
East Yorkshire Solar Farm

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 76 to 100 of 377 representations, newest first.

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  • North Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service (North Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service)

    Grid Scale Battery Energy Storage System guidance issued by the National Fire Chiefs Council should be applied to the design of the project

  • Office of the Rt. Hon. Sir David Davis KCB MP (Office of the Rt. Hon. Sir David Davis KCB MP)

    In short, the proposal is too large, too concentrated, and has been too neglectful of the rights of my constituents. The plans as I have last seen them cover a total of 3,470 acres of farmland with... Read more

  • Ouse and Humber Drainage Board (Ouse and Humber Drainage Board)

    I am registering on behalf of Ouse and Humber Drainage Board, an Internal Drainage Board whose district includes the development area. The Land Drainage Act 1991 and local Land Drainage Byelaws apply,... Read more

  • Yorkshire Wildlife Trust (Yorkshire Wildlife Trust)

    Yorkshire Wildlife Trust may wish to comment on the proposals, particularly in relation to the proximity to statutory and non-statutory designated sites, such as SAC's SPA's, Ramsar (and any land... Read more

  • Anne Salisbury

    Do not build on top quality agricultural land. There is a shortage of good land in the UK. Existing brownfield sites should be exhausted first. all new build houses and industrial units should have... Read more

  • Jane Hutchinson

    The proposed development would ruin this rural agricultural area. The visual impact and size of the development and also the damage to wildlife would impact for the worse for miles around

  • Lesley Rose

    I'm sure there are many places to site solar panels, other than farmland. I'm led to believe that they can be placed anywhere that don't interfere with nature, wildlife or the growing process

  • Stephen Paul Lunn

    1. The site maps provided appear to indicate that hedges on Spaldingington Road (10/45)and Willitoft Road (10/43) which form the southern and western boundaries to my property will be destroyed. This... Read more

  • Anne Bretherton-Hulson

    We live myself, Anne, my husband [Redacted] and our son [Redacted]. Our property and land look directly and are adjacent on two sides to the proposed Solar farm and will be as far as we can see... Read more

  • Anne-Marie Dunn-Webb

    The solar panels will cover agricultural land, which could be used/continue to be used for crop growing. The huge height of the panels will be an eyesore in our beautiful village areas, which I... Read more

  • Anthony David Scott Warren

    I support the need to move to renewable energy, but this should not be at the cost of destroying valuable farm-land used for crop production. Solar generation should be mandatory on all warehouse... Read more

  • Barry Philip Carpus

    The damage to the local infrastructure will be considerable during the building phase, large trucks will be using B- roads and lanes that only currently carry local traffic and many of the lanes are... Read more

  • Celia Joyce Scott Warren

    Whilst I support renewable energy projects where appropriate, I am totally against the proposed project as it would cover an extremely large rural area where there are no brown field sites. The... Read more

  • David Grant Clayden

    Concerns at: (1) The taking of prime agricultural land which we need for food production. We should be using either brownfield sites or preferably existing roofs of houses and buildings where... Read more

  • Fiona Helen Sidebottom

    One of the main reasons our customers visit our touring caravan site is for a peaceful quiet time and have lovely walks/ bike rides in our beautiful countryside and to enjoy the wildlife habitat.... Read more

  • Adrian Mallinson

    A lot of farmland is going to be lost and the energy that will be generated is only a tiny fraction of what is used in this country. This area is already losing land due to housing developments and... Read more

  • East Riding of Yorkshire and Kingston upon Hull Joint Local Access Forum (East Riding of Yorkshire and Kingston upon Hull Joint Local Access Forum)

    Outline of comments that will be submitted by the East Riding of Yorkshire and Kingston upon Hull Joint Local Access Forum. • The East Riding of Yorkshire and Kingston upon Hull Joint Local Access... Read more

  • Gaynor Whitton

    I am seriously concerned about the disruption, the noise, the traffic on narrow roads, the mess, the destruction of habitat, the use of productive farmland, the impact on local families, the impact on... Read more

  • Martin shirbon on behalf of Mrs Mary Shirbon (Mrs Mary Shirbon)

    We as a family are massively worried about this monstrous industrialisation of our beautiful countryside. Just the fact it’s in the planning process and a very real possibility is very distressing and... Read more

  • Nicola Jimenez

    I object to the solar farm. the impact on the area will be devastating for local the local farming, food supply, the wildlife which include great crested newts and the energy is not... Read more

  • Nigel Haycock

    The impact upon open green spaces around the area will be reduced along with a reduction in viable farming land. An increase in vehicular maintenance vehicles upon the local infrastructure which... Read more

  • Peter Lewis

    Height of the solar panels at the roadside. Fencing off to wildlife across the scheme. Tunnelling of power cables under the River Derwent. Extra transport on the B roads in the area. High hedgerows to... Read more

  • Anne Laudage

    It will spoil and destroy a pristine countryside environment. We are blessed with a lot of wildlife in our area and there are not many places left for nature. Do we need to further reduce the little... Read more

  • Christof Laudage

    There will be a huge impact on wildlife in an environment already under stress. We must also avoid at all cost to loose any more productive agricultural acreage. To much food needs to be imported... Read more

  • Colin Gavin Webb

    I am concerned with the upheaval to traffic and the total loss of good Wheat growing land. I demand compensation for all village people effected by the above to be paid after the proposed finish date... Read more