
Sunnica Energy Farm

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1026 to 1050 of 1360 representations, newest first.

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  • James Fanshawe

    I have lived in Newmarket for 40 years and have been a licenced racehorse trainer for the last 31. I am reaching the later stages of my training career so my objection to the Sunnica development is... Read more

  • Jan Chilcott

    I strongly object to the Sunnica proposal as although I appreciate we need more renewable energy, the sheer scale of this project is devastating to the villages it will surround. Development of four... Read more

  • Jane James

    I object to this scheme for the following reasons: As a local resident, the potential dangers around the size of the batteries is a cause for concern. I understand they are capable of causing toxic... Read more

  • Jane Leitch

    Sunnica Registration – Objection Size & scale The size of the proposal is bigger than many of the village settlements it is surrounding. There will be a loss of the setting of these villages which... Read more

  • Janet Summers

    The Solar farm will destroy large tracts of countryside that is a haven for dog walkers and other users of this rural area. I am also very concerned about the safety of the battery farms, and the... Read more

  • Jean Mullin

    I am against this proposal for several reasons. 1. I am not convinced by the safety of the battery storage system 2. Newer technology will come along what will happen to the system, what plans are... Read more

  • Jean Whitaker

    1)The scale of the proposal requires an unacceptable loss of a non-renewable resource, our farmland. This adds to the cumulative loss from the current trend of over-development on green field sites in... Read more

  • Jennie McClure

    I have registered in order to object to Sunnica Ltd’s application to build a 2,500-acre solar and battery plant around our local villages. While there is an urgent need to find alternative and... Read more

  • Jo Boyd

    I am NOT against renewable energy, indeed I lived in one of the first solar assisted houses, however the scale of the proposed Sunnica site is too large, too close to dwelling and potentially... Read more

  • Joanna Priestley

    I have lived in this area all my life and to see the landscape changed forever will be very upsetting for me. The scale of this proposal is too large and spread out for the area and proximity to... Read more

  • Joanne Haffenden

    In view of the climate crisis, we need good green energy schemes, however the Sunnica solar project is not! We cannot afford to lose over 2,500 acres of greenfield land, it is highly productive... Read more

  • John C Taylor

    My objections to the Sunnica Solar Farm are: 1. Inappropriate Size and Scale: Solar farms have an industrial appearance but where they have been installed in smaller and more appropriately located... Read more

  • John Osborne

    The Land is too valuable (for food production), to be covered in panels. Residents should be encouraged to fit individual sets of PV panels to their house roofs. Large quantities of batteries in one... Read more

  • Jordon Millward

    Chiefly my representation is to ensure that any design of the site is best fitting with the ecological and social needs of the area. The risk analysis of the battery site chiefly being the most... Read more

  • Julian Campbell

    Size and Concentration. The proposed solar farm is too large and too concentrated, and as such will fundamentally change the nature of the local environment, from the rural environment we experience... Read more

  • Julie Seabrook

    I consider the proposed development to be totally out of character for the local landscape, be detrimental to the country living conditions and pose potential health concerns.

  • June Margaret Jenkins

    Moved [Redacted] to live near my family in Red Lodge 6 years ago. Had I known this scheme was in the pipeline I would not of done so. My concerns are: 1. The safety of the batteries near my home and... Read more

  • Kate Hogg

    Transport and access: There is a lack of evidence supporting assumptions made and conclusions to assessments provided and several impacts are not sufficiently assessed. Cultural heritage archaeology:... Read more

  • Katherine Stanier

    Suffolk being exposed to such a large ‘Solar’ plantation is just not feasible. Traffic safety being paramount our roads infrastructure cannot cope with the extra traffic especially with HGVs and... Read more

  • Katherine Stewart

    I object very strongly to the sunnica application. I came to Newmarket in 1985, married a racehorse trainer and spent endless time on the Jockey Club Estates gallops surrounding the town. In the... Read more

  • Kathleen Tilbrook

    I am against the use of arable land for solar parks. There are other options that are more beneficial and less damaging to nature, wildlife and agriculture.

  • Katie

    A, absolutely spoils our beautiful countryside, B , it will have a huge effect of my home it will devalue it ! C, health side effects with living so close to it

  • Kelly Beck

    I object to the Sunnica development. I am concerned on a few points in this development went ahead. The main points I am concerned about are: * the increase of traffic and road closures which will... Read more

  • L A Sampford

    1. At a time when this country needs food security, this scheme ‘consumes’ acres of prime agricultural land. 2. The storage batteries are a dangerous environmental hazard. 3. The scheme is more about... Read more

  • Laura Gilligan

    I don’t want a power plant in my back garden! I walk my dog in the area and don’t need it.