
Mallard Pass Solar Project

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1051 to 1075 of 1223 representations, newest first.

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  • Trudy Templeman

    This proposed solar farm is far too large for this village - it should be in a remote area where is will not impact on people, wildlife and fertile growing land. Please reconsider re-locating where... Read more

  • Uffington Parish Council (Uffington Parish Council)

    Uffington Parish Council (UPC) wishes to register as an Interested Party and to submit a Relevant Representation regarding the Mallard Pass Solar Farm application. The Parish Council welcomes the... Read more

  • Vanessa MacKinnon

    The size of the development is far too large and will have a huge visual impact on the area. The construction traffic will bring lots of noise, dust and pollution to the area. The land is better used... Read more

  • Adrian Jennings

    I object to this development due to its size and scale on prime agricultural land and its visual impact in this beautiful area plus loss of the amenity use in this area and the construction works ,... Read more

  • Sarah Forsyth on behalf of Aleksandar Holliday (Aleksandar Holliday)

    I am the nephew of a Ryhall resident, and have many grave concerns about this project, which i have learned about through my friend. Construction issues: * 2 years of noise, light pollution,... Read more

  • Alex Brown

    My concerns are: Impact of 3m solar panels on quality of living in Essendine & surrounding villages. Impact on wildlife over a massive area. Loss of agricultural land: especially when due to... Read more

  • Alexander Walton

    Feel that the proposed project will have an extremely detrimental effect on the village of Essendine and the surrounding area whilst, more importantly, taking a vast area of valuable agricultural land... Read more

  • Alison Jones

    Size and removal of prime land for farming

  • Alison Pickering

    As a resident I strongly object to this application. The vast scale and its location, nestled amongst several ancient villages will cause traffic chaos on already congested lanes. It is planned to be... Read more

  • Amy Edwards

    I’m writing to register my interest in the Mallard Pass Solar Project and oppose it on the grounds of losing valuable farm land and green space in the local area. I drive on part of the proposed route... Read more

  • Amy Fynn

    I object to the size of the development and the negative impact locally on traffic. The consultation process has been abysmal with no engagement with the local community. The documentation is... Read more

  • Andrew Beamish

    Size of Proposal, Actual need and ability to perform: Mallard Pass if passed for Planning would be the largest Solar Plant in the UK to date. Full and proper consideration is required to assess the... Read more

  • Andrew Bembridge

    Very simply this is an action that, in future years, will be looked back upon as one of those decisions where the reaction to those responsible will be 'what on earth were they thinking'. The proposal... Read more

  • Andrew Croft

    The proposed solar farm will be less than 50 metres from our garden fence. The visual impact to the East and South will change forever the open views we now have and love. The main reason we chose to... Read more

  • Andrew Czajka

    Totally. Inappropriate in this village setting. It will ruin the community and cause chaos. Not sure the developer even has funding to deliver the project

  • Andrew Ferguson

    1. We are using good farm land, the UK is too dependent on importing food. 2. The origins and finance of the solar company are Chinese, it is of national security not to have our energy controlled by... Read more

  • Andrew William Jones

    Objections to the size of the proposed development its impact on wildlife and the removal of prime agricultural land

  • Angela Espin

    Size of Development which will blight the rural landscape. Loss of Agricultural Land. Loss of Natural Environment. Damage to Biodiversity. Solar Panel Glare. Detrimental effect on local Economy and... Read more

  • Anne Lesley Postles

    A colossal blot on the landscape which could be located in a less scenic and arable area eg disused quarries, land fill sites, disused airfields. It will have a detrimental affect on wildlife and the... Read more

  • Anthony Thomas Peowrie

    The idea of using productive farmland to host solar panels is so ridiculous that I can hardly believe the government is seriously considering it. At the current time, food security is more important... Read more

  • Ben Haines

    I am local resident on the outskirts of the development. I strongly object to the Mallard Pass Solar Farm project for the following reasons: - impact on the local community during the construction... Read more

  • Caroline Croxton

    I disagree with this application for the following reasons; Solar farms, and in particular ones built on land as in the proposal, have negative impacts on wildlife in several ways: Habitat loss: The... Read more

  • Charlie Ray Morris

    I object to the proposal as it’s not fit for purpose in this rural landscape . It will ruin the views and lives of the local residents. It is far too large a project for this area. Solar panels should... Read more

  • Charlotte Shek

    Building on BMV land 41% when should only be last resort enormous change to local landscape and on such a large scale with no benefit to the local area Disruption to traffic and local area

  • Cheryl Anne Williams

    I regularly walk in the proposed area of this development with my dog. I appreciate the wildlife, deer, hares and wildfowl which depend on this area as habitat. I am dismayed that this is proposed to... Read more