
A303 Stonehenge

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Showing 401 to 425 of 2370 representations, newest first.

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  • Colin Taylor

    This is an ill-conceived scheme that will cause irreparable damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’ UNESCO’s... Read more

  • Coral Reynolds

    The Stonehenge World Heritage Site is a unique and priceless landscape, so important to us for so many different reasons. The damage to the site caused by the building of the expressway could be... Read more

  • Dario Gerchi

    This plan would cause enormous damage to this invaluable World Heritage Site. In fact UNESCO is advising that the scheme should not go ahead in its present form. It would also make the Stones... Read more

  • David Brown

    This development is within a site and setting that is unique, described by UNESCO as 'a landscape without parallel.'. 'There are not two Stonehenge.' It is just simply not known what lies in the... Read more

  • David Cavany

    stop the tunnel you are desecrating an ancient sacred site

  • David Chapman

    I remember when one could wander at will among the stones at Stonehenge and realise that it was a privilege to do so. I know that time cannot return, but the site, in protecting it, has been... Read more

  • David Cockshoot

    There has been a great need to build a modern and effective road past Stonehenge for a very long time. The A303 is a vital trunk road and is so often bottle-necked near to Stonehenge. I am strongly... Read more

  • David Hazell

    I am greatly concerned that the current A303 road proposals will have a damaging effect on the Stonehenge ancient monument because: UNESCO’s international advisers have said that the scheme should... Read more

  • David Higgins

    Much of the World Heritage Site's beauty and value is in landscape as a whole so the current proposals would do irreparable damage. The plan does not mitigate the risk of disruption to rare... Read more

  • David Mee

    Words fail me that you can contemplate any further works near Stonehenge

  • David Miller

    This is a reckless development in an area of such national and international significance for understanding our past.

  • David P Marson

    The main point I wish to make is that I know the tunnel has to be built but it has to be long enough to eleminate traffic noise from the monument and that no part of the road, cuttings and associated... Read more

  • David Rawlins

    This is a very sensitive site; unless it is handled very sensitively a lot of our past will be destroyed. A team of archeologists should oversee all work, and have the power to stop any further work.... Read more

  • David Watts

    I want the A303 alterations to fully protect Stonehenge and all the surrounding area for future generations.

  • David Wilson

    The proposed development should be refused consent because the scheme will inevitably damage the integrity of a World Heritage Site, destroy important archaeology not only at Stonehenge but the... Read more

  • Deborah Evans

    The proposal will do untold damage to a National Treasure and World Heritage Site. While other neolithic stone circles exist in these Islands, Stonehenge is unique and must not be damaged.

  • Denis Parrett

    I am the Flood Warden for Shrewton and look after the community as regards the River Till and Ground water levels and as such am concerned about how the said road improvements will effect our... Read more

  • Denise Corlett

    This is an internationally important archaeological site, nothing like it anywhere else in the world. It's a huge part of our culture and we should be doing everything in our power to preserve it and... Read more

  • Derek Pitman

    Stonehenge is a world known historic icon. It must be preserved and its integrity maintained. The 21st Century must be kept as far away as possible from its doorstep. I am conscious of my heritage... Read more

  • Diane Murphy

    This is a rare , ancient historic site and should not have any type of invasive work done near it . This will threaten the stability of a world heritage site and shows contempt of our heritage. The... Read more

  • Don Church

    The proposals will destroy irreplaceable archaeology, severely damage a World Heritage Site (indeed the proposal has been condemned by UNESCO), and does not suggest any alternatives that lie outside... Read more

  • Doran Waclawiak

    This is an internationally recognised area of major historical and archealogical significance. It enhances national prestige and brings increasing tourism revenues. The proposals treat this area as if... Read more

  • Dr H Kean

    As a historian and heritage academic I am concerned about potentially inappropriate issues being raised in this context of national heritage and history.

  • Dr Robert Insall

    Any proposed scheme should avoid damage to the whole World Heritage Site, so precious and unique. The current proposed road scheme damages significant areas of the Site.

  • Dr. Chris Tonge

    The Stonehenge area contains one of the most complete ancient landscapes in Britain. To fully comprehend any part it requires an understanding of the whole. The preservation of the integrity of the... Read more