
Bramford to Twinstead

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 76 to 100 of 138 representations, newest first.

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  • Fiske Farms and Fiske Lands Trust (Fiske Farms and Fiske Lands Trust)

    1.Lack of suitable consultation since the revival of the project particularly the provision of inadequate maps 2.Lack of proper engagement with landowners and lack of recognition of their detailed... Read more

  • James Harris

    There has been a lack of consultation since the revival of this project, and a lack of proper engagement with landowners, of which I am one. The proposed line is going to emerge from the ground in one... Read more

  • Joanne Lesley Elliott

    This project is close to where I live in an area I drive through regularly. I am concerned about the long term impact of multiple infrastructure projects on our countryside and our ability to go about... Read more

  • John Duncan Irvine Bennett

    The consultation has been fundamentally flawed. The engagement with landowners has been piecemeal. NG took advantage of Covid, using it as an excuse. Questions on Teams Calls were not read out and NG... Read more

  • Little Maplestead Parish Council (Little Maplestead Parish Council)

    To: The National Grid By email: RE: BRAMFORD TO TWINSTEAD REINFORCEMENT Dear Sir, I would like to introduce myself: I am the Chairman of the Little... Read more

  • Stour Valley Underground (Stour Valley Underground)

    Stour Valley Underground (SVU) is a local community group established on the Essex side of the Stour Valley in 2009 focussing on protecting and enhancing the rural landscape from industrialisation.... Read more

  • Ann Roberts

    I fully support all the comments made by the group Stour Valley Underground. My main concerns are that there has not been proper consideration to the option to take power lines round the coast. This... Read more

  • Frank Thorogood

    • Lack of suitable consultation since the revival of the project. • Lack of proper engagement with the landowners • No proper consideration of undergrounding in areas where there will be a... Read more

  • Malcolm Frost

    Regarding plan ID: NG-BTNO-OPT-69-PLAN-1 You have highlighted an area on my property and submitted a lease offer. I refuse this offer on the following grounds. This area is my only access point to my... Read more

  • Mead Farms (Mead Farms)

    You have highlighted a section of road/ margin next to my land (Plan 9525). This strip contains a hedge bordering my land which i maintain. I do not give my consent for you to carry out any works on... Read more

  • Patricia Prosser

    We oppose more pylons through the Suffolk countryside. In particular, a new longer pylon route is planned north of Ramsey Wood in Hintlesham, thereby encompassing the woods on three sides. This route... Read more

  • Joyce Georgina Evans

    Re: Lack of consultation since revival of project and National Grids Provision for Associated Developments etc. As follows: .No time scale clarified regarding removal of 132Kv pylon from my land and... Read more

  • Michael Donald Evans

    I strongly object that the Development Consent Order if agreed to can authorise compulsory acquisition of my home and land. I strongly object to the removal of my independent thoughts of controlling... Read more

  • William Alexander Bryce

    There has been no suitable consultation of this project. The landowners affected have not been engaged with directly to any proper degree. Undergrounding has not been considered enough where there is... Read more

  • Alphamstone & Lamarsh Parish Council (Alphamstone & Lamarsh Parish Council)

    1. Alphamstone & Lamarsh Parish Council proposes measures to mitigate further the disruption to habitats and dwellings, particularly Hill Farm House at the northern end of Moat Lane. Alphamstone &... Read more

  • Burstall Parish Council (Burstall Parish Council)

    The Bramford substation, its connected infrastructure and other related developments are within the Bramford and Burstall parish boundaries. This infrastructure complex is also visible from parts of... Read more

  • Brown & Co (Brown & Co) on behalf of D P Nott & Sons (D P Nott & Sons)


  • Dedham Vale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and Stour Valley Partnership (Dedham Vale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and Stour Valley Partnership)

    These Relevant Representations are made on behalf of the Dedham Vale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and Stour Valley Partnership. This un-constituted Partnership is made up of around 20... Read more

  • Francis Prosser

    Summary of key points • Inadequate consultation process. • Flawed environmental and ecological arguments. • Discounting of a preferred better and cheaper route option which resulted from consultation.... Read more

  • Hadleigh Town Council (Hadleigh Town Council)

    Hadleigh Town Council's Planning Committee are concerned about these proposals due to the damage to the environment that this will cause. Although we appreciate the work is required the work should be... Read more

  • Judith Ewing

    All lines should go under the sea.

  • Mrs Helen Neal

    Previously we were advised that all site traffic would be using the temporary haul road and that Henny Road would not be used for site access. However my concerns now are the potential use of Henny... Read more

  • Nick Miller

    ALPHAMSTONE Submission to Inspectors July 2023 - Nick Miller BA (Biology), volunteer conservation advisor REQUEST FOR NATIONAL GRID’S APPLICATION TO BE REFUSED LWS = Local Wildlife Site, NG = National... Read more

  • Oliver Gwinnell

    These works will impact my residential property, I would like to be kept informed

  • Pami Nixon

    The project comes very close to Henny Farm and I have concerns about the impact it may have. Would it be possible for someone to come to the house and explain it?