Chwiliwch yn ôl yr unigolyn neu'r grŵp sy'n gwneud y cyflwyniad neu gynnwys y cyflwyniad.
Green Energy when generated efficiently and cost effectively is to be embraced. This proposed project does not achieve either of these two objectives. Extending the pre existing windfarm off the south...
Darllen mwy
I am extremely concerned about the impact on traffic & air pollution through the village of Cowfold for the duration of this project. The A272 is already busy and often congested with traffic queuing...
Darllen mwy
Location and size of proposed sub station and associated traffic congestion.
I have grave concerns on the impact of an already extremely busy A272 that has many accidents over the course of the year being further impacted not only by extra traffic but the inevitability of that...
Darllen mwy
I strongly object to this proposal. Subsequent to the consultation, proposals and information has materially changed. The village was not properly consulted in the first place. Rampions proposal is...
Darllen mwy
Increase in traffic on the A272 which is already under strain, Cowfold double roundabouts will be gridlocked bringing an increase in accidents ,local single track lanes will be used as a substitute...
Darllen mwy
I object most strongly to the proposals. I do not believe the adverse impacts of Rampion 2 are outweighed by the benefits. Although living in the immediate vicinity of the proposed Oakendene...
Darllen mwy
Main areas of concern are exacerbation of already existing traffic congestion/air pollution, lack of consideration to the existing wildlife & hedgerows/trees & unsuitability of the roads suggested for...
Darllen mwy
The data, collected since choosing the Oakendene site, shows this area to be incredibly rich ecologically. It was the ONLY place in the whole project from coast to substation where otters or hazel...
Darllen mwy
Our concern involves the use of Greentrees Lane (which is a bridleway) for the access point to work-sites. 1) Most concerning to us (and doubtless to all users of both the A281 and Greentree Lane...
Darllen mwy
The A272 is a main route , always very busy and at peak times there is queuing traffic right along the stretch where the Rampion construction site will be. The loss of trees , hedgerows and...
Darllen mwy
My wife and I are opposed to the current proposals. The visual impact of the turbines being too close to the shore will ruin the view out to sea. Rampion 1 can be seen most days and that is unsightly....
Darllen mwy
I am concerned about the effect of the construction traffic on the A272 road delaying access to Bolney/Haywards Heath. I am also concerned about the tailback effect west of Cowfold on the A272 and at...
Darllen mwy
No proper consultation has taken place. Details communicated are inconsistent and there not trustworthy.
I object to the proposals I am genuinely concerned about the way the importance of the ecology at Oakendene and the northern end of the cable route through Cratemans and the Cowfold stream has been...
Darllen mwy
1. The Location: Whilst I fully support the need to bring on stream more renewable energy, wind farms need to located with sensitivity to the amenity and landscape of the local area. It is important...
Darllen mwy
This appalling project beggars belief in the supposition that it will benefit the UK and West Sussex in particular. An investment of £3Bn+ that has a projected efficiency of 35% meaning that it will...
Darllen mwy
I have registered on behalf of the East Beach Residents Association. Members have a number of concerns over the Rampion 2 Project. ? It is considered the size of the proposed turbines, much larger...
Darllen mwy
Dear Sirs, I would like to register my concern about the new Rampion 2 wind farm as a full time fisherman of the past 40 years based in Chichester harbour, I have fished the seas off Selsey and...
Darllen mwy
My comment is the Rampion 2 Application takes little account of the many adverse impacts on local residents living on the coastal strip along the populated Sussex Bay inshore from the western extent...
Darllen mwy
My main concern is over the siting of this proposed development. It is too close to the coastline rather than being truly offshore, the proposed construction is also so large it is going to have...
Darllen mwy
Our caravan is close to the northern border of the holiday park and as such will be close to the service road which is proposed as part of the Rampion 2 wind farm. We agree with the need for more...
Darllen mwy
The Crown Estate requests to be registered as an Interested Party in the examination of the Rampion 2 Offshore Wind Farm. Our interest in the project is that Rampion Extension Development Limited...
Darllen mwy
I object to the proposals. I agree with the views expressed by CowfoldvRampion , our community action group, and support the evidence they will provide. Traffic and Pollution in Cowfold Traffic in...
Darllen mwy
To express my deep felt concerns over Rampion 2 from an environmental point of view.