
Sunnica Energy Farm

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1001 to 1025 of 1360 representations, newest first.

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  • Emma Rixon

    I object strongly to the Sunnica development on the following grounds. Loss of beautiful countryside and devastating impact on the natural environment with the destruction of the natural habitat of... Read more

  • Felix Newport-Mangell

    As far as I understand there are still too many unanswered questions, raised by Cambridgeshire County Council among others, about the ability of Sunnica to deliver the project as it has been proposed.... Read more

  • Fiona Andrews

    I am against the plan due to - Visual impact. Increase in traffic. Too large.

  • Gary Maggott

    My concerns are, :carbon footprint creating scheme larger than carbon saving, :quality farm land being used should be used for food, :effect on wildlife, :no local employment benefit, :use of cheap... Read more

  • Gavin Davies

    I am strongly supportive of sustainable renewable energy schemes, I am opposed to the Sunnica Energy Farm for the following reasons: The location for this huge solar farm on prime agricultural... Read more

  • Gaz Jones

    I am very concerned about the environmental impact of this plan. It is not carbon neutral . It is very not green I am also concerned about the energy storage units. They are very unstable, and a fire... Read more

  • GDPR Protected 003

    I am 9 years old and I go to school with my sister who is 4 in Red Lodge. I don’t want Sunnica to build a solar farm near my school. We spend a lot of time in most of the villages that Sunnica want to... Read more

  • Gillian Holland

    I feel this will create visual pollution to this beautiful area. The construction will create a lot of traffic and dust with overall disruption to the area. We have animals and grow our own vegetables... Read more

  • Graham Reeve

    I have 2 main issues. Large scale solar farms on prime arable land is wasteful and short-sighted. There are many other energy generation options (even now) but very few alternatives for food... Read more

  • Graham Stack

    Future food production eliminated. Land permanently converted to contaminated industrial wasteland. Solar panels, storage batteries and associated infrastructure have an estimated service life limited... Read more

  • Graham Thompson

    I agree with solar power but not on this scale putting this on our fertile land is a disgrace

  • Graham Webber

    I am objecting to the application. I feel especially in the current climate we need to be as self sustaining as possible, so covering first class arable land in solar panels is not in the national... Read more

  • Fiona McGlone on behalf of Hascombe & Valiant Stud Ltd

    concerns relating to the sunnica proposal; area of beatiful land ideal for agriculture and horses. prime location

  • Hayley James

    I do not support the plans for the sunnica site. My concerns for not agreeing with this are: The proximity of the batteries causing dangers to homes and businesses I believe where will be a huge... Read more

  • Helen Bolton

    I support green initiatives done in the correct way. I feel that Sunnica is a get rich quick scheme that will provide more problems than those it states it solves. I have the following concerns with... Read more

  • Helen Taylor

    My objections to the Sunnica Solar Farm are: 1. Inappropriate Size and Scale: Solar farms have an industrial appearance but where they have been installed in smaller and more appropriately located... Read more

  • Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP (Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP) on behalf of HPUT A Limited and HPUT B Limited (HPUT A Limited and HPUT B Limited )

    Dear Planning Inspectorate This brief note, together with our letter dated 15th March 2022 sent by email under separate cover, are together the Section 56 Relevant Representation made on behalf of... Read more

  • Ian Finch

    I object wholeheartedly to the Sunica project planned for green belt land in the area in which I live. The project has not been properly thought through and Sunica clearly do not understand the... Read more

  • Ian Thorburn

    I object to this project because: 1. It cannot claim to be 'green' because the gains of low cost energy will be negated by the destruction of very productive farm land and jobs. 2. The project is far... Read more

  • Ian Wilkinson

    Increased HGV and other traffic through villages along with the increased emissions/pollution they will generate. Loss of arable land and its associated wildlife, and increased need to import foods... Read more

  • Jacqueliine Rushbrook

    This application for a solar farm is far too big. The land it will use is good agricultural land which we cannot aford to lose. In this country we are only 64% self sufficient on food and it needs to... Read more

  • Jacqueline Gordge

    I recognise that we do need solar plants, but my concerns and objections are in regard to the massive Sunnica Energy farm battery storage which is being considered in Burwell. 1. I note that Sunnica... Read more

  • Jacqueline Reed

    I object to this proposal for the following reasons: 1. Loss of greenfield land which is arable farming land. We need to become more self sufficient in food not reduce it. 2. Blight on the landscape.... Read more

  • Jade James

    I am objecting to this application based on the long-term implications of it. ?As the manager of a local village preschool, I am hugely concerned about the effects of this application on our local... Read more

  • Jake Priestley

    There will be road closures which will force me through Mildenhall town centre at rush hour or to the fiveways roundabout both of which are always busy in the mornings. Mildenhall is already... Read more