Rampion 2 Offshore Wind Farm

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Showing 176 to 200 of 425 representations, newest first.

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  • Lesley Mercer

    The disruption whilst the cables and everything else is being laid is not suitable for Climping. The inconvenience to road users, and especially the residents of Climping towards the sea, will be... Read more

  • Luke Michael Davies

    I object vehemently to the proposed substation at Oakendene/Kent Steet in Cowfold. The information submitted by Rampion, ignores and omits significant information/data which gives an inaccurate and... Read more

  • Mole Valley District Council (Mole Valley District Council)

    1.0 Introduction 1.1 Mole Valley District Council (MVDC, or ‘the Council’) acknowledges the Secretary of State’s decision (7 September 2023) to accept for examination the application for the Rampion 2... Read more

  • PETER William BALL on behalf of Mr & Mrs BALL (Mr & Mrs BALL)

    We are gravely concerned that the proposals for Rampion 2 are very misleading to the public, as it is described as an' off shore windfarm' when it is actually an INSHORE WINDFARM . We are also worried... Read more

  • Nicholas Barr

    Fantastic plans. Wind energy is clean, low maintenance and incredibly important for the reduction of reliance on fossil fuels. I live in Worthing with a sea view, I can see the existing wind farm and... Read more

  • Pagham Parish Council (Pagham Parish Council)

    Members are extremely concerned by the scale of the turbines proposed under the scheme. It was noted that on p51-60 of the Rampion 2 Wind Farm Category 6: Environmental Statement Volume 3, Chapter 15:... Read more

  • Lawrence Haas on behalf of Patricia King (Patricia King)

    To consider alternatives in a sufficiently robust way as is warranted on a proposed £3-4 billion investment, my comment is the Examination Authority could and should invite expert written and oral... Read more

  • Paul Carugati

    Projects of this size are not in keeping with a small village. The roads in the area are overcrowded already

  • Paul Lightburn

    I refer to the “Draft Development Consent Order (DCO) EN010117” and the supplementary “Notice of Acceptance of a DCO” which refers specifically to Plot Number 32/13, related to the Rampion 2 Wind Farm... Read more

  • Paulette Jane Northam

    I have already submitted my thoughts on Rampion 2 during the consultation process undertaken by Rampion 2 team in 2021 and had my submission acknowledged on 21 September 2021. I understand that post... Read more

  • Robert Finley

    Rampions preference to use Oakendene as their site of choice appears to have come about as a result of not communicating their proposals to the residents in good time for us to contest their decision,... Read more

  • Russell cochran

    As a local councillor for Worthing borough council I fully support this proposal in its entirety We need to switch our Energy to reduce our carbon footprint NOW the quicker this is built the better. i... Read more

  • Tarmac Marine Ltd (Tarmac Marine Ltd)

    Tarmac Marine owns and operates four marine aggregate dredgers that extract sands and gravels from areas of seabed offshore southern Britain, licensed by the Crown Estate and the Marine Management... Read more

  • William Davies

    Transport and Highways I strongly object to the proposed substation at Oakendene/Kent St because Rampion have failed to take account of the volume of traffic travelling along the A272 East of Cowfold... Read more

  • Alexander Allan Smith

    The current Rampion Windfarm stands proud towards the horizon south south east of Worthing and looks magnificent when in action. To my mind the sooner the second Rampion section is erected and in... Read more

  • Anthony Robin Tanous

    Proposed route in the vicinity of Washington and route via National Park. Preferable in my view to strengthen existing route via Shoreham

  • Bernard Baldwin

    I am concerned about the effect on the village and the A272 including the pollution caused by rampion related traffic. In addition the effect on the local countryside has not been fully examined

  • Brian Osterreicher

    my issue is on the outlook of the countryside landscape and danger to wild life and birds. Wind turbines will not stand the test of time but will leave a very big mess for the next generation to clear... Read more

  • Carol Bennett

    Not in favour of this. Already have a great many wind farms. I think we should diversify and look at hydro-electric and other options to provide a balance of sources. Migration of birds through the... Read more

  • Colin Wakefield

    It is a good idea and nesessary

  • diana allam

    I object to the expansion of Rampion 2 wind farm for various reasons. Here are some of my concerns. 1 this part of the south coast i.e. Selsey and the Manhood peninsula and surrounding areas was used... Read more

  • Elena Vlad

    Dear Sir/Madam I completely understand that we are in this century when alternative solutions are a must in order for our planet to survive longer and healthier and for this I totally support green... Read more

  • Emily Thorpe

    Draft Development Control Order (DCO) EN010117 and the supplementary Notice of Acceptance of a DCO Plot Number 32/13. My husband and I object to the above DCO in our capacity as owners of third-party... Read more

  • Jacqueline Cross

    I am opposed to this project. This project will have a huge detrimental effect on the area. Noise and light pollution in an area that is dark and peaceful. The kelp fields and sealife will be... Read more

  • Justine Langley

    My family and I are fully in support of this project. We need more wind power, both on and off shore. We do not mind the look of the turbines, in fact we think it’s a lovely addition to the view from... Read more