
Cottam Solar Project

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 176 to 200 of 555 representations, newest first.

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  • Michael Timson

    Environmental impact to land and wildlife Visual eyesore Abuse of farmland when food produce has to be imported to feed the country’s demands Increases flood risk of local area Impact on my land and... Read more

  • Pete king

    Main issues of concern is the increase traffic and the infrastructure to cope

  • Phillipa Jones

    Prime agricultural land is being used up. We’re experiencing shortages in supermarkets currently and rather than think ahead to pre-empt we’re repurposing the land. There are better alternatives,... Read more

  • Simon Paul Barker

    I object to wasting valuable arable farm land. I object to the industrialisation of countryside with no clear debated benefits whatsoever

  • Victoria Gurnhill

    See attached

  • Alexandra Schimmel

    Concerns over impact to natural habitat, day to day living standard. That alternative solutions have not been thoroughly investigated and that this is the ‘ease’ option

  • Margaret Schaffer

    We should not be losing farming land

  • William Faulkner

    To whom it may concern, I am writing to notify you that I do not support the current solar project concerning Cottam power station. The current plans do not consider anyone in the path of the project.... Read more

  • Christine Walker

    I am opposed to the Cottam Solar Proposal. I do not wish to have the beautiful Lincolnshire Countryside spoiled by this solar project. I believe a higher priority should be to ensure that all new... Read more

  • Clare Ella

    I am pasting below the response that I sent to IGP during the PEIR consultation phase. In order to prepare that response I spent many hours reading their published documents. Due to the unfathomable/... Read more

  • Cllr Jessie Milne on behalf of Cllr Jessie Milne

    As the Councillor for Lea ward, I write in support of many elderly people and everyone in my ward on the impact this application will have if it goes ahead. Loss of Livelihood of Tenant Farmers, Bed... Read more


    Dear Sir/Ms, COTTAM SOLAR PROJECT - UNACCEPTABLE USE OF NOTTINGHAM & LINCOLNSHIRE FARM LAND My wife and I are extremely concerned of the application to the Planning Inspectorate to develop a Solar... Read more

  • Maria Prior

    Whilst I am not in principle against renewable power, the plans for this solar farm and the combined solar desert it is part of makes no sense. The land for this proposed site is highly productive... Read more

  • Michael Thomas Sinclair

    I object to the this project in the strongest terms for the following reasons : Loss of a massive area of productive farmland. Associated loss of food security Loss of Environment & visual amenity... Read more

  • Nigel Sneath

    The huge amount of high quality and yielding grade 3b land being potentially taken out of production when the world politically is unstable, That wind power should be increased substantially. Solar... Read more

  • Carlsen James Hawke

    Supportive of solar development as part of the nation’s renewable energy mix. But concerned at the scale of Cottam when considered alongside the other solar developments in the area, in particular the... Read more

  • Carol Lynn Harrison

    This is just the first of four Solar Farm applications in my local area totalling 10,000 acres and affecting over 30 parishes. These four should be looked at as one, although they are at different... Read more

  • Christopher Paul Turner

    I am broadly in favour of this project and therefore hope you give it the go ahead. We have to do something about climate change, and reducing CO2 emissions, however small the reduction, has to be... Read more

  • David Mitchell

    I’m concerned that this proposal will be taking away prime agricultural land.

  • Anne Catherine Fieldsend on behalf of Fieldsend (Fieldsend)

    We believe that the project is far too large for the area and will affect our lives. We do believe in solar panel energy but this is way beyond feasibility. The installation alone will be so... Read more

  • Helen Marris

    I am writing to you in opposition to the Cottam Solar Project. When I first heard about the proposed solar farm, I thought what a good idea putting a solar farm on the old power station site. That was... Read more

  • Katherine Powell

    I would like to object to this project taking place, I have great concerns over the effect it will have on the wildlife living in the area

  • mdpc - Planning Consultant (mdpc - Planning Consultant) on behalf of KNIGHTWOOD TRUST FARMS LIMITED (KNIGHTWOOD TRUST FARMS LIMITED)

    My clients own farmland immediately to the south of Torksey Ferry Road directly south of Cottam Power Station. Their northern field boundary directly abuts the red line boundary of the order limits at... Read more

  • Margaret Skelton

    I am a regular visitor and have family that live in the middle of the Cottam solar project which many people thought was to be built at the Cottam power station site. Misleading promotion? The outlook... Read more

  • Philip Harrison

    This project is one of four within sight of our home, together they will form a three mile corridor along the A1500 and A156 so surrounding our village. Views towards Lincoln will be removed and the... Read more