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There has been much talk about the Solar Panels such as ‘Size of the Development’, ‘Poor Consultation’, ‘Local Opposition’… The list goes on. I would like to add another thought. Our village of...
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I live in wonderful Rutland and we bought our house many years ago because of its BEAUTIFUL location, We enjoy having nature on our doorstep and its isolation from the humdrum of town life. We intend...
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I, as a Rutland resident, am in full support of Mallard Pass solar farm. As a country we are being repeatedly told we need to be more self sufficient when it comes to our energy production, whilst at...
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Use of compulsory acquisition rights. Dubious supply chains. Inadequate information regarding Windell Energy's competence. Inadequate avoidance of conflict of interest. Loss of agricultural land at a...
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As an active member and former branch chair of Amnesty International, I am extremely concerned about the plight of the Uyghur slave labourers in Turkestan, China who will be forced to build the solar...
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Loss of arable land, Serious impact on local wildlife, Local roads not suitable for the impact of heavy construction traffic, Health & safety issues regarding the storage of huge batteries & a general...
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Very concerned about the size of this proposed solar farm and the impact on the environment. It is far too large and will devastate this rural area. We totally oppose it.
Representation by Cadent Gas Limited (Cadent) to the Mallard Pass Solar Project Development Consent Order (the “DCO”) Cadent is a licensed gas transporter under the Gas Act 1986, with a statutory...
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I write with my objection to The Mallard Pass Solar Farm:- 1. This application should not even be considered due to this area being some of the best and most productive farmland in the Country 2....
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Size of Development: Mallard Pass would be by far the largest Solar Plant in the UK to date. Full and proper consideration is essential to assess the wider implications of the project. Poor...
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I object to the proposed development which is totally unsuitable for the location proposed, in terms of scale, impact on the landscape and amenity. There will be a detrimental impact on biodiversity...
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Loss of agricultural land for food production Huge change to local environment Huge disruption and traffic near school in Great Carterton Compulsory purchases of homes in Essendine Low output of...
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Reducing farming land Safety for children crossing road with increased traffic Removing rights on own property Noise pollution What happens if company goes bankrupt, who foots bill ? Who pays to...
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I would like to express my concerns over Mallard Park’s solar farm. Although I am well aware of the benefit of renewable energy, I find it unbelievable that anyone would consider using good arable...
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I personally am very worried about the huge impact this development is going to have on the local infrastructure & surrounding villages. The use of prime agricultural land is very concerning & the...
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The Cambridgeshire and Peterborough branch of the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE Cambs. & P’boro.) is an independent charity which works to maintain the thriving and beautiful countryside of...
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Loss of productive agricultural land. Very unsightly. Rather than spoiling open countryside should be placed in an already industrial area or on warehouse roofs utilising wasteful space.
I oppose the construction of the solar farm on many fronts. As follows: Size of Development: If constructed, Mallard Pass would be by far the largest Solar Plant in the UK to date. As such, full and...
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The proposed development will stop at least 5,000 tonnes of agricultural commodities each year being grown in the UK each year which currently is made into millions of loaves of bread. This is an...
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My main objection to Mallard Pass Solar Farm is the fact that many acres of productive farmland will be taken out of production. The February 2023 edition of the NFU’s farming magazine ”Countryside”...
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This proposed project will ruin the landscape, have a huge impact on wildlife habitat and valuable agricultural land. Houses are already being built in masses and we are in grave danger of losing our...
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We live in a current environment where the loss of essential agricultural land and replacing it with inefficient, short lived, un-recycleable, expensive ground cover using a company without relevant...
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Mallard Pass Solar Farm Proposal I do recognise the need for alternative, environmentally friendly energy solutions but vehemently oppose this Planning Proposal for a multitude of reasons, some of...
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I am concerned about the huge scale of the project which is an industrial scale solar plant inappropriately designed and disproportionate in response to the need for renewable energy. The loss of...
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I live near Oakham, Rutland, about 13 miles from the edge of the proposed development. In general I consider the development to be inappropriate in scale and location for a rural area which, over the...
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