
A303 Stonehenge

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  • Mark A Jenkins

    This is an ancient site that has been there for thousands of years. Therefore it is a site of historical importance. I feel from the past examples of your workforce's carelessness, they not only under... Read more

  • Mark Barnett

    I object because i believe salsbury plain is a national treasure which should be protected for future generations.

  • Mark Brookes

    This is an area of unparalleled historic and archaeological significance for the UK as well as being meaningful on a global level. Discoveries are constantly being made and we now understand the site... Read more

  • Mark Jones

    I have been very interested in, and very highly value, all sites with ancient human value for most of my life, man and boy (I'm in my fifties). The Stonehenge Landscape is supreme among these, and... Read more

  • Martin Kilbey

    I believe that only a deep long tunnel will preserve the underground natural structures surrounding the site; the risk of excessive artificial drainage, the fracturing of shallower strata will... Read more

  • Martin Southwood

    I object to this scheme because I believe that it will cause great and lasting damage to one of the most valued archaeological sites in the world. The scheme is sacrilege in every sense of the word.

  • Martin Whillock

    The whole area for many miles around Stonehenge contains historic evidence going back 5,000 years. It has been disturbed too much already during the last 100 years. No further major construction... Read more

  • Matthew Chart

    As a world heritage site I am concerned about irreversible damage to it and it's setting from the current scheme. Unesco advisers state this scheme should not go ahead and I support their view. I am... Read more

  • Maxine Symons

    This is an incredibly important site. We have to take the utmost care of it. There is no second change to get this right.

  • Megan Hitchens

    The Stonehenge WHS is of international significance and extends out into the landscape, not just the main Henge. A tunnel under this landscape will destroy undiscovered archeology. It will cause light... Read more

  • Melanie Roxby-Mackey

    Once this cultural resource is gone, it's lost forever. The scheme will cause irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’ ... Read more

  • Michael Brown

    I am very concerned about the damage that will be done to a WHS, both to the landscape and archaeology. The landscape is as important as the monument. UNESCO’s international advisers recommend that... Read more

  • Michael Hudson

    Most UK archaeology societies and specialist archaeologists, together with UNESCO and its international advisers, say the scheme should not go ahead in its present form as it threatens the wider... Read more

  • Michael Owen

    I oppose the proposed planning proposals as they will cause irreparable damage to the world heritage site and need to be re thought.

  • Michael Sackin

    The road would • destroy unique ancient heritage • it threatens rare bird habitats, in particular those of the great bustard and stone curlew • contribute to climate change by generating more... Read more

  • Michael Smith

    I am most concerned at the potential and irreparable damage to the archaeology and setting of the UNESCO and WHS, its setting, in accordance with UNESCO advice. My concern also extends to the Blick... Read more

  • Mike Efstathiou

    That alternative solutions have not been presented. That irreparable damage will be done to the WHS. That the construction method of the proposed tunnel will destroy part of the WHS. That the... Read more

  • Miss L V Jones

    To desecrate the land surrounding Stonehenge and to isolate, more than it already is, Stonehenge itself, to take away its power and loneliness as it was set in the landscape, is to ignore its... Read more

  • Mr J Simpson

    The current proposal will cause irreparable harm to ancient and invaluable archaeological sites, as well as damaging the environment of a World Heritage site. Too many national and international... Read more

  • Mr Peter J.Higgs

    I do believe the tunnel and subsequent road works should take place at Stonehenge. Should the new road scheme be really required it needs to be built away from the Stonehenge area and complex and... Read more

  • Mr Roy Park

    The proposed expressway will attract even faster, noisier traffic than at present, and inflict irreversible damage on a unique, internationally significant landscape.

  • Mr Stephen R Pugh

    I object to this due to the damage already caused to a site of Historic Importance. Not only has damage been caused to Blick Mead Mesolithic site, but even UNESCO's advisors disagree with this plan. I... Read more

  • Mrs Catharine Sharples

    The proposed scheme has been judged by many experts, including UNESCO and local parties such as the Wiltshire Museum in Devizes, to be extremely damaging to a wide area of archaeological and wildlife... Read more

  • Mrs Charmaigne Jones

    Please learn from the irreparable damage caused to other very important and unique sites of the world by irreverent and destructive roadbuilding. This particular roadbuilding scheme is wrong on so... Read more

  • Mrs Crowther

    The archaeology lost by this planning can never to regained. I object strongly to any tunnel. I travel along the A303 regularly and there are often bigger hold ups beyond Stonehedge towards Mere, so... Read more