
East Yorkshire Solar Farm

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 51 to 75 of 377 representations, newest first.

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  • Julie Hill

    This project is way too big and I do not feel the area should be used. We are about to have a huge development of housing to the north of howden and this solar farm will impinge on the landscape even... Read more

  • Maurice Downey

    I am concerned that arable land, vital to the ongoing need of UK to growe food, will be lost to develpment when there is an abundance of brown field sites and unusable land more suitable to the... Read more

  • Paula Pearse

    It will change the area from agricultural to industrial. Impacts and damage on the environment and wildlife have not been adequately considered. Impacts on local roads and access will be huge during... Read more

  • Philip Andrew Cotton

    I have serious concerns about the size and the scale of the project - my house is one of the most impacted as it will be surrounded on 3 sides by the development; the views that are part of the... Read more

  • Rachel Parrish

    I feel that the solar farm will be a big mistake and have a massive impact on the local area, the noise, all the extra traffic on the roads which are single track and is already a cut through,... Read more

  • Robert Falkingham

    The UK needs more green energy if we are to have any chance of reducing CO2 emissions. This scheme is on poor farmland in a very flat area, so is easily screened. A 2m high hedge adjacent to a road... Read more

  • Sheryl Cookson

    I fully support solar & solar farms, I have had solar panels myself for many years. However, I strongly feel that no land should be given up to solar farms when most roofs are left empty. It pains me... Read more

  • Christopher Reid

    The area in already to Drax, various wind turbine clusters and bio-plants, the later of which has destroyed rural roads and led to heated meetings. Now we are faced with more construction followed by... Read more

  • David Fielder

    The application is far too big and no consideration appears to the devastating effects of this rural area

  • EYSF-GDPR001

    I don't want you to build solar panels because.. this is a nice country side were we can go walking and have fun with our animals and pets. There are also animals that live in those fields and It wont... Read more

  • Jeremy Fox

    The impact on property prices is unfair to the residents. Some properties will become unsellable due to the vastness of this scheme. Surely, it would be better to build a wind farm at the north end of... Read more

  • Joanne Bernadette Clarke

    I had absolutely no correspondence from the developers or any Councilors regarding said proposed solar farm and I found out from some kind local person who had the initiative to drop a brochure... Read more

  • Mr Carl Pearson

    Size of the development, Spaldington will be surrounded. Impact on health, have age young and old and heart and breathing problems in household. Impact on house prices. Impact on wildlife particularly... Read more

  • Mr William Fawcett

    Impact on a very small village, surrounded by solar panels. Impact on health, we are elderly. Noise from development, impacting every day driving past house. Impact on roads. Noise and safety from... Read more

  • Mrs Amy Nasar

    I am concerned about the impact on the local area and roads. Howden's road network is already at its limit and has too many HGV's going through on its narrow roads. I am concerned that it will change... Read more

  • Mrs Christine Fawcett

    Impact on a very small village, surrounded by solar panels. Impact on health, we are elderly. Noise from development, impacting every day driving past house. Impact on roads. Noise and safety from... Read more

  • Mrs Joanne Pearson

    Size of the development, Spaldington will be surrounded. Impact on health, have age young and old and heart and breathing problems in household. Impact on house prices. Impact on wildlife particularly... Read more

  • Ms Charlee-Jo Pearson

    Size of the development, Spaldington will be surrounded. Impact on health, have age young and old and heart and breathing problems in household. Impact on house prices. Impact on wildlife particularly... Read more

  • Me and my family. (Me and my family.) on behalf of Oldfield (Oldfield)

    Uses agricultural land when lots of brown field land is available. Completely unsuitable for the area. Increased traffic on rural roads.

  • Stephen James Ferrari

    I am still rather aggrieved at the total closure of the Coalfields. I acknowledge that electricity has to be generated somehow. Windfarms are probably the best way, providing sufficient can be built.... Read more

  • Kenneth Berry

    I strongly object to the proposed Boom Solar Farm due to: 1.The very large size of the proposed development is totally inappropriate for a site so close to residential properties of the rural... Read more

  • W McCann

    I object to this proposed project as it will negatively impact on the surrounding villages and the narrow, quiet country roads.

  • Geoffrey George Joseph Taylor

    We have heard today that food from the EU will probably cost more. Wars in many parts of the world increase the cost of, or prevent the import of, food and yet we are blindly using valuable farm land... Read more

  • Graham Falkingham

    In favour with some sensible screening it is well situated and a large area is not visible from many dwellings . This development is definitely needed to help stop climate change and help the... Read more

  • Mike Fisher

    Concerned about the views from public highways and the scale of the project giving an industrial feel too beautiful rural area