
Byers Gill Solar

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 51 to 75 of 553 representations, newest first.

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  • Colin Scarisbrick

    As a regular visitor to the area it will dramatically affect the character and ambience of the locality. The area is prone to flooding and recently suffered from local disruptions due to excess... Read more

  • David Terence Sudworth

    The destruction of viable agricultural land

  • Graham Benjamin Wise

    20% of our immediate area has been earmarked for solar panels. The impact on our country's food production could be severe in future years if good land is used for solar power and no account of the... Read more

  • Mary Angela Wood

    As a resident of Bishopton I wish to object to this proposal on the following grounds- Too close to residential area, plans show that these solar panels will be situated directly next to our village... Read more

  • Patricia Gowan

    I am not in favour of the proposed solar farm

  • Heather Dawn Marks

    I think Bishopton will be surrounded by solar farms which will impact on our visual outlook, also i dont think solar farms should be on prime land which can be used to grow food and grass to graze... Read more

  • Edward Fletcher

    Project is too large for such a small village and impact will be significant and long term

  • Eileen Fletcher

    This proposed development is too near a village school and takes too much arable land

  • Jack Harper

    Local resident, generally in support of the scheme for environmental reasons. Registering an interest to keep up to date on plans. Particularly interested in impacts on / improvements to rights of way... Read more

  • Julian Paul Hewison

    REASONS FOR NOT APPROVING RWE PROPOSALS FOR SOLAR FARMS and information from the NPPF provision paragraphs As a general rule, it takes about 200 acres to generate the same electricity by solar panels... Read more

  • Karen Anne Hewison

    REASONS FOR NOT APPROVING RWE PROPOSALS FOR SOLAR FARMS and information from the NPPF provision paragraphs As a general rule, it takes about 200 acres to generate the same electricity by solar panels... Read more

  • Lynsey Oman

    The proposed Byers Gill Site C, D, E and F and the small section south of Coal -Bank will completely surround the village of Bishopton which is a conservation area. 6 sites is approaching 2000 acres... Read more

  • Peter Philip Bland

    This project will not benefit the communities most closest to it. The sheer industrial scale and visual impact of this project and the harm it will do to the natural character of the area and local... Read more

  • Pauline Elizabeth Magee Bieniasz

    My concerns are the use of prime agricultural land, in close proximity of a rural village, a blot on the landscape, the increased traffic during construction the flooding in the proposed area due to... Read more

  • Alison Younger-Cooper

    I have several issues and concerns with the proposed Byers Gill Solar Farm. Firstly, and possibly the most important, solar farms are already known to be an inefficient use of land, the amount of... Read more

  • Andrea Jones

    Byers Gill on its own is a massive solar farm proposal in a very small geographical area impacting many communities in the disruption in its construction as well as a significant negative visual... Read more

  • Andrew Corry

    This project should not be permitted to proceed any further. The consultation process has been poor with poor communication and poor disclosure of details. The resistance to this project is almost... Read more

  • David Leak

    I strongly object to this development The visualisations provided by the applicant are not representative of the actual end result. For example on visual 26b Mill Lane. the visualisation after 10... Read more

  • Elizabeth Leak

    I object to this development The proposed development won’t benefit the local community. The power generated by the solar panels will go straight to the national grid – this will not be a source of... Read more

  • West House Livery (West House Livery)

    The area is currently enjoyed by horse riders who keep their horses on one of the 3 livery yards on Mill Lane Bishopton. The solar farm development would turn a pleasant and rural area into an... Read more

  • WH Equine Group Ltd ( West House Trailers) (WH Equine Group Ltd ( West House Trailers))

    The area is currently enjoyed by walkers, cyclists, local residents, and those travelling from further afield. The solar farm development would turn a pleasant and rural area into an industrialised... Read more

  • Catherine Mary Brannen

    My day-to-day quality of life will be affected significantly due to this project. During the construction phase the daily use of heavy goods lorries on roads inadequate to take said vehicles. In the... Read more

  • Claire Gilson

    Make sure that land is not prime agricultural land taken out of production. Grade 3/4. Visibility. Security. Impact of installation on local already damaged country roads.

  • John Peter Lyne

    I object to the Byers Gill Solar Farm. In case I cannot subsequently add to this my main point are: As I understand any large infrastructure project such as this requires local support which this... Read more

  • Joseph Eric Brannen

    I know my quality of life will be affected both in the shorter-term installation phase and when the sites become officially operative. This is due to several factors including noise from the battery... Read more