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Before you make a lazy decision based on financial information only, please think, think harder, think compassionately, think about the actual real impact of this proposal. • Do you really know how...
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Before retiring I was a Registered European Engineer, Chartered Engineer, Member of the the Institution of Civil Engineers and the Institution of Engineering Technology (via Membership of the...
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I think planning for the proposed development should be refused. I grew up in Bishopton and went to the village primary school. The school playground looked out over green fields and though I may not...
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The Byers Gill Solar Development ("the development") is strongly opposed. I invite the Examining Authority to consider the following main reasons in opposition: 1. Amenity a. The development would...
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I object to good agricultural land being used as a solar panel site.
Impact on wildlife and spoil the natural beauty of the area
I am wholly against and strongly object to the proposal to develop another solar farm in the area surrounding Great Stainton. I have personally observed the construction of a solar development,...
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I object to good agricultural land being used for solar panel sites. Solar panels should be located on brown field sites.
I don’t contest to this solar panel site.
This proposed project is absolutely criminal. The areas that these solar farms will be built upon are of outstanding beauty. I have been brought up in this area and at 26 years of age I am currently...
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I strongly object to the Byers Gill Solar Farm Project for the following reasons: 1. Loss of good agricultural land. I have lived in the village for 41 years and, over this time, the land designated...
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1. Visual impact The land required for the proposed development is currently open countryside, which provides beautiful unrestricted views across green fields and woodland from residential properties,...
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I am fully against this proposed development. We already have numerous other solar farms that have been passed within a 5km radius of the village, Gateley Moor, Long Pastures and Whinfield to name a...
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I strongly object to the development of the Byers Gill Solar farm. As someone deeply passionate about the outdoors, wildlife, and nature, I know the area and often spend time with family friends in...
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This project is wrong. It will decimate this area and with its construction turn it into an industrial plant. Planned industrialization on this scale is a National issue and anything but green. My...
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Firstly I would like to stress that I am strongly opposed to the Byer’s Gill Solar Development. My family have farmed at Great Stainton for decades and decades, presently my Brother farms the family...
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I live in Darlington but grew up in Great Stainton for sixteen years. My parents still reside there, and I visit them weekly. They designed our family home to embrace the surrounding natural greenery,...
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I do not support Byers Gill Solar Farm The negative impact on the local area and residents during the construction Phase and if approved the operation activities Increase in traffic and congestion on...
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I am completely against the idea of this solar farm as I think it will be a cause of major disruption to the lives of every person who travels on the road between Darlington, Sedgefield, Aycliffe,...
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I oppose the Byer Gill Farm Development The horrendous visual affect of over 2600 acres of solar farms will completely destroy our lovely villages and the pleasure of living in this area Permanent...
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In February 2021, National England issued the GUIDE to assessing development proposals on agricultural land. This included LPAs using the NPPF to make decisions about the natural and local environment...
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I strongly disagree with the proposed solar farm because I think it will devastate the area which is renowned for it’s natural beauty and abundance of wildlife I love to walk in the area with my...
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I’m against this because they look terrible as you travel from Darlington when you see them from the road side the one between Great Stainton and Aycliffe Whitfield Solar farm is an eyesore and the...
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I, along with my partner, moved to Bishopton 14 years ago into our forever home (we are now both late 60’s). The reason we moved here was that we love quiet village life and feel very lucky to be able...
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