
Sunnica Energy Farm

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Showing 1301 to 1325 of 1360 representations, newest first.

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  • Peter Spencer

    I object to this application. Sunnica will destroy our peaceful rural villages and the lives people have built here. I am not against solar, but I am a posed to it being located inappropriately. I... Read more

  • Peter Wilkin

    I agree we need more solar power as part of sustainable future, but shouldn’t we first cover our nations roofs and roadways with solar panels before having these solar mega projects that destroy our... Read more

  • Philip Davis

    I strongly object because on the following two issues. 1/ The sheer size of the overall scheme and the effect it will have on our commuity. 2/ The amount of agricultural land to be used, taking away... Read more

  • Philip Underwood

    Sunnica will significantly and irreversibly damage the beautiful countryside surrounding our villages and induce a drastic change of landscape completely destroying the value of our homes and land.... Read more

  • Rachel Davies

    The scale of sunnica is just too large, I’m all in for solar panels but just not on that scale. We need the country side too!

  • Rachel Jaggard

    I don't agree with Sunnica because of the risk to myself and my family, batteries are dangerous and cause a risk of toxic gases, loss of farmland and ugly fields full of solar panels filling up our... Read more

  • Rebecca Richards

    I am very concerned about the impact this project is going to have on the local area, an area I love and visit regularly. The sheer size of this project is going to be detrimental to all those living... Read more

  • Richard Coxhead

    As a local resident I am very concerned about this extreme development for the following reasons: - the solar farm is the largest in Europe and will change the landscape of this agricultural area... Read more

  • Richard Fusniak

    This project is so large as to interfere with potential agricultural land which is of vital needs to national needs with rapid climate change predictions liable to occur earlier than first... Read more

  • Richard Markwell

    I would like to oppose the Sunnica Energy Farm. Food Production Having been involved in farming all of my life and farmed in the area I can see first hand the value of the land in question for... Read more

  • Richard May

    I am concerned about the loss of prime farmland when it would make more sense to encourage people and businesses to have solar panels on roofs.

  • Richard Rice

    The existing and still being built solar farm systems around the surrounding areas, ie, Wicken, Stretham and Six Mile Bottom have already consumed too much prime arable land. A more suitable site is... Read more

  • Richard Savage

    I believe this will be the largest solar farm in Europe - it will detrimentally alter the locality. It is also on some of the most fertile land in the country. We already are unable to feed our... Read more

  • Richard Warburton

    I object to this scheme due to; - its location on productive farmland - its poor research into its environmental impact - its poor consultation process and no response to my consultation questions -... Read more

  • Robert Love

    I am a local resident to the development. My representations/concerns/objections are: Proximity to housing - visual impact. Proximity to housing - Safety - Proven serious fire risk with likely... Read more

  • Robert Shortland

    1. The lack of face to face consultation has been abominable. 2. The environment impact has not been fully ascertained. Information that has been issued to date is flawed. 3. The lack of cereals and... Read more

  • Roger Dicker

    1. The batteries are too near the houses in the villages especially as the safety procesdures are only a guestimate and have not been tested. 2 The application is simply too large and the building of... Read more

  • Rosalind George

    1. Areas of valuable agricultural land will be taken out of production 2. Our local infrastructure of small country roads and villages will suffer hugely during the years of construction. 3. Huge,... Read more

  • Sam Hawley

    Reasons I object to this development are as followed: - impact on good productive agricultural land, at a time when our food security is poor. - the disruption to village life during construction,... Read more

  • Samantha Harrison

    I object to the Sunnica site as it is detrimental to the environment and wildlife. it will effect traffic on the small roads in the surrounding area . It will use up farm land that we could need in... Read more

  • Samantha Hill

    The loss to our ever dwindling beautiful unspoilt countryside will affect everyone who lives within this area. You will be destroying our scenery and worst yet putting a large battery energy storage... Read more

  • Samantha Speed

    It’s a terrible idea of the local area and lasting impact on the countryside. It’s far too big and inefficient.

  • Sandra Bryson-Hill

    I am not happy with the way Sunnica has handled the application for Solar panels on land around Isleham, Freckenham,Chippenham, Snailwell, Fordham. They have not consulted with any of these villages... Read more

  • Sandra Desborough

    I would like to say I am not against solar energy as I know we need to provide alternative energy for the future. What I am opposed to is the sheer size of the farm on residents doorsteps which will... Read more

  • Sara

    I oppose the development based on the following points - Large numbers of vehicles on country roads - Battery storage a potential fire risk - Loss of greenfield land meaning habitats are destroyed for... Read more