
Byers Gill Solar

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Showing 226 to 250 of 553 representations, newest first.

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  • Patricia Husband

    It will loose the beauty countryside

  • Colin Bradley

    It will spoil the skyline

  • Tracey Crang

    It will spoil the skyline view

  • Philip Greenan

    I object to the proposal on the following grounds: As a regular visitor to Bishopton village to take countryside walks and visit the two public houses in the village, I object to the beautiful rural... Read more

  • Sarah Greenan

    I wish to object on the following grounds: As a regular visitor to Bishopton village the replacement of the natural scenery for a field of glass would ruin the views of the village and deter myself... Read more

  • Andrew MacDonald

    I live directly adjacent to the site of the proposed solar ‘farm’ and will be significantly impacted by the sight of development as it will be ever present when I look south; I will be significantly... Read more

  • Catherine Stephenson

    Will look ugly, spoil the environment. No thought for long term. (How to recycle when end of life, the land will not be used for feeding the country for many years to come. )

  • Gemma Kelly

    I object to the proposed plans to install another solar farm in the surrounding areas of Bishopton village as it will completely destroy the natural beauty of the area. I have been looking at moving... Read more

  • Hilary Marsden

    I have no issue with solar power in general however some of the good agricultural land being proposed for the Byers Gill in this rural area near Brafferton is too close to housing and will be clearly... Read more

  • Karl Adamson Ridley (Karl Adamson Ridley) on behalf of Karl Adamson Ridley (Karl Adamson Ridley)

    If the aim is to hit NetZero with CO2 reduction, ‘the science’ is telling us we must reduce our oil and gas consumption. I’m all for alternative forms of energy and progress, but not this way. This... Read more

  • Laura Stephenson-Davies

    I oppose the solar panels farm because there is no consideration for the food supply for future generations. Farmers are being forced to do this to make ends meet rather than making a good living by... Read more

  • Rodney Stephenson

    Good land being spoilt and will not be used for crops to feed the people for many, many years if ever. a blight on the landscape, all for making loads of money in the short term. No thought for future... Read more

  • Hugh Bence

    I strongly object to the Byers Gil Solar Farm proposal. I fully support the use of green energy projects, having invested in woodland, biomass central heating and domestic solar. However, this project... Read more

  • Samantha Pilkington

    I object to the proposed development as it will change the character of the area around Bishopton, where I live. Currently I can take exercise by walking and cycling along country lanes that are lined... Read more

  • Anita Jane Stephens

    The proposed solar farm planning application threatens to alter the landscape and disrupt our way of life irrevocably. As a proud resident of this historic community, I strongly oppose the development... Read more

  • Jacqueline Cooper

    Im objecting to the use of good farmland for large scale solar farming when new houses and other building roof tops can be used.

  • Mrs Ann Taylor

    I most Strongly object to the proposed construction of an industrial sized solar farm, Byers Gill site will encompass the whole of the small rural village of Bishopton. The site will sit on 2000 acres... Read more

  • Paul Rogers

    My concerns are firstly the proximity of the proposed solar farm to housing in Brafferton. I’m sure there are other areas that are further away from dwellings that could be used, as looking at the... Read more

  • Peter Robert Stephens

    As someone who grew up in Great Stainton, the news of a proposed solar farm development strikes a chord of deep concern and sadness. I strongly oppose the proposed solar farm, as it threatens to... Read more

  • Gordon Desmond Roberts

    The impact to the surrounding area in having fields turned into unsightly solar farms and the effect on the environment/ landscape and wildlife.

  • jean hetherington

    the wild life in byers gill and woods near by will be fenced off so there will be no wild life

  • Judith Twentyman

    As a committed environmentalist, working in biodiversity conservation, I am keen supported of environmental stewardship and sustainability, and in this capacity I object most strongly to the proposed... Read more

  • Tim Ellis

    uk needs food not more sometimes work energy more money on wind or solar its adding billions to our bills..gas or nuclear..stop this land grab now..

  • Jacqueline Gregory

    * the land to be used for this scheme is currently productive arable land which will be a loss to the UK food production. Government policy is that large schemes should use lower value land * the... Read more

  • Lucinda Tindale

    I wish to object to the Byers Gill Solar Farm because I do not think that prime agricultural land should be used for solar power projects. The scale will change the character of the area and cause... Read more