parish Council. We object to the plans to build huge electricity substations near the beautiful, rural village of Friston. Along with many...
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I am a regular visitor to the Suffolk Heritage coast staying with friends who live near Friston. I do not object to offshore wind farms what I object to is the onshore installations which will cause...
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I wish to object to this ScottishPower Renewables planning applicationfor the following reasons: 1) There will be a cumulative negative impact on local communities of up to 7 energy projects occurring...
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I am objecting to this ScottishPower Renewables planning application, for the following reasons: ? Cumulative impact on local communities of up to 7 energy projects occurring consecutively over 12 to...
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I would like to make it very clear that I am in favour of offshore wind turbines BUT I object to the location of the proposed grid connection and substation at Friston because of the sheer scale and...
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This area is far too small to have up to 7 energy projects occurring consecutively over a period of 12 to 15 years. Thorpeness cliffs are fragile and unstable so not a suitable site for landing...
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I am concerned the proposed project will destroy an area of great historical and cultural significance. It is also an extremely beautiful area. I have seen no evidence that the project will help the...
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The proposed development will bring severe disruption and long lasting, if not everlasting detrimental effects to all the affected areas. Traffic chaos, noise, pollution, carbon emissions etc will...
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The infrasructure proposed near Friston is potentially disastrous for the economy of the surrounding area and it's inhabitants. There needs to be a more cohesive plan to deliver the eco energy we...
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I am deeply concerned that the implementation of the proposed plan will have a disproportionate negative impact on local communities, and that there does not appear to be a coordinated UK strategic...
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I do not believe that building these infrastructures so far from the coast is best for the area. The current nuclear / Gabbard entry points should be expanded to accommodate these facilities at...
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I endorse relevant representation by SASES, Friston Parish Council and Suffolk Authorities with specific reference to the objections to onshore proposals at Grove Wood, Friston, proposed location of...
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Dear Examining Authority, RE: EAST ANGLIA NORTH ONE (and EAST ANGLIA TWO) I wish to object to this ScottishPower Renewables planning application, for the following reasons: - (Redacted). The volume...
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I am against the proposal development for EA2 windfarm. Proposals will create severe damage and destruction to the Suffolk Coasts and Heaths AONB site and surrounding areas. Damage to wildlife and...
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I support representations being made by SASES and FRISTON PARISH COUNCIL HERITAGE listed buildings near proposed site why is substation so close to them? And the whole village National grid planning...
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Cumulative impact The impact of 7 known energy projects to be constructed in natural, unspoilt countryside have not been assessed competently environmental and economic disaster Siting of substation...
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I support the representations being made by SASES & Friston Parish Council. The site has been selected with no apparent attempt to plan how links will be made with the National Grid to minimise the...
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There needs to be a more coordinated policy governing the delivery of wind power. I fear the current proposals for onshore infrastructure will be disastrous for the local economy.
Dear Examining Authority RE: EAST ANGLIA TWO I wish to object to this ScottishPower Renewables planning application for the following reasons: * The unsuitability and fragility of Thorpeness Cliffs as...
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Please reconsider the road problem. Our part of Suffolk has narrow roads through villages. Your plans will ruin the lives of many residents. Can you not buy/rent farm land to build one wide road?...
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Dear Examining Authority, RE: EAST ANGLIA NORTH ONE (and EAST ANGLIA TWO) I wish to object to this ScottishPower Renewables planning application, for the following reasons: ? Cumulative impact on...
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I wish to object to the Scottish Power Renewables planning application for the following reasons: - the unspoilt and environmentally rich Suffolk countryside is not the right place to be putting the...
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I wish to request that there is a CO-ORDINATED approach to the scheme, not letting out contracts piecemeal. My town (Aldeburgh) relies heavily on tourism bringing money into the town on which a lot of...
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I am deeply concerned about the following aspects of the proposed works: The impact on local communities of up to 7 projects consecutively over a 12 to 15 year period. The threat of damage to...
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I object to the proposals in Scottish Power Renewables' application for a DCO for East Anglia Two, and agree with representations made by Snape Parish Council, Friston Parish Council, 31 other local...
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Large area of land being affected to bring cables inland Huge works and building in very rural area affecting residents and farms Affect of above on nature Totally unsuitable roads to reach the...
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I am a regular visitor to the Suffolk Heritage coast staying with my cousin and family who live near Friston. I do not object to offshore wind farms what I object to is the onshore installations which...
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I am a regular visitor to the Suffolk Heritage coast staying with friends who live near Friston. I do not object to offshore wind farms what I object to is the onshore installations which will cause...
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Dear Examining Authority RE: East Anglia North One I wish to object to this Scottish Power renewables planning application for the following reasons: Cumulative impact on local communities of up tp 7...
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I wish to object to this Scottish Power Renewables planning application for the following reasons: - Cumulative impact on local communities of up to 7 energy projects occurring consecutively over 12 -...
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I wish to object to this ScottishPower Renewables planning application for the following reasons: Impact on local communities of up to 7 energy projects occurring consecutively over 12 to 15 years...
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I support the representations being made by SASES and Friston Parish Council I object to the plans to build huge electricity substations near the beautiful village of Friston The substations are too...
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