
West Burton Solar Project

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 151 to 200 of 354 representations, newest first.

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  • Malcolm Peden

    It is being built in a place of natural beauty

  • Peter Martin

    It is very misleading and wrong that the West Burton Solar Project is being considered in isolation. There are four projects, Cottam, West Burton, Gate Burton and Tillbridge Solar Farm Projects, all... Read more

  • Stow Parish Council (Stow Parish Council)

    As part of it lays in the Stow area I would like to register for the Council. I will know if there are any comments at the next meeting.

  • Caroline Connell

    Loss of countryside, green spaces and loss of good farmland. There are plenty of other more suitable sites that wouldn't be such a blot on the landscape.

  • Katrina Morton

    The West Burton solar project is now one of three applications that have been submitted and are at the pre-examination stage; a fourth application is in the pipeline, yet all of these are being... Read more

  • Laura Butt

    solar farms producing toxic materials which pollute the water systems. This can be a cause of health risks living near solar farm. Destruction of wildlife and agricultural land in a rural environment.... Read more

  • Michael Butt

    I believe the land should be used for growing crops for food which is good for the agricultural area that we live in which and has produced 1000 of tonnes for our supermarkets. Also the movement of... Read more

  • James Gemmell

    the project is far to large and could be placed on land that is not being used for farming for example the old power station land or the land on the old RAF Scampton about the same amount of land

  • Shelley Rapley

    These solar farms that affect 30 villages, mine included need to be considered as one. It is too vast a food growing area for them not to be. The loss of the land is of great concern to me, it is not... Read more

  • Lesley Elisabeth Worth

    At a time when our future food security is high on the national agenda, it is perverse to remove thousands of acres of Lincolnshire agricultural land from food production. Solar panels should be... Read more

  • Parochial Church Council of the Parish of Stow-with-Sturton (Parochial Church Council of the Parish of Stow-with-Sturton)

    By way of background, and for those not familar with the organisation of the Church of England, the Parochial Church Council is the statutory body, and a charity exempt in law, responsible for the... Read more

  • Mrs Christine Durning on behalf of Patricia Hammond ( Patricia Hammond)

    Loss of jobs in the agricultural sector, drop in house prices, Mental health, Dangers of lithium batteries to health and water supplies if there is a fire. Damage to wildlife and the environment. Loss... Read more

  • Pauline Margery Organ

    Although I appreciate the need for renewable energy, the need for food crops is greater than the option of covering thousands of hectares of very productive land with PV panels. They will reduce... Read more

  • Mrs Christine Durning on behalf of Susan Moody (Susan Moody)

    Loss of agricultural land, wild habitat, flora and fauna. 2500 Acres why pick on this area? We are totally surrounded by four company projects. There is a risk of battery explosion. Who disposes of... Read more

  • Jacobs U.K. Limited (Jacobs U.K. Limited) on behalf of Anglian Water Services Limited (Anglian Water Services Limited)

    Anglian Water Services Limited (Anglian Water) is the statutory undertaker for water and sewerage services in the application area. Jacobs U.K. Limited is supporting Anglian Water as an Interested... Read more

  • David Blanchard

    I wish to object to the West Burton plans. The proposals for the solar farms would be taking a large amount of valuable agricultural land at a time when the government is urging farmers to produce... Read more

  • Mark Prior

    Firstly, I am in favour of renewable power where it brings real value. Our company does work for several Round 3 and 4 offshore wind farm operators and I am installing solar water and PV systems to... Read more

  • Sandra Blanchard

    Having lived in Marton for 31 years I have a good knowledge of the surrounding area. Crops have been grown in the surrounding farmland which is now proposed to have these monstrosities installed,... Read more

  • Maureen Ann Allen

    Removing the hedgerows will not only be detrimental to wildlife. They act as a windbreak when using the road, they hold back snow in the winter and this makes the roads safer. When walking or running... Read more

  • Sue Round

    Arable land should not be used for solar farms. Arable land primary use is food production Industrial solar farming destroys our country side both during and after constructions. Having witnessed the... Read more

  • Tom Boast

    As a property owner within the area of the proposed solar farm, I am appalled at the sheer scale. It will decimate the beautiful countryside, take away crucial land for agriculture and not make much... Read more

  • Diane Lazell


  • Janice Waudby

    I am against the proposed solar farms. They will be detrimental to not only the health and well being of the people who live and work in these rural communities but also the wildlife that inhabits the... Read more

  • Julian Nowell

    I would like to be kept informed of developments with this project

  • Kenneth John Beecher

    I strongly feel that the prime agricultural land hereabouts should be used for food production and not solar powered energy generation. There are plenty of brownfield sites where solar panels can be... Read more

  • Laura Hoggard

    I am currently purchasing a property in the Marton area after wanting to move here many years due to its location. I am now aware of the plans with regard to the solar and this is now effecting... Read more

  • Peter Lazell


  • Christopher Brown

    Not happy with the amount of good farmland being taken out of production, the view from Lincoln cliff will be spoilt,I don't want another megawatt valley.

  • Forestry Commission (Forestry Commission)

    Thank you for consulting the Forestry Commission on this proposal. As the Governments Forestry experts, we endeavour to provide as much relevant information to enable the project to reduce any impact... Read more

  • James Hayton

    The West Burton 2 location is too near Saxilby. There are 230 more new homes which were not shown on the plans. The solar panels are too near these houses.There is planning for more houses even nearer... Read more

  • Linda Wiggins

    I object to this planning application as follows: The local beauty of the countryside will be tarnished forever The negative affects on the wildlife: The disruption caused on local roads whilst this... Read more

  • Margaret Hudson

    This is not the proper use of food producing land. Encourage more people and industry to put them on their roofs. If this goes ahead others will try. We will be surrounded by solar panels.

  • Nest Susan Lumsden

    Lincolnshire is an agricultural county, but, over 10,000 acres have been taken over to build these solar farms. There will be major damage to wildlife and the environment; substations, which are 13.5m... Read more

  • Phil Palastanga

    This development will destroy village life here. The whole proposed solar site is far too large and will remove valuable farming land from the food supply chain. There are far more suitable brown... Read more

  • Raymond Stansfield

    West Burton solar project. I live in [] and strongly oppose the West Burton proposals. The plans presented by the developers disguise the ‘on the ground’ effects of the panels surrounding my chosen... Read more

  • Samantha East

    I object to the devastating impact this land grab of farmland and agricultural land will cause to our ability to grow our food and will leave us vulnerable to relying on imports which has been shown... Read more

  • Susan Lee Chong

    Just a concerned resident from an agricultural, environmental and personal quality of life perspective.

  • Witham & Humber IDB (Witham & Humber IDB)

    Internal Drainage Board comments pertaining to watercourses within the Upper Witham IDB district.

  • Andrew Hancocks

    The Wet Burton and Tillbridge Solar project stand to desecrate our way of life. We have just completed building our forever home, built around a way of life and our views over the countryside, which... Read more

  • Charles Guy Anthony Casswell

    As an ex east Anglican I consider this scheme a disaster. Some of the best farm land in the UK sterilised for eternity for a quick fix for successive governments failure to provide adequate power for... Read more

  • Claire Louise Cooper

    This is some of the best and most productive farmland in the whole country and as we have recently had food shortages where are all the crops grown in these fields going to be grown?

  • Gregory Airey

    It will ruin the surrounding area. Wildlife will be affected as will the prices of our houses.

  • Helen Saxby

    I am registering my objection to Tillbridge solar panels plan. I object to all the proposed solar panels applications in this area of Lincolnshire. Far too many. This is an agricultural area.

  • Joshua Hedley

    The main issues with this development are the loss of good quality agricultural land when solar panels are much better suited on rooftops of warehouses or over car parks. I also have reservations... Read more

  • Liam Hill

    It is disgusting knowing there will be fields after fields of solar panels coving around a village full of wildlife. My main concerns is knowing these “eco friendly” solar panels will be manufactured... Read more

  • Michael James Dover

    I object to this solar PV project. This project is 1 of 4 huge solar projects in the area, they geographically in close proximity to each other & in total make up an area of circa 10,000 acres.... Read more

  • Robyn Broughton

    This will be opposite my house on a busy main road. I am worried about the constant noise of lorries and construction which will disturb me, my disabled family member who has constant sleeping... Read more

  • Victoria Quittenton

    I feel appalled that there is yet another large solar panel proposal for this area. There is absolutely no consideration for the habitat, residents are infrastructure. This is by no means the sunniest... Read more

  • Harry Waudby

    I believe that to use this land for solar as a total waste. I currently farm some of this land and achieving high yeilds with minimal inputs. We are all noticing food shortages and yet we allow land... Read more

  • Ian Birch

    The scale of the project is too big and concentrated in too small an area. Loss of farmland and removal of hedgerows is unacceptable with detrimental ecological effect. Visually the solar farm will... Read more